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X-ray Data & Catalogues

 X-ray Catalogue
Sky coverage

X-ray images


Diary of Chandra observations of CDF-S
Obs. ID Obs. Date Exposure Time
Roll Angle Aim Point Count Rateb
1431-0... 1999 Oct 15 24.983 47.28 3 32 29.4, -27 48 21.8 0.980
1431-1... 1999 Nov 23 92.807 47.28 3 32 29.4, -27 48 21.8 0.7846
441... 2000 May 27 55.727 166.73 3 32 26.8, -27 48 17.4 0.6812
582... 2000 Jun 03 129.869 162.93 3 32 26.8, -27 48 16.4 0.6984
2406... 2000 Dec 10 29.564 332.18 3 32 28.4, -27 48 39.3 0.668
2405... 2000 Dec 11 59.363 331.81 3 32 29.0, -27 48 46.4 0.670
2312... 2000 Dec 13 123.212 329.92 3 32 28.4, -27 48 39.8 0.6528
1672... 2000 Dec 16 94.564 326.90 3 32 28.9, -27 48 47.5 0.6589
2409... 2000 Dec 19 68.719 319.21 3 32 28.2, -27 48 41.8 0.6570
2313... 2000 Dec 21 129.937 319.21 3 32 28.2, -27 48 41.9 0.65487
2239... 2000 Dec 23 130.250 319.21 3 32 28.2, -27 48 41.8 0.674

a Effective exposure time after cleaning bad aspect interval and high background intervals (about 8800 s are lost due to high background).
b Count rates on four ACIS-I CCD (0.5–7 keV).

   X-ray Catalogue

To detect sources in the Chandra Deep Field South we ran a modified version of the SExtractor algorithm (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) on the 0.5–7 keV image. This modified detection algorithm is several orders of magnitude faster than the wavelet algorithm of Rosati et al. (1995) or WAVDETECT in the CIAO software (Dobrzycki et al. 1999; Freeman et al. 2002). Detection parameters (e.g., threshold, characteristic object size, and ultimately the signal-to-noise) were chosen to find very faint sources, while limiting the number of spurious sources to 10, or approximately ∼3% of the total sample.
The number of fake sources as a function of the algorithms' parameters was determined via extensive simulations as described in Tozzi et al. (2001).  For a detailed desrcption of the detection procedure see Giacconi et al. (2002).

                              1 Msec Catalogue


Rosati et al. (2002)
log N-log S
in the soft (0.5–2 keV), hard (2–10 keV), and very hard (5–10 keV) bands from the 1 Ms observations of the CDF-S. The shaded areas indicate uncertainties due to the Poisson statistics (1 σ) and the choice of the conversion factor (corresponding to a power law spectrum with Γ = 1.4 ± 0.3). Dashed lines are previous measurements: ROSAT deep surveys in the 0.5–2 keV band (Hasinger et al. 1998), ASCA surveys in the 2–10 keV band (Cagnoni et al. 1998; Della Ceca et al. 1999), and the recent XMM Lockman Hole observation in the 5–10 keV band (Hasinger et al. 2001). Solid lines are predictions from model B by Gilli et al. (2001) (see text for details). The three top panels show the likelihood contours for the best-fit normalization and slope of the faint end in the three bands from the CDF-S (solid line) and CDF-N (dashed line) data. Data points refer to the best-fit values of Tozzi et al. (2001) (300 ks; filled circles) and the Lynx field (190 ks; Stern et al. 2002; open circles).

                             Log N - Log S : ASCII files
     Soft [0.5-2 keV]
     Hard [2-10 keV]
    Very hard [5-10 keV]

    Sky coverage

Giacconi et al. (2002)
The sky coverage (area covered vs. flux limit) for the soft image (solid line) and the hard image (dashed line). The sky coverage is plotted against the 2–10 keV energy flux which is actually used in the catalog.

                            Sky coverage : ASCII files
     Soft [0.5-2 keV]
     Hard [2-10 keV]
    Very hard [5-10 keV]


  X-ray images

Detection band [0.5-7] keV...................... FITS

Soft band [0.5-2] keV............................... FITS

Hard band [2-10] keV............................. FITS

Adaptive smooth [0.5-7] keV.................. FITS ........ GIF


  Exposure maps

Exposure maps are computed in the soft (0.5-2) and hard (2-7 keV) bands for a typical power law spectrum with Gamma = 1.4 (which is the average spectrum of the XRB and therefore of the sources detected in the CDFS).
The units are [sec *cm2].
By dividing the expmaps by the total exposure time (935965.6 sec) we obtained the areamap (in cm2), while dividing the expamp by the maximum effective area in each band, we obtained the timemaps (in sec), which give the effective exposure time. By dividing the net detected counts by the exptime (as given by the Timemaps), one can obtain the net count rate corrected for vignetting.

Exposure map [0.5-2] keV...................... FITS

Exposure map [2-7] keV...................... FITS

Area map [0.5-2] keV...................... FITS

Area map [2-7] keV...................... FITS

Time map [0.5-2] keV...................... FITS

Time map [2-7] keV...................... FITS