Organisation Européenne pour des Recherches Astronomiques dans l'Hémisphère Austral
Europäische Organisation für astronomische Forschung in der südlichen Hemisphäre












Very Large Telescope


VLT Software Basic Tools and Working Environment







Issue 2

48 pages








Prepared:        Paola Sivera                            2004/04/30


                                                Name                                                       Date                                                         Signature


            Approved:        Erik Allaert


                                                Name                                                       Date                                                         Signature


            Released:        Martin Cullum


                                                Name                                                       Date                                                         Signature








Affected Paragraphs(s)





First draft




Some refinement




Integrated comments from ALO



8; Annex 2

Merge tat-eccs; removed Annex 2






1.       SCOPE AND PURPOSE............................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1      Reference Documents................................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2      List of Abbreviations/Acronyms................................................................................................................................................ 5

2.       Getting started........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1      Contact persons for trouble-shooting and questions......................................................................................................... 5

2.2      Useful web pages and machines to be used for development........................................................................................ 6

3.       ENVIRONment: PECS (Pluggable Environment Contribution System)............................................... 6

3.1      Setting up the user environment.............................................................................................................................................. 6

3.2      Dealing with pecs......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.       directory structure............................................................................................................................................................ 9

4.1      MODROOT..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1.1      Definition of a module......................................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1.2      Module name...................................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2      INTROOT....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

5.       CMM (Configuration Management Module)........................................................................................................ 11

5.1      Some useful cmm commands................................................................................................................................................ 12

5.2      Working with branches............................................................................................................................................................. 13

6.       Makefile and programming standards............................................................................................................... 14

6.1      System wide make definitions: vltMakefile......................................................................................................................... 14

6.2      Software module Makefile........................................................................................................................................................ 15

6.3      Programming standards........................................................................................................................................................... 15

7.       Dealing with real-time environMEnts: vcc........................................................................................................ 16

8.       tools for automated testing (TAT).......................................................................................................................... 17

8.1      Overview......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

8.2      Limitations.................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

8.3      How TAT works........................................................................................................................................................................... 17

8.4      Cookbook....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

8.5      Commands to remember.......................................................................................................................................................... 21

8.6      Some additional features.......................................................................................................................................................... 21

8.6.1      Logfiles.................................................................................................................................................................................. 21

8.6.2      How to filter the test output............................................................................................................................................ 21

8.6.3      Advanced features: eccsTestDriver.............................................................................................................................. 22

9.       Software Problem Report (SPR) system........................................................................................................... 22

9.1      Overview......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

9.2      Login into the system................................................................................................................................................................ 22

9.3      Submitting an SPR.................................................................................................................................................................... 22

9.4      Querying the system................................................................................................................................................................. 23

9.5      Changing the login password.................................................................................................................................................. 23

9.6      VLT SPR System workflow..................................................................................................................................................... 23

10.      documentation......................................................................................................................................................................... 26

10.1       Comments inside the code................................................................................................................................................. 26

10.2       Header of each source files to generate man pages................................................................................................... 26

10.3       ChangeLog............................................................................................................................................................................... 26

10.4       Release Notes........................................................................................................................................................................ 26

10.5       Manuals.................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

10.5.1    Note about the issue number and the cmm version of the document............................................................... 27

10.6       Procedure to get a DOC ID................................................................................................................................................. 27

10.7       Procedure to submit a finished document to the Archive.......................................................................................... 28

Annex 1: VLT Directory Structure................................................................................................................................ 29

Annex 2: Document types and PSCs......................................................................................................................... 40


1.                  SCOPE AND PURPOSE


This document gives an overview of the basic tools and methods used at ESO-Garching as well as at the Observatories to develop and maintain software within the VLT software project. It is addressed to all people at ESO and consortia who start working for the first time with the VLT software but the document can also be useful for people who already have little or good experience in working within this project.

These are the topics that will be discussed in the following chapters:


  • getting started: preparing the UNIX account
  • environment
  • directory structures
  • version control
  • Makefile and programming standards
  • dealing with real-time environments
  • tools for automated testing
  • software problem report system
  • documentation


Note that examples and practical cases are referred to the development environment as it is at the head-quarter in Garching. Further extension of the present document can be foreseen to include the other ESO sites. Consortia will maintain their own site policy with regard to desktop configuration, accounts, mailing lists definitions. In Chapter 2 some information are ESO (and Garching) specific, but the rest of the manual can be followed at whatever site and consortium.


The developing environment is UNIX-based (in particular, we develop on HP-UX, SUN-Solaris and Linux Red-Hat). In what follows, we take for granted a basic knowledge of the UNIX operating system.

At ESO-Garching, every developer will receive a PC with all the usual Microsoft tools (and many others…) and the possibility to connect to the UNIX machines via X-server (the standard product used is Starnet X-Win32).




1.1             Reference Documents


[1]     VLT Software Programming Standard VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228

[2]     Configuration Management User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0780

[3]     Introduction to VLT User and Programming Environment LSO-MAN-ESO-80060-0001

[4]     VLT Software Environments Common Configuration VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0855

[5]     Tools for Automated Testing User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0908

[6]     VLT Common Software – Overview VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-0888

[7]     VLT Software Management Plan VLT-PLA-ESO-00000-0006



1.2             List of Abbreviations/Acronyms


CCS                 Central Control Software

CMM                Configuration Management Module

ESO                 European Southern Observatory

LCU                  Local Control Unit

PC                    Personal Computer

PECS               Pluggable Environment Contribution System

PSC                 Product Structure Code

SCCB               Software Configuration Control Board

SE                    Software Engineering

SPR                 Software Problem Report

SW                   Software

TAT                  Tools for Automated Testing

VCC                 VLT Central Configuration

VLT                  Very Large Telescope

WS                   Workstation



2.                  Getting started


The first step is to obtain a UNIX account. Normally your supervisor should take care of asking to the system administrators the creation of such an account. What follows is specific to ESO.

The standard format for the username is: first letter of the first name + family name up to 7 letters.

Example: for John Smith it will be jsmith, for Peter Forester it will be pforeste and so on.

Your e-mail account will be of the type: <username> 

Be aware that there are mailing lists to ease the communication among the group. The first one you should belong to is Ask your supervisor for being added to this mailing list and any other important one. At Paranal, the correspondent mailing list is:, at La Silla: . 

There are also other tools used within the group for communication purposes, like Yahoo Messenger, that should be already installed on your PC. (Note: the usernames on Yahoo can not always be compliant with the naming standards).



2.1             Contact persons for trouble-shooting and questions


Within the TEC Division Software Group, the UNIX machines are administrated by vltmgr. For any problems concerning your account, environment, UNIX matters, home directory etc. send a mail to (or dial 6421). He can also help you in setting up your workstation at the very beginning, for example to configure the X-server.

For any problem or question concerning cmm, SPR system, (see later in the document) VLTSW in general, contact

For any other problem different from the above or out of the scope of our system administrators and vltsccm, contact the helpdesk: or dial 6333.



2.2             Useful web pages and machines to be used for development


The entry point for many issues concerning the work with the VLTSW can be found at:


From this point you can access, among others,

-          the documentation kit delivered with the VLTSW (take care of referring to the latest release)

-          the Release Notes (click on “VLT Common Software”)

-          some procedures you will have to deal with sooner or later when working in our group (click on “Procedures”)


Another important link is “Machine survey” ( This page gives you the list of the machines available in Garching, with their basic characteristics (operative system, version, which VLTSW has been installed and when). The integration machines are reserved to the integration group; the others are available for the development. The web page gives also information about the latest VLTSW installation (which version, which date and so on.)

The home directories of the users are NFS exported, so they are accessible from each of the machines listed in the web page.

You should configure your X-Server to reach one or more of the development machines in the list.




3.                  ENVIRONment: PECS (Pluggable Environment Contribution System)


3.1             Setting up the user environment


The user environment is supplied with a software developed in-house called PECS and based on bash (which is the default shell for every user).

The first time you log into a machine you should prepare your user in order to have all the environment variables, needed to work with the VLTSW, available. (It can happen that the system administrator already prepared your account for you, just check for the existence of the directory $HOME/.pecs; if it exists, you don’t need to repeat the steps described below).

Once you are logged into the machine, execute the following (the script will ask for some values, just accept the default):


$ /etc/pecs/bin/pecssh mklinksi


PECS_ROOTDIR [/etc/pecs]: "<CR>"[1]

PECS_RELEASE [000]: "<CR>"


Do you wish to install VUE support files? [y]: "n"[2]


Logout and login again (if you are using the CDE, exit and re-login).


3.2             Dealing with pecs


Thanks to PECS you will get a set of standard environment variables and you do not need to source any file or doing any manual additional step. Only if you are enough experienced with the system and need to change some of the standard values or add new environment variables, you will have to edit the files in the directory $HOME/.pecs, which should exist and contain (comments-only) example files. [3]


PECS supports personal settings for the following types of settings:

  1. environment variables (type=env)
  2. X resources (type=xrdb)
  3. GUI root window menu items (type=wmrc)
  4. shell aliases (type=ali)


The ‘application-scope’ of the setting can be:

  1. apps: the setting is related to a specific application, or project like the VLT project (e.g. VLTROOT, INTROOT, GNU_ROOT, NOCCS, RTAP_EXISTS)
  2. misc: any other type of setting (NNTPSERVER, LESS, MAIL, PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH).


The 'host-scope' of the setting can be:

  1. applicable only on certain hosts (host-scope=<name-of-host>)
  2. applicable on all hosts (host-scope=all)


Once you have decided the three attributes 'type', 'application-scope' and 'host-scope' the right file where to put the setting is:



e. g.: to change your VLTROOT and to have the new value on all the machines you log into set VLTROOT in ~/.pecs/apps-all.env with the command:


export VLTROOT=<path to the new vltroot>


To activate the change the general procedure is to run:




then log out and back in. But this can vary according to the type of change you made. For example, make_xdefaults has to be run for non-GUI logins only, because for CDE (or VUE) logins, the Xdefaults are automatically updated with the login procedure.


Let's look at few examples; consider each of the following settings, look at the values it has for each attribute, and see the name of the file it goes in.


Example #1: changing VLTROOT

Suppose you're working on a machine where VLTROOT is set to /vlt/MAR2001/CCS, and you need to point it at FEB2000 instead just for a quick test. Well,

-          it's an environment variable (type=env)

-          it relates to VLTSW, which is a PECS-aware application (application-scope=apps)

-          you only need it for a quick test on host 'te13' (host-scope=te13)

So, having worked that out, the setting belongs in the file:


So, in the file you just put:

export VLTROOT=/vlt/FEB2000/CCS

To activate the setting, it is enough to log out and back in. Opening another xterm should also work.


Example #2: the 'which' alias

The 'which' command under Bourne-like shells does not work quite the same as it did under Tcsh. Under Bash, the nearest equivalent to 'which' is 'type' or 'type -all'. So to make 'which' an alias for 'type -all':

-          it's a shell alias (type=ali)

-          it's not related to a PECS-aware application, it's just personal setting (application-scope=misc)

-          you want it everywhere (host-scope=all)

So, having worked that out, the setting belongs in the file:


So, in the file you just put:

alias which='type -all'

Aliases are read per-shell-process, so it is not necessary to log out; your next new xterm will see the alias.

Note that Bash aliases have an '=' between the alias and its value, unlike Tcsh.


Example #3: you want to add 'top' and 'xv' to your 'User Menu'

PECS provides a GUI root window sub-menu entitled 'User Menu'. Suppose you want to create the menu to contain the command


-          it's a GUI root window menu item (type=wmrc)

-          it's not related to a PECS-aware application (the user menu never is) (application-scope=misc)

-          you want to see this menu everywhere (host-scope=all)

So, having worked that out, the setting belongs in the file:


So, in the file you put:

Menu user_menu


"My Menu" f.title

"Top" f.exec "xterm -T top -n top -e top"

"Xv" f.exec "xv"


Note that 'top' isn't on all systems, so simply calling 'top' is a bit naive.

To activate the settings select 'Restart' from the GUI root window menu.


Example #4: you don't like the Xclock updating every second

PECS allows you to specify new values for X resources, but it also allows you to 'unset' existing ones (this is not a standard behaviour of X).

You will probably find your Xclocks showing a second hand, because of the X resource:

XClock*update: 1

To cancel this setting, just provide a blank value for it. So,

-          it's an X resource (type=xrdb)

-          it's related to a PECS-aware application (yes, this resource is defined by VLTSW) (application-scope=apps)

-          you want to see this menu everywhere (host-scope=all)

So, having worked that out, the setting belongs in the file:


So, in the file you put:


To activate the change you need to log out and log in again.


Example #5: how to write a function. You don't like to use


and you want to keep using


Very bad idea, but if you are so obstinate, you should write a function, because aliases which require embedded parameters must be written as functions, but should still be put in the ".ali" file. Here's an example:



export $1=$2


alias setenv=export_function




4.                  directory structure


To ease the work of the developers, a pre-defined set of standard directories can be created using a simple command:


$ getTemplate


This is an interactive utility which provides templates for many different purposes. In this case we are interested in choosing the option “directoryStructure”.

Then a choice among different types of directory structures is proposed. Basically you will be interested in using two types:

  1. MODROOT (that can be WS type only, LCU type only or both WS and LCU according to the type of code you have to develop) and
  2. INTROOT (integration area where the developed code get installed after running “make install”)


Another important area is called VLTROOT. The directory structure is basically the same as for the INTROOT (a part from the Source directory) but the meaning of the area is different: the VLTROOT is the repository for the entire VLT software. There, all the VLT libraries, applications and programs are installed and available for every user, who can access that area through the environment variable $VLTROOT ($VLTROOT/bin is automatically added to the PATH). Only the responsible persons for the preparation of the VLTSW release can create and populate a VLTROOT. This is done using the software checked into the archive and tested, basically the software “released” to the community of developers. The ownership and permission of the files into the VLTROOT should not allow other users different from the integrator users or vltmgr (who performs the installations) to modify that area.

MODROOT and INTROOT are instead totally handled by each developer, who can create and populate them or delete them.


4.1             MODROOT

The usual location for a MODROOT is the user home directory. Each MODROOT corresponds to a software module containing a set of standard subdirectories. A very good definition and explanation of “module” can be found in [1] chapter 2. For sake of simplicity, we repeat here some basic concepts.


4.1.1        Definition of a module

A software module is a piece of software (code and documentation) able to perform functions and having an interface available to an external user to access the functions provided.

Technically a module is a way to organize functions in homogeneous groups. The interface hides the implementation and system dependencies from the user.

Managerially the module is the basic unit for planning, project control and configuration control.

There is no rule to define how big a module shall be. Common sense and programming experience should be enough to identify what can be gathered and treated as a unique item. Examples of modules are: a driver for a specific board (the driver itself, install utility, configuration data files, etc.), the message system of CCS (Central Control Software, see document VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0619 at the web page  to know more) which contains library, utility for debug and display, etc., the sequencer (sequence interpreter, editor, etc.) (see if you need to know more about the sequencer; this link refers to the MAR2002 release who was ready at the time this document was written; if you want a more recent revision of the document, start from and choose the appropriate release!).


4.1.2        Module name

Each module is identified by a name. The module name length can be minimum 2, maximum 6, suggested 4 characters (a-z, 0-9) and shall be unique in the VLT project. Names equal or too similar to UNIX names shall be avoided. The case cannot be used to build different names, i. e. the following are referring to the same module: xyz, XYZ, xYz.

The module name is used in the naming of all elements that belong to the software module according to the rules stated in [1] section 3. The usage of the module name in uppercase/lowercase depends on the type of element: file, procedure, type, etc.

The module name is defined during the design phase. In the Design Review the proposed names are checked against the existing names and, if ok, accepted.


Once a MODROOT has been created with getTemplate you will work under the different directories of the MODROOT, keeping or removing what is not needed. Be aware that some directories are mandatory:


src is the directory where you will be putting the sources you are working on

include is the directory where you will be putting the “.h” files

lib is where the libraries get installed (after running “make all”)

bin is where the binaries get installed (after running “make all”)

idl is for the Interface Definition language files

man is for the man pages (they are installed after running “make man”)

object is where the dependencies files get installed (when running “make all”)

doc is for other automatic generated (again with “make man”) documentation (for example, .text files to be imported in WORD documents)

test is where the test source code has to be put


Refer to [1] to have a complete overview about the way of working with modules and in particular chapter 3 of [1] for the Naming Conventions for the files belonging to the modules.



4.2             INTROOT

The INTROOT is a set of directories (among others: bin, lib and include) where all the software written under MODROOT/src (binaries, libraries, include files …) gets installed when running make install (libraries, binaries, includes etc. are copied from the MODROOT to the INTROOT).

The usual location for the INTROOT is /introot/<username>. This path should be passed to the program “getTemplate”, after choosing the options “directoryStructure” -> “createINTROOTarea”.

Then the variable $INTROOT must be made available to the user environment. As we saw in chapter 3, you should write in one of your startup files under $HOME/.pecs the line:


export INTROOT=/introot/<username>


and log out and in again. 


Other information can be found in Annex 1: VLT Directory Structure. The same information is also accessible running


$ man vltDirectoryStructure



Once the files are installed in the INTROOT and the user has defined the INTROOT in his set of environment variables, the files (binaries, libraries etc.) in the INTROOT have precedence on the corresponding files in the VLTROOT. The PECS takes care of redefining the PATH for the binaries and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Sun and Linux) or the SHLIB_PATH (on HP) for the libraries in order to have first the INTROOT and then the VLTROOT.


Remark: according to the policy adopted in Garching, the users home directories are NFS exported, so if the MODROOT is under the user’s home directory, it will be seen from any machine, no matter the operative system, of the pool of machines listed in

The INTROOT is, on the contrary, always local to a machine. You can have an INTROOT on te16 but not on te35 and so on. If you want an INTROOT on all the machines, you will have to create it using getTemplate on each of the desired machine and define the environment variable $INTROOT accordingly (basically in the file ~/.pecs/apps-all.env or ~/.pecs/apps-<hostname>.env).



5.                  CMM (Configuration Management Module)


The cmm software has been developed to store all the software produced in a centralized location, to make this software available and easily accessible to all developers in the group, to keep track of any modification performed and of the history for every software module.


To use the cmm software and access the archive (where all the software modules are stored) you need to have an access keyword. Just send a mail to

Once you received the keyword, you have to create a file $HOME/.cmmrc and write inside the record:


<your_username>   keyword


Then you can start using cmm.


Basically you will have to produce some software, organized in a software module called, for instance, mod1. When you begin working to a new software module, it does not exist yet in the cmm archive. You will need again the help of vltsccm to create mod1. In this case you have to provide vltsccm with the following information:


  1. name of the module (please refer to [1] for the module name conventions)
  2. type: software module or document. In case of a software module you can also specify, if you want, whether it is a ws only, lcu only or both ws and lcu module
  3. responsible person for that module
  4. short description (one line)


(All this information is stored in a file maintained by vltsccm and can be accessed through the UNIX utility mod.)

Once the module has been created, you can retrieve it from the archive running:


$ cmmModify mod1


It will be an empty directory structure as we saw in 4

Then you start developing and populating your module. When you are satisfied with your software, it means that

-          it works and

-          it has been accordingly tested and

-          a repeatable test suite has been produced

-          as well as all the necessary documentation,

you will have to archive the module in the cmm archive. First run:


$ cd mod1/src

$ make clean_dist             (if applicable)

$ cd ../..[4]

$ cmmCheckForArchive mod1


This utility helps you in checking that the module is OK before archiving it (no backup files are present, the ChangeLog has been modified, no files have been forgotten under the object directory etc.)

It is very important to always run “make clean_dist” and cmmCheckForArchive before actually archiving a module.

When everything is OK and mod1 has passed the check, to actually archive the module in the archive run:


$ cmmArchive mod1 <reason> <version>


<reason> should be a short comment explaining briefly the modification you performed.

<version> can be explicitly indicated. All the modules are created with version 0.0. If you do not indicate another number (that must be higher than 0.0) the module will be archived with the minor number automatically increased of 1 unit, i.e. as 0.1. With the option <version> you can decide when to change the major number (normally after a major change into the software).


To know more about cmm, refer to [2].


Important remark

The policy for working with cmm is that:

only the responsible person for a module can run cmmModify and cmmArchive on that module, unless explicitly agreed otherwise by the module responsible person together with the developer.


5.1             Some useful cmm commands


Here follows a short description of other cmm commands (credit [3]). Similar information can be obtained using the man pages for each command.


cmmHistory mod1

This command prints to the standard output the history of a software module.


cmmLast mod1

This command lets you obtain the number of the latest version of a module. If you omit the name of the module, you will get the number of the latest versions of all modules existents into the archive.


cmmCopy mod1 <version>

This command will give you a read only copy of the version specified of a software module without locking the module (others developers will be able to run cmmCopy or cmmModify on that module).


cmmCancel mod1

This command cancels a modification made in a software module and restores the last version saved into the archive. This command will prompt you asking whether to delete your local copy of the module or not.


cmmCompare mod1 <new version> <old version>

This command allows you to compare two versions of a module and to display the changes between both versions.


If you want to experiment with cmm, you can use a module call “dummy” where you can do all the mess you like!


5.2             Working with branches


It is possible for a module to have a tree of versions instead of one single trunk. Without branching, each file version has only one descendant, the next version. With branching, each file version may have several descendants.


only one branch                                     branches

2.57                                                                                                      2.57





2.58                                       2.58



There is always one branch called the (main) trunk: in the above example, version 2.57 and 2.58 belong to the main trunk. But version belongs to branch 2.57.1 and version belongs to branch 2.57.2. Branches allow parallel development and especially urgent bug fixing. It is nevertheless good practice to deliver to the integration group a module archived in the main trunk. If branches exist, they should be merged into the main trunk software as soon as possible. (Note that this requires some manual work, cmm does not provide an automatic way for merging branches to the main trunk.)


The commands to be issued to work with branches are:


cmmBranch mod1 <version>

This command creates a writable copy of the module mod1 in the current directory. If the retrieved version is, for instance, 2.57 the branch 2.57.1 will be created and once the module is archived, it will get the version From that point on, any further modification to the branch and archiving will increase the fourth digit of 1 unit.  


cmmBranch mod1 2.57  => I create the branch 2.57.1

The next time I want to create a branch from the trunk version 2.57, I will run again:

cmmBranch mod1 2.57 => I create the branch 2.57.2 and so on.


cmmArchiveBranch mod1 <reason>

This command checks in a module after the creation of a branch.

Remark: once the branch has been created and archived the first time, any other modification to that branch have to be issued with the usual command cmmModify and cmmArchive; the only difference with working with the main trunk is that in case of a branch with cmmModify you must specify the branch id, in the example 2.57.1, or 2.57.2 and so on.

So, for instance, with cmmBranch I created 2.57.1. Then I archive this branch with cmmArchiveBranch: I get in the cmm archive the version When I want to go on with the modification on that branch I will run:

cmmModify mod1 2.57.1

I do my modification then I archive with

cmmArchive mod1 <reason>

and I will have into the archive the version, and so on.


cmmCancelBranch mod1

This command allows you to cancel the corresponding cmmBranch mod1 request. Nothing is archived, no branches are created and the user module directory is deleted.


cmmCloseBranch mod1 <reason> <branch id>

This command allows you to close a module branch. Once this command is issued, no other modifications are allowed to the corresponding branch. It is also possible to forbid any modification on the specify module (on the main trunk). In this case, specify as <branch id> the value “all”.


An example of when branching should be used is when a SPR (see Chapter 9) is issued, reporting a severe bug in a module after a major VLTSW release. If meanwhile the main trunk of that module has been modified e.g. to implement pending Change Requests, it becomes necessary to create a branch starting from the module version contained in the VLTSW release, to avoid mixing up the urgent bug fixing with the new features (and possibly new bugs) meanwhile implemented in the main trunk.


Because of the nature of a branch, it is a good practice not to leave a branch open for too long time. The branch should be open for making the fix, archive the fix and that’s it.



6.                  Makefile and programming standards


To grant homogeneity in the development of the software for the VLT project, the GNU make must be used at every site or consortium.

This is by default the case on any system installed according to the VLT standards.

A wide set of make definitions have been coded and made available through a file called “vltMakefile” (see 6.1).

Analogously, every developer should provide the src directory of its software module with a Makefile (see 6.2) where he will indicate the actions to be taken when running “make all man install”. This Makefile has to be created starting from the utility “getTemplate” and choosing “code” and then “Makefile_for_WS” (if the code to be produced has to run on a UNIX workstation) or “Makefile_for_LCU” (if the code has to be produced using the VxWorks cross compiler).

The module Makefile must include the vltMakefile. (The template contains the adequate instruction).


6.1              System wide make definitions: vltMakefile


The vltMakefile sets common definitions that are valid for the whole VLT software. It also finds out on which platform and which operating system the software is being built on and sets variables accordingly.

In addition, vltMakefile provides a set of activities normally required by every module (generation of automatic dependencies, clean, man pages, install). It knows hot to deal with source code in any of the VLT standard languages (see 6.3). The scope of such standard actions is controlled by the calling Makefile via a set of variables (see 6.2).


The variables set by vltMakefile depend on the value of some shell-environment variables (see the ENVIRONMENT section in the man pages) and on the operating system (type and version). Make defaults can apply as well.


By default vltMakefile works for UNIX files. If the variable MAKE_VXWORKS is defined, vltMakefile works to produce VxWorks applications. (You will find this variable already defined in the Makefile_for_LCU obtained from getTemplate).


To know in detail all the definitions it provides, please refer to the man pages:


$ man vltMakefile


Recently, extensions of the vltMakefile to include new programming languages like java have been performed. To know how the java implementation works refer to:


$ man javaMakefile


6.2             Software module Makefile


To know the structure and use of the Makefile, please refer to the man pages:


$ man Makefile


6.3             Programming standards


Again the starting point is the utility getTemplate with the option “code”.

After this choice, a set of templates are available per each type of supported programming language. Among others:


-          c-main

-          c-procedure

-          h-file

-          c++-file

-          c++-small-main

-          c++-class-file

-          c++-h-file

-          dbl-file

-          java-file

-          script

-          tclScript


Every time you have to write a new piece of code, start from one of the templates. Some more information about the standards to be followed can be found in [1].

Note that the initial part of the template for source files is the so called header and has to be carefully filled in. This part will be used to generate the man pages for the corresponding program. It consists of a series of sections. NAME, SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION sections are always present and mandatory. Depending on the type of file, other sections are present, some mandatory and others optional. Furthermore, on a module basis, other sections can be added according to specific needs. Should this happened, it shall be stated in the Software Design Documentation.

If any mandatory section is empty, its header is kept with one of the following: “Not Applicable” or “None”.

If any optional section is empty, its header is omitted.


Remark: the one-line description under the NAME section should contain the essential keywords to identify the functionality performed because the apropos searching feature is based on such keywords.


It is a good practice to document the changes performed on each file belonging to a module. For this, besides the header, every developer who worked at the file should add a line like the following:


# who       when        what

# --------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------

# gfilippi  1993-07-08  created

# gfilippi  1997-04-23  support <lib>_LDFLAGS for libraries

# eallaert  1999-03-16  use -Xlinker options for sharedLibName

# rschmutz  1999-04-03  use $CC instead of gcc

# mzampare  2001-12-03  added support for library-specific libraries


in the initial part of the file.



7.                  Dealing with real-time environMEnts: vcc


A real-time environment, briefly environment (not to be confused with the user environment corresponding to the set of environment variables) is a set of processes that can be run on different units, WSs or LCUs, local or remote and can mutually communicate exchanging messages.


Every environment is identified with a unique name and consists of a set of configuration files that have to be stored in a standard location, basically


$VLTDATA/ENVIRONMENTS/<name_of_the _environment>


The environment can be of two types:


-          Workstation environment CCSLite

-          LCU environment


A third type for the workstation environments, called “Full CCS” and based on the commercial product RTAP has been deprecated starting with the APR2003 VLTSW release.

To know more about the naming convention and characteristics of the environments, please refer to [4].


To identify an environment, information about the network, the name of the machine where the environment will run, the IP address of the machine and so on is also needed.

This information is stored in a configuration database based on mini-sql. Only one database is necessary to store the information for the whole network. Basically, one machine within a pool of machines on the same network will receive this database. From any other machine, one can refer to the configuration database’s machine using the environment variable $ACC_HOST. This variable is automatically set by PECS. The database is actually a file called accData.sql and put under the path $VLTDATA/msql.


A tool has been developed in house, called vcc to create, initialize, start, stop and delete environments. Here follows a quick reference about the most important commands supplied with vcc. Please refer also to [4] for a more detailed explanation and to the on-line documentation (man pages). Note also that the commands are different whether the ACC_HOST and the configuration database are used or not. In the former case, the command can be called passing the name of the environment only, other arguments are not needed.


vccEnvCreate –e <environment_name>

This command will create the environment directory under $VLTDATA/ENVIRONMENTS and populate it will the configuration files taken from the templates.


vccEnvInit –e <environment_name>

With this command you can initialize the environment and (in the case of a CCSLite environment) load the on-line database[5].


vccEnvStart –e <environment_name>

This command will start the environment. In case of an LCU, the bootScript will be installed.


vccEnvStop –e <environment_name>

Stops the environment (for LCUs, the bootScript is de-installed).


vccEnvDelete –e <environment_name>

The environment directory under $VLTDATA/ENVIRONMENTS/<environment_name> is deleted.


All those commands can also be accessed through the graphical interface vccEnv. Launching this command, you will have a menu-driven panel which will help you choosing the environment and the right parameters to associate to the environment.


For Garching people: whenever you need a new environment (WS and/or LCU), you should decide the name, the machine where the environment has to run and in case of LCUs, the WS the LCU has to boot from. Send all these information to and he will update the msql database.



8.                  tools for automated testing (TAT)


For each written piece of code, a corresponding test must also be written. The test will consist in one or more programs that can be repeatable on whatever machine (and whatever supported operative system) by whatever user. But first of all, the test suite has to be run by the developer before archiving the software module with the new piece(s) of code.

At ESO a tool has been developed to help organizing the test suite in a standard way, easily repeatable by an independent user, namely the integration user[6].

This tool is called tat. A manual has been written explaining all the features of this tool. Please refer to [5]. Here follows a quick tutorial about tat.


8.1             Overview


The Tools for Automated Test (TAT) is a framework which helps running a test suite with only one command and reports the result of the test suite in a simple and clear way: the word PASSED or FAILED is printed to the standard output for every test belonging to the suite as well as the final result, PASSED or FAILED (it’s enough that one test in the suite fails to make the entire suite fail).


TAT can be easily integrated with existing test structures. This test structure can be a collection of scripts/programs in whatever language (supported within the project) which provide an output that has to be compared with a reference output.

The test structure has to be prepared in a software module under the directory test and the Makefile there has to be compliant with the project SE standards. Using this Makefile, executables and scripts will be compiled and installed in the bin directory of the module. They should be local.  What this means is that they get installed under the bin directory of the module only. In the Makefile they are individuated using the suffix “_L”.



8.2             Limitations


Tat handles tests based on batch programs, not interactive, and without manual interventions through GUIs, although it is possible to use GUIs whenever this is automatic (i.e., the GUI starts and exits automatically). 


8.3             How TAT works


The test driver is the conductor of the automated tests. It does - almost - everything: its features provide a good overview of the test software.


The test driver:

  • looks in the test directory of a module for a file named TestList.lite specifying initial and final scripts, environments, and tests programs;
  • executes  “make clean all” to generate the test software;
  • source a tcl script containing the environment variables needed for the test (if it exists);
  • executes a prologue script (if it exists);
  • allocates and creates environments (if environments are needed);
  • executes the test and compares the output with the test reference;
  • executes an epilogue script (if it exists);
  • executes  “make clean”;
  • deletes and frees environments (if needed).


The TestList.lite file can contain five types of directives:


SOURCE, PROLOGUE, ENVIRONMENT, <Test_program_name>, EPILOGUE. The <Test_program_name> is the only mandatory directive; you can have one only or many test programs directives to be executed. The other directives are optional. SOURCE, PROLOGUE and EPILOGUE must be unique while one can have as many ENVIRONMENT directives as needed.


Here is an example of a TestList.lite file:


SOURCE tcl_script

PROLOGUE myPrologueScript arg1 arg2




EPILOGUE myEpilogueScript arg1 arg2


1.       The SOURCE directive will be followed by the name of a script written in tcl language containing environment variables to be sourced at the very beginning. An example: a test needs to work with an INTROOT, doing every sort of dirty operation there. The developer normally has an INTROOT defined in his or her environment but doesn’t want to screw it up with the test. With the tcl script to be sourced, a different INTROOT can be defined for the test time frame that can then be removed at the end of the test (the ‘rmrf $INTROOT’ command can be put in the epilogue script, for instance).


2.       The PROLOGUE directive is followed by the name of a script or executable to be launched before the environment creation and aftermake all’. The program can have one or more arguments, passed as single words separated by blanks. It can be useful, for example, to start only once processes which will be used by the different test scripts. (With the EPILOGUE script, see below, you can stop those processes).


3.       The ENVIRONMENT directive looks like:





The first word identifies the directive, the second is a symbolic name (chosen by the developer) for a workstation or lcu environment, the third word identifies the type of environment and can be QS for a workstation environment or LCU for an LCU environment. (It is also possible to create a workstation environment on a remote machine, in this case the environment is identified with RQS and the variable RHOSTQS=remote_machine_name must be defined in the developer’s set of environment variables).


Environments should not be hard-coded in test scripts. If so, it would be practically impossible to execute a test on another computer with a different LCU (because the LCU environment name is based on the LCU name). As a consequence, environments shall only be referred to with environment variables: this is the rule for all environments, whether they are local QS, remote RQS, or LCU. In the ENVIRONMENT directive, use symbolic names (like in the example). It is then up to the TAT program to associate real existing environments (chosen automatically among a pool of test LCU and WS environments) to the one needed for the test.


When starting a test, the test driver allocates environments from the test environment pools and assigns the chosen environment names to the corresponding environment variables. This method also has the advantage of freeing the developer to look for given environments before running each test.

The pools of available LCUs are identified through an environment variable called LCUROOT automatically set at login for every user. For the WS tat environments, no additional variables are needed. Both the two types of pools (WS and LCU) are handled by the vltmgr.

The association between real and symbolic environments is recorded in a file called .testSession. Here is an example of such a file:


QS wsTat wte16b

LCU lcuTat lte10


      (Refer to [5] for understanding how the names to the tat environments are assigned.)


Environments may be customized by creating files in <module_name>/test/ENVIRONMENTS/<envName>: when creating environments, tat will first search files in these directories before searching the standard directories where the templates are stored.

At the end of the test, the test driver deletes the environments that it has created and gives them back to the pool, so that they can be reused by anyone.



4.       The TEST directive is the only mandatory one. It is a line containing the name of an executable command to be called. This command cannot have parameters and identifies the test, in the example:



The number of TEST directives is unlimited.


A test may call any program, script, or utility provided that this utility is not interactive and portable among supported platforms: these prerequisites ensure that the test output is repeatable and may be used to make a test reference. The test driver calls the single test and records the output in <module_name>/test/tatlogs/run<pid>/<test_name>.out.

A special case is when the test driver is instructed to build the reference file: the output of each single test is recorded in <module_name>/test/ref/<test_name>.ref.

The output may also be filtered to remove non repeatable output (like dates, times, etc.) by the test driver. To do this you need to create two files (only one of the two or both) based resp. on the grep and sed UNIX commands. This is explained in 8.6.2.


5.       The EPILOGUE directive is followed by the name of a script or executable to be launched after the environment deletion and beforemake clean’. The program can have one or more arguments, passed as single words separated by blanks.


8.4              Cookbook


We will see an example of a tat test without environments.


Let’s suppose we have a module called tattest with the standard directory structure. Let’s have a script which prints “hello”. This script is the test for our software module.

The name of the script is and looks like:



echo "hello"

exit 0


We create a TestList.lite under tattest/test which will contain the simple line


First, we try our script to see whether it works or not. When we are satisfied with the result, confident that the test has a good coverage of our code, and certain the test can be repeatable on any system by any user, we can proceed and generate the reference file.


To generate the test reference, type: 


$ tat -g

Reference file generated

Reference file generated.


Tat has generated the reference file in the ref subdirectory of tattest/test:


$ cat ref/



From now on, the test can be repeated just by typing:


$ tat




At this point, when the test (or test suite) is finisged, TAT will automatically compare the result of the actual test with the reference (the output file(s) under the ref directory) and will print the result on the console. If the actual output is identical to the reference, the test is successful (PASSED).  If not, it failed (FAILED). (If you have a test suite, made up different test scripts, it is enough that one test fails to give the final result FAILED.)


One can add as many scripts/programs as wanted to TestList.lite. If we have another script called which prints “goodbye”, we add it to TestList.lite as the second line.


Then we generate the reference file:


$ tat -g

Reference file generated

Reference file generated.


Next, we run the tat test:


$ tat




Then we can also run the suite of tests (two in our example) with a unique command:


$ tat





When the option “–v” is passed to tat, the test(s) is run in verbose mode and more information is printed to the console.


8.5             Commands to remember



executes make, follows the actions found in the TestList.lite file (sourcing file, executing prologue script,  making environments, executing the test suite, comparing the result with the reference, executing the epilogue script, stopping and deleting the environments, running “make clean”)


tat makeEnv

performs all the preliminary actions up to the test which is excluded.


tat <name_of_a_single_test_in_the_test_suite>

executes the test specified only


tat –g

executes the test preparing reference files under <module_name>/test/ref


tat cleanEnv

performs the final actions starting from stopping/removing the environments.


All of the above commands can be run with the option –v (verbose) which adds more information to the standard output.


Remark: do not interrupt the command tat while it is cleaning up the environments. This phase is very important because it will remove lock files and directories that, if left over, will prevent you or other users from correctly dealing with the environments when running tests. If you chose to run separately the creation of the environment (with “tat makeEnv) from the real test (“tat”), remember to always run after the test has finished “tat cleanEnv to release environments and lock files.



8.6             Some additional features


8.6.1        Logfiles

When TAT starts, it creates a directory under test, called tatlogs/run$$, where $$ is the PID of the process. In this directory whenever the test fails, the output file of the test run within $$ and the differences found between the output file and the reference are stored.

On every run, a directory run$$ is created. If a test is successful the corresponding directory run$$ is removed. These files can be inspected in case of test failure.


8.6.2        How to filter the test output

Sometimes the output of a test contains records that are not exactly reproducible elsewhere (for example timestamps, hostnames, etc.).

In this case, it is possible to filter out those types of records using the syntax of grep and sed. TAT gives the possibility of using two files (only one of the two or both), called:


TestList.grep and TestList.sed


When these files are present under the test directory, the standard output and the standard error of the test scripts are first processed by:


- grep -v -f TestList.grep <output>

- sed -f TestList.sed <output>


then are redirected into ./tatlogs/run<process_id>/<testid>.out (or ref/<test_script_name>.ref).


Each line of TestList.grep will correspond to the word(s) that have to be grepped out before generating the reference or output files.


TestList.sed will contain records written in sed (a regular expression Unix program) syntax.


8.6.3        Advanced features: eccsTestDriver

The tool eccsTestDriver offers some useful features that, starting from the tat released with APR2004 (tat 1.91) have been merged within tat. The tat man pages have been updated and a description of these new features are available on the web under the APR2004 Release Notes:  \



9.                  Software Problem Report (SPR) system


9.1             Overview


The SPR system is built using the commercial tool Action Remedy (c) and has a Web Browser interface.

The SPR System is supposed to be used by internal or external users of the VLT software (or other software projects) in case an error in some code or in the documentation is found or a change to improve the behaviour of the existing software seems needed.


Access is granted to registered users only via a login procedure.


To get a login send a mail to with the following information:

1)       Login name

2)       Full Name

3)       Institute address and phone number

4)       Full email address

Refer to vltsccm for any other problem/question concerning the system.



9.2             Login into the system

Run netscape (or another Web browser)[7], connect to the VLT Software development page:




and select “VLT Software Problem Report”.

The login page is shown. Provide your identification in terms of username and password.


If you have problems accessing the system or you have forgot your password contact


9.3              Submitting an SPR


To submit an SPR use the following procedure:


  1. login into the VLT SPR system
  2. choose the link "New" for the VLT SPR schema
  3. the submit page should be displayed. Fill it as suitable. (You can also use the on-line help). The fields whose labels are displayed in bold are mandatory, the others optional.
  4. click “Submit”. The SPR will be added to the archive. The initial status is "Open".


   Note: Please remember to specify the Consortium/project you belong to on the Location field



9.4             Querying the system


The query functionalities are available using the following procedure:


  1. login into the VLT SPR system
  2. choose the link "Find" for the VLT SPR schema
  3. the Search page should be displayed


From there on is possible to perform the following main operations:


  1. Get a list of SPR

The selection can be performed using one or more of the available fields.

Once the searching rules are set, click on “Run Search”. As result of the selection a list of the SPR(s) which match the search criterium is displayed.


  1. Display a specific SPR

Specify the SPR number and press “Run Search” or if the SPR appears already on the list of displayed SPRs (obtained at point 4), simply click on “Display” for the desired SPR entry in the list.


  1. Add a Remark

To add a remark to a selected SPR click on “Modify”. The Modification page should be displayed. Add any remark on the Worklog field and click “Modify”.


9.5             Changing the login password


  1. login into the system
  2. choose "Find" for the "User" schema
  3. type your login in the "Login name" field
  4. run “Search”
  5. choose “Modify”
  6. change the password field
  7. click “Modify”



9.6             VLT SPR System workflow


Here we briefly summarise the basic workflow of the system:


A Software Problem Report is submitted


Assigned by default to vltsccm


Notification sent to all relevant people (according to the package the SPR belongs to)


Comments added by any known user


The SPR is evaluated in the SCCB[8] meeting and, if accepted, a Responsible Person is appointed for the problem


Responsible works on the problem


Responsible can close the SPR (must add a final remark on it)


When a SPR is submitted, the vltsccm, a list of people defined by the package and any names/addresses in the 'cc' field will be notified with all details of the problem. After this point, any change in 'status' will result in all the listed people above and the 'Responsible' being notified of the changes on all problem details.


Among all the possible statuses, the following ones are used for the VLT SPR System Workflow:

1.       Open: the initial status

2.       Assigned: during the SCCB meeting, a responsible person for the SPR has been appointed

3.       Progress: the SPR has been assigned and work on the problem is in progress

4.       Closed: the responsible person finished his implementation and test

5.       Suspended: obvious meaning


Upon closing, a 'closed status' value must be set and a remark must be added on the Workflow field. If those fields are not filled, an error is generated and the problem is not closed. Once those fields are completed the problem can be successfully closed. The possible closed statuses are:

1.       deleted: the SPR was submitted by mistake;

2.       solved: the implementation has been performed and accomplished;

3.       clarified: the problem has been clarified without doing a real implementation;

4.       rejected: the problem has not been accepted.


When a problem is submitted to the Problem Reporting Tool, it is assigned to vltsccm with status “open”. This user is the only one who can progress the 'status' of the report from 'open' to 'progress' assigning the SPR to a responsible person, and therefore initiate the continuance of the workflow.  After this point, the 'Responsible' user as well as the vltsccm can progress the 'status' of a problem.



Important remark: changes in ANY VLTSW module are allowed only if covered by a SPR and authorised by SCCB. Changes done without any SPR coverage are therefore forbidden.




Fields on Submit page:


(In bold the mandatory fields, which have to be filled in)



This field is automatically filled by the system using the login name



The Originator should indicate the site or consortium he belongs to.



This field specifies to which Package the SPR is related. If the SPR doesn't fit in any package, select <undefined>.  The list of people defined on the Package name (as well as any additional e-mail in the cc list) will be notified with all details of the problem.



It could be: sw-bug, doc-error, change-request


Module Name

This Field should be filled with the name of the module to which the Software problem is related. This name is the one used in the VLT Software Archive (CMM Archive)


Module version

This Field should be filled with the cmm version of the module where the problem has been found.



This Field should be filled with all the people not included in the Package list that need to be notified by e-mail about the SPR progress



This field is a brief description to quickly identify the SPR.

Remember that this field will be used later on when selecting SPRs by keyword. Choose meaningful words!



The complete statement of the problem



The Originator can choose a value in the range 1-5, with 1 for the highest priority.



Additional Fields on Query Page:



The status values of the problem report:


-          open: the SPR has been entered into the database

-          assigned: a responsible person has been appointed

-          progress: the SPR has been assigned and work is in progress.

-          suspended: the SPR has been discussed and suspended. To be discussed again.

-          closed: the SPR is not being worked on and no further work is envisaged.


Closed Status

This field is associated with the closed state and indicates the circumstances under which the SPR was closed.  The values for this field are:

- deleted: the problem is incorrectly submitted or duplicated.

- solved: action has been taken and the problem has been solved.

- clarified: problems that are user error or already fixed.

- rejected: the problems is not accepted.



It is the person assigned by the SCCB to work on the problem. He can modify the status of the SPR after it as been assigned to him by the vltsccm.  The Responsible is asked to provide the evidences that the SPR can be closed.  Before closing it, he must add a remark explaining how and why the SPR is closed.



It is the one who submitted the problems via web interface.



In this field any user can add a remark on the SPR (as long as needed). It must be filled any time the status of the SPR is changed.




10.             documentation


The appropriate documentation has to be written together with the code.

We can individuate many levels and types of documentation:


  1. Comments inside the code
  2. Header of each source files to generate man pages
  3. ChangeLog
  4. Release Notes
  5. Manuals


You can use your preferred editor to write comments into your code, vi and emacs being the most common ones. For developers, emacs offers a set of utilities and customizations to ease and improve the developer’s work.

For official documents (see 10.5 Manuals), we use FrameMaker or Microsoft Word.


10.1         Comments inside the code

In chapter 4 and 5 of [1] under the paragraph “Comments” you will find some information for writing comments in C programs and script files. The same conventions can be extended to the other supported languages mutatis mutandis!


10.2         Header of each source files to generate man pages

Please, refer to [1] paragraphs 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 for the detailed description of each section in the file header.


10.3         ChangeLog

This file must exist in every module under <mod_name>/ChangeLog. It has to be updated before archiving the module (if not the cmmArchive command fails). It is good practice to list all the files that have been modified for releasing that version of code, with a brief comment (what the modification consists of).


10.4         Release Notes

For every major release of the VLTSW, the complete set of Release Notes for all the VLTSW applications and programs has to be produced. It is up to the software responsible to organize the Release Notes at package level or module level. (For an overview on the VLTSW and its subdivision in packages, see [6]).

A template for writing Release Notes is available from getTemplate -> code -> RELEASE_NOTES.

Once the Release Notes have been written, they should go in a centralized repository (a module called vltsw under configuration control). Afterwards, they are delivered with the VLTSW release to Observatories and Consortia and they are also published on the web at

The procedure to check in and out the module and to update the web pages can be found at


10.5         Manuals

In the “Software Management Plan” for the VLT project (see [7] paragraph 4.2) all types of documents to be produced together with the software are described. These documents can be written at module level as well as at package level and can cover the entire software process, from the Requirements phase (Software Requirements Specification) to the Design (Functional Specification and Software Design Description) to the User documentation (Software User Manual and Software Maintenance Manual).

Whenever you have to write a document, you can start from the utility getTemplate to obtain the templates for the editors we support in our group: FrameMaker or Microsoft Word.


The documents should go under configuration control exactly as any other software module. As explained in chapter 5, ask vltsccm for the creation of a document module. The name of the document module should correspond to the document identification (DOC ID) number. There is a procedure to get a DOC ID and it is explained in the following paragraph 10.6.


10.5.1    Note about the issue number and the cmm version of the document.

The convention for documents is to have a 1-digit issue number, for example: VLT-MAN-ESO-17000-0642 issue 2 and so on. But in cmm, the modules have got a two-digit revision number. What has been agreed is that


issue number = major number of the revision number


For example, you are working to a document and you make modification in cmm up to revision 1.15.

When you are satisfied and ready to release the document, for example for the VLTSW RELEASE APR2003, you will archive the document specifying the revision 2.0 and having written into the documents ”issue 2”.

For the following release, OCT2003, you will modify the document up to revision 2.6 then for OCT2003 you archive it with revision 3.0 and issue number 3 and so on.



10.6         Procedure to get a DOC ID

A document is identified by a title chosen by the author and by a DOC ID which is made by alpha-numerical characters.


The ESO document official ID number is made up of 5 parts:

PROJ - TYPE - ESO - PSC – chronological_four_digit_number


An example of DOC ID is:




  1. VLT -> name of the project the document belongs to
  2. MAN -> type of the document (see Annex 3: Document types and PSCs for the list of possible types)
  3. ESO -> obvious meaning
  4. 17200 -> PSC (Product Structure Code) (see Annex 3: Document types and PSCs for the PSCs list)


You (or your supervisor) should decide the first 4 identification parts of the document. [9]


  1. 0642 -> This number will be assigned by the Archive group.


To get the number, send a mail to asking for a chronological four-digit number, specifying:


  1. the document TYPE,
  2. the PSC,
  3. the document title,
  4. author name(s),
  5. indicate whether the document has to be distributed outside the TEC division or not.
  6. indicate whether the document has to be distributed outside ESO or not.


The same procedure is available on the web:, click on the link “How to get a document ID”.



10.7         Procedure to submit a finished document to the Archive


Once the document is ready, don’t forget that:


  1. A hard copy must be delivered to the Archive people (deliveries to the Technical Archive should be put in the Technical Archive mailbox opposite office #249)
  2. Attach to your document the distribution list (a sheet of paper with the list of people you want to ship the document to). Our secretary (Veronique Ziegler) should have a copy of it.
  3. The copy must have your signature and the signature(s) of your supervisor(s)


Annex 1: VLT Directory Structure




    vltDirectoryStructure - VLT Software standard directory structures




This man-page is part of the VLT Programming Standard and supersedes app.C

pag.59 of VLT Programming Standard (VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228 - 1.0 10/03/93)



The following areas are defined:

         - module development area (MODROOT)

         - integration area        (INTROOT)

         - VLT System area         (VLTROOT)

         - data area               (VLTDATA)


For each area a set of standard subdirectories is defined. The subdirectories are named consistently, so no matter the area, they contain always the same type(s) of files. The standardized subdirectory names are:


      ALARMS = Alarm Definition File (<mod>_ALARMS)

 ALARMS/HELP = Alarm Help Files (<modAlarmMnemonic>.hlp

         CDT = Command Definition Table (<process>.cdt)

         CIT = Command Interpreter Table (<process>.cit)

ENVIRONMENTS = one subdirectory for each ws or lcu environment

      ERRORS = Error Definition (<mod>_ERRORS) and index (<mod>_ERRORS.IDX)

 ERRORS/HELP = Error Help Files (<modErrorMnemonic>.hlp

      System = startup/login files

     Sources = original files at installation time (to support debugging)

app-defaults = Xresource files for GUI

         bin = for executable (C, C++, scripts, tcl-scripts, panels, etc.)

    bin/$CPU = VxWorks executable (FEB99: CPU=MC68040|PPC604|MC68000)

     bitmaps = bitmaps files used by graphical applications

      sounds = sounds files used by interactive applications

      config = configuration data files

         dbl = On-Line Database files (*.db, *.class)

         doc = documentation (User/Maintenance Manual)

         idl = Interface definition language files

     include = for ".h" files

         lib = for libraries: _ar_chive files, tcl libraries

    lib/$CPU = VxWorks libraries (FEB99: CPU=MC68040|PPC604|MC68000)

         man = for manpages, organized in subdirectory :

                  - man1 for commands accessible by the user of the system

                  - man2 not used

                  - man3 subroutines

                  - man4 not used

                  - man5 file formats

                  - man6 not used

                  - man7 development tools

                  - man8 not used

                  - mann not used

                  - manl local man-pages

      object = output of compilation, other intermediate files (.d, .dx, etc)

         src = source files (C, C++, scripts, tcl-scripts, panels, etc)

   templates = templates for documents, source files, etc.

        test = as src, but for test software

         tmp = temporary files

          vw = sub-root for VxWorks directories (LCU applications).


Not all the subdirectories are present in all areas and may be empty.





      ALARMS =     *         *                      *

 ALARMS/HELP =     *         *                      *

         CDT =     *         *                      *

         CIT =     *                   *                       *

      ERRORS =     *         *                      *

        LOGS =     *         *                      *

 ERRORS/HELP =     *         *                      *

ENVIRONMENTS =                                                             *

      System =                                      *

     Sources =               *         *

app-defaults =     *         *                      *          

         bin =     *         *         *            *          *

 bin/MC68000 =                         *                       *

 bin/MC68040 =                         *                       *

 bin/PPC604  =                         *                       *

     bitmaps =     *         *                      *          

      sounds =     *         *                      *          

      config =     *         *                      *                      *

         doc =     *

         dbl =     *         *         *            *          *

         idl =     *         *         *            *          *

     include =     *         *         *            *          *

         lib =     *         *         *            *          *

 lib/MC68000 =                         *                       *

 lib/MC68040 =                         *                       *

 lib/PPC604  =                         *                       *

         man =     *         *         *            *          *

      object =     *

         src =     *                    

        test =     *                    

   templates =                                      *

         tmp =     *                                                       *

          vw =     *         *                      *







It is the area where the code of a module is developed and test and is under the responsibility of a developer.

Development areas can be created on any machine and in multiple copies.


The root directory of each area is called module root. The command 'setmod' allows you to set the environmental variable MODROOT and to add MODROOT/bin to PATH).


There are two types of module structure, according to the type of code the developer has to write (for Unix workstations only, for LCUs using the VxWorks cross compiler or both):


  - simple : the module has code only for one type of operative system.








  - complex: the module is splitted in complementary parts among two or more

             operative system. At present, the following cases are defined:


                 <ws>   HP or Sun workstation running  UNIX

                 <lcu>  Local Control Unit    running  VxWorks

                 <ace>  Transputer boards     running  OCCAM software


             Complex modules are organized as one complete subdirectory tree

             for each implementation:




                        |         |------src/ 

                        |         |------... 







Any activity in the development area of a module shall be based on the standard structure and all paths shall be relative to the module root.


No reference to such areas can be made from other modules.


Each area (MODROOT: <mod>, <mod>/ws, <mod>/lcu) has the the following subdirectory tree:



           |------src/                       <------ MANDATORY

           |         |------Makefile         <------ MANDATORY

           |         |------aaaa.c

           |         |------bbb.c

           |         |------xxxx.c

           |         |------script1

           |         |------   .



           |         |------mod.h     

           |         |------modPrivate.h  

           |         |------modErrors.h

           |         |------   .



           |         |------modClass1.class     

           |         |------   .

           |         |------modBranch.db

           |         |------   .



           |         |------XapplName   

           |         |------   .



           |         |------rightArrow

           |         |------leftArrow

           |         |------   .



           |         |

           |         |

           |         |------   .



           |         |------modProc1.cdt 

           |         |------   .



           |         |------modProc1.cit

           |         |------   .



           |         |------mod_ALARMS

           |         |---HELP/

           |                 |---modXXXXXXX.hlp

           |                 |---   .



           |         |------mod_ERRORS

           |         |------modERRORS.IDX

           |         |---HELP/

           |                 |---modINVACCC.hlp

           |                 |---   .


           |         |------mod_LOGS

           |         |------modLOGS.IDX



           |         |------mod....

           |         |------  .



           |         |------aaaa.o

           |         |------aaaa.d

           |         |------   .

           |         |------bbb.o

           |         |------bbb.d

           |         |------llll.da

           |         |------xxxx.dx

           |         |------   .



           |         |------xxxx

           |         |------script1

           |         |------   .



           |         |

           |         |------libllll.a

           |         |------   .



           |         |

           |         |------aaaa.idl

           |         |------   .



           |         |------man1/

           |         |          |------llll.1

           |         |          |------script1.1

           |         |          |------xxxx.1

           |         |                   .

           |         |------man3/   .

           |         |          |------aaaa.3

           |         |          |------bbb-1.3

           |         |          |------bbb-2.3

           |         .          |------  .

           |         .

           |         |------mann/




           |         |

           |         |------llll.text

           |         |        .



           |         |------Makefile         <------ MANDATORY

           |         |------yyyy.c

           |         |------scriptXxxx

           |         |------   .



                     |------ ....



REMARK: any modification to the shown structure shall be documented in the                   Maintenance Manual.






It is an intermediate area, personal or shared among a group of developers, where to install (from the development areas) the module code in order to perform the integration activities.


Integration areas are defined only on development computers.

It is possible to have many integration areas but only one at a time can be active: the one defined in the environmental variable $INTROOT.


In integration areas only and to allow debugging, special directories, namely $INTROOT/Sources and $INTROOT/vw/Sources, are storing the source files of the module currently installed in the $INTROOT.

When "make install" is issued and INTROOT is defined, vltMakefile copies:


..../<mod-i>/src/*      --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/src/*

..../<mod-i>/test/*     --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/test/*

..../<mod-i>/include/*  --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/include/*


where <mod-i> can be the module name or <mod>/ws, <mod>/lcu, etc.





           |         |---HELP/





           |         |---HELP/













           |         |-----man1/

           |         |-----man2/

           |         |-----..../



           |         |----mod1/

           |         |        |----src/

           |         |        |----include/

           |         |        |----test/

           |         |----mod2/

           |         |        |----ws/

           |         |        |      |----src/

           |         |        |      |----include/

           |         |        |      |----test/

           |         |        |----lcu/

           |         |               |----src/

           |         |               |----include/

           |         |               |----test/

           |         |       

           |         |----..../






                 |         |-----MC68000

                 |         |         |----..../

                 |         |-----MC68040

                 |         |         |----..../

                 |         |-----PPC604

                 |                   |----..../





                 |         |-----MC68000

                 |         |         |----..../

                 |         |-----MC68040

                 |         |         |----..../

                 |         |-----PPC604

                 |                   |----..../



                 |         |-----man1/

                 |         |-----man2/

                 |         |----..../



                 |         |----mod1/

                 |         |----mod2-lcu/

                 |         |----..../











contains software that has been officially released (i.e., coming from the archive, integrated and tested). It will not undergo other changes, it is frozen.


At least one VLT System area is defined on each computer, both on target and development ones. (TBD whether to use physical copies or remote access via NFS).


It is possible to have many VLT System areas but only one at time can be active: the one defined in the environmental variable $VLTROOT.




           |         |---HELP/





           |         |---HELP/














           |         |-----man1/

           |         |----- .



           |     |------BOOT/  

           |     |------CIT/  

           |     |------bin/

           |     |         |-----MC68000

           |     |         |         |----..../

           |     |         |-----MC68040

           |     |         |         |----..../

           |     |         |-----PPC604

           |     |                   |----..../

           |     |------include/

           |     |------dbl/

           |     |------lib/

           |     |         |-----MC68000

           |     |         |         |----..../

           |     |         |-----MC68040

           |     |         |         |----..../

           |     |         |-----PPC604

           |     |                   |----..../

           |     |------man/

           |     |         |-----man1/

           |     .         |-----.









The environmental variables shall be defined as the root directory of:

        $MODROOT        the development area where you are now working

        $INTROOT        the integration area currently in use 

        $VLTROOT        the VLT SW root currently in use



      can be dinamically set using the command 'setmod'. You do not need to have a proper environment variable “$MODROOT”.



      should be defined at login time by one of your startup files using:

        - for Bourne/Korn/bash shell:  INTROOT=<directory>; export INTROOT



      should be defined at login time by the system startup files (for test purpose you can redefine it in your personal startup files)


The hierarchy in using files is:

development, integration, system

and is obtained using the following search paths:

search path

 for commands:  $MODROOT/bin     $INTROOT/bin     $VLTROOT/bin

 for .h files:  $MODROOT/include $INTROOT/include $VLTROOT/include

 for libxxx.a:  $MODROOT/lib     $INTROOT/lib     $VLTROOT/lib


The same hierarchy (development, integration, system) applies for data files, like ERRORS, HELP, etc.



The 'make install' command always copies files from the current area (if you are working under MODROOT/src, make will look for ../bin, ../lib etc.) to either the integration area (if INTROOT is defined it has the precedence) or the system area.


 during development:

    - INTROOT is defined (normally in the .pecs/apps-all.env ) and 'make install'

      is issued from $MODROOT/src. So, files are taken from the current

      module and installed in the integration area.


 during installation of a machine with the released VLTSW:

    - only VLTROOT is defined. So, files are copied into the VLT System area.



Each release of a software module can be in only one of the following status:



        the sw is tested locally into the development area.



        the active part of the sw, i.e., executable, libraries, headers,

        manpages, etc., is copied ('make install') from the development area

        to the integration area, therefore it is available to everybody which

        is making reference to that integration area.



        the software has past the acceptance test and then all the files

        forming the module are moved from the development area to the archive.



A release of a software module is INSTALLED when the active part of the sw has been copied in the VLTROOT area following the installation procedure, as from the Module User Manual.






There are three main aspects related to security: backup, editing and protection.




Regular backup shall be provided at system level at least for:

    - archive

    - development areas (all the user home directories)

    - data files under root.




Changes can be made only in development areas. Except for data files, changes on archive or root files are not permitted.





It is based on the standard UNIX file protection system (using username and permission bits):


- directories are open for read and write.


- files are readable from everybody, but writable only from the username that performed the 'make install' (*)


- data files shall be protected or not, according to the need.


Being based on the UNIX protection, all the commands to override such system of rules (su, chmod, etc.) are valid and can be used. Be careful when you step out of the defined rules!



(*)  This implies that a modification can be done only by the developer responsible for a module. So, if during integration you discover an error in somebody else software, you should pass this information to him, so it can be fixed, or, if you can fix it and you need it urgently, fix the problem in a local copy and send it to him so local test can be repeated before installation into the integration area. Due to the hierarchy in the search paths your local copy will have the precedence. When the problem is fixed in the integration area (or in the root area), remember to delete your local copy.






Some general considerations:


- do not make copies from the root or from the integration into your development area of software that is not in the scope of the module you are developing. The local copy will override new versions eventually made available in the root or in integration.(see above for exception).


- for the same reason, do not copy from root into the integration area software that is not in the scope of what you are integrating (unless you need a version of a software that is older than the one now available in the root).









Annex 2: Document types and PSCs



CRE Change Request - Official request to change an item which is under configuration control
DNO Discrepancy Notice - Notification that an item under configuration control is not compliant with the specification or ICD

ICD Interface Control Document - Document describing the requirements and design of the interface between two configuration items
INS Instruction - Guidelines on how to perform a certain task or process
LIS List Document - giving an enumeration of items.
MAN Manual Document - describing a product. Can focus on specific groups, e.g. user, maintenance, installation etc.
MIN Minutes of Meeting - Meeting report, can include action item list
PLA Plan - Official document describing an intended scheme or (sub-) project
PRO Procedures - Mandatory description of how a certain task or process should be executed
RFW Request for Waiver - Official request to be exempted from a requirement
SOW Statement of Work - Document describing what tasks should be carried out by a defined entity (person, company, institute)
SPE Specification - Document describing the required performance of a product
REP Report - Document giving an official written account, including technical documents
MEM Memorandum - Unofficial document, can address any subject
VER Verification Document/Test Protocol - Official document describing a test procedure
DWG Drawing/ Drawing List/Parts List/Schematic - Document presenting a graphical representation of a physical part, or: Document which enumerates all drawings that describe a single product or a logical or functional part of a product; or enumerates all parts including unique type codes (e.g. manufacturer’s type number), used in a single product or a logical or functional part of a product; or is a technical drawing showing a schematic representation of an electrical circuit, hydraulic system etc.






Issue Date 26.11.02




VLT Management





VLT Observatory





AIV - Assembly/Integration/Verification















M1/M3 Unit





M1 Mirror





M1 cell/M3 Tower





M3 Mirror/cell





M2 Unit





M2 Electromechanical Unit





M2 Mirror/cell










Main Structure





Alarm Connection Points





Local Control Units





Altitude and Azimuth LCUs





Hydrostatic bearing and cooling system










Cassegrain adaptor/rotator





Cassegrain adaptor/rotator no 1





Cassegrain adaptor/rotator no 2





Cassegrain adaptor/rotator no 3





Cassegrain adaptor/rotator no 4





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator (A & B)





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 1





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 2





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 3





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 4





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 5





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 6





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 7





Nasmyth adaptor/rotator 8





Coude beam/focus





Coude Train M4-M8 General





M4 Mirror Assembly





M5 Mirror Assembly





M6 Mirror Assembly





M7 Mirror Assembly





M8 Mirror Assembly





M9 Mirror Assembly





Coude Focus Status





Rotating platform in Coude room





Coude focus electromechanical devices





M9 Exchanger





M10 Mirror Assembly





M11 Mirror Assembly





M9 M10 M11 Towers





Mirrors M4-M7 'B' and mountings





Mirrors M8 and mounting





Mirrors M9 and mounting





Mirrors M10 and mounting





Mirrors M11 and mounting





Adaptive Optics





Coude adaptive optics










Laser guide Star Studies















Low noise fast readout CCD for AO





Quad cell APDs for AO (STRAP)





AO data reduction





IR wave front sensor





VLT Technical CCD Systems





Small CCD Systems





Large CCD Systems





Second Generation TCCDS





Reserved for Second Generation TCCDS





Reserved for Second Generation TCCDS





Reserved for Second Generation TCCDS





Reserved for Second Generation TCCDS





Reserved for Second Generation TCCDS





VLT Laser Guide Star Facility





LGS Laser Room










Clean room





Services & Interlocks





Dye Pump Enclosure





LGS Laser Bench (PARSEC)





LGS Beam Relay System





Fibre Relay





BR Input





BR Output





LGS Launch Telescope System





Launch Telescope Assembly





LTS/M2 Interface





Aircraft Monitor





LTA Shutter





LTS Control Electronics





LGS Safety & Maintenance





LGSF Safety Systems





Maintenance Equipment





Compliance & Documentation





LGS AIV, Commissioning, Operations





LGS Control System





Workstation Software





LCU Software





Computer Hardware





LGS solid state lasers





Fibre Raman laser





Sum frequency laser





Maintenance/support equipment





M1 Handling/transport equipment





M1 Carriage





M1 Lifting Platform





M1 Handling tools





M1 Transporter





M2 handling equipment





M3 handling equipment





Optic. Integration/maintenance tools





Optical Alignment tools





Optical maintenance equipment





Paranal Optical Lab





Coating facility





Washing Unit





coating unit 8m





Coating unit 2m





Clean room





VLT Test Cameras





VLTTC opto-mechanics





VLTTC scientific CCD





General Handling Equipment





Cassegrain carriage





Telescopic working platform





Flying carpet





Service Platform for M1 Cell Assembly





M1 unit mass dummy















Site Development




















Storage Areas





Paranal Central Alarm System





Supply Systems





Electrical Power Generation





Thermal energy Production





Water supply/treatment





Energy feasibility study





Sewage treatment










Vehicle fuel supply





Distribution Networks





Electrical Power Distribution





Thermal Network





Water Network





Communications Network





Compressed air Network





Construction site equipment





Base camp










Lifting Devices










Local communications (Chile)










Buildings astronomical functions





Tel. Piers/enclosure foundations #1





Tel. Piers/enclosure foundations #2





Tel. Piers/enclosure foundations #3





Tel. Piers/enclosure foundations #4





Combined Coude lab.





Interferometry complex





Light beam ducts





Aux. Tel. Tracks/stations





Control/service building





Buildings support functions





Mirror maintenance, building





Utility tunnels/ducts










Warehouse, workshops





Hotel facilities





Office Building





Office, Board and Lodging Facilities





Telescope Piers





Telescope Pier #1





Telescope Pier #2





Telescope Pier #3





Telescope Pier #4





Enclosure foundations





Enclosure foundations #1





Enclosure foundations #2





Enclosure foundations #3





Enclosure foundations #4















UV-Vis focal reducer instrument





Focal reducer spectrograph (FORS)















Scientific FORS CCD Systems





FORS 1 CCD System





FORS 2 CCD System





UV-Vis Echelle Spectrograph Instrument





UV-Vis Echelle Spectrograph (UVES)





Scientific UVES CCD System





UVES CCD System - red





UVES CCD System - blue





Multi-fibre area spectrograph instrument





Multi-fibre area spectrograph










Fibre positioner unit





Scientific CCD System





Visible High Angular Resolution Camera





Beam combiner (visible)





High res. Spectrograph instrument





VLT Scientific CCD System





CCD Detectors















Fiera CCD Controller





ACE CCD Controller










FLAMES Corrector



































Med. Res. IR Spectrograph/imager (ISAAC)





Near IR High res. Camera (CONICA)





Mid IR Imager/Spectrometer (VISIR)





Multi-channel IR FTS





Cryogenic IR echelle Spectrometer (CRIRES)










Vis. And near IR wide Field multi object spectrograph instruments





Visible multi object spectrograph (VIMOS)















VIMOS Electronics





VIMOS Detector System





Near IR Multi object spectrograph (NIRMOS)





Mask manufacturing unit (MMU)





Scientific CCD Systems





IR detector systems






























Planet Finder




















2K Camera for SPIFFI





VLT Interferometer (VLTI)





Auxiliary Telescope System (ATS)




















Tools & GSE





ESO Control System





Station equipment










AMOS Control System





Delay Lines System





Delay Line High-Level Control Software





Basic Delay Line





Variable curvature mirror





Long Supporting Bench





Interferometer Imaging Beam Combiner





Interferometer control system





Central Control





OPD Controller





Fringe sensor Unit





FINITO Detector System





Alignment Units





Pupil Alignment Units





Image alignment units





Delay Constant Metrology










Interferometer Alignment Sensor (IAS)





VLTI Tilt sensor





VLT Transfer Optics





M12 Units





M12 Assembly





M12 Mechanism





M12 Bench





M12 Control System





M12 Tools





M16 Units





M16 Assembly





M16 Mechanism





M16 Bench





M16 Control System





M16 Tools





Beam Comressors





BC Assembly





BC Bench





BC Tools





Beam Switchyard





BS Assembly





BS Mechanism





BS Bench





BS Control System





BS Tools





FSU Feeding Optics





FO Assembly





FO Mechanism





FO Bench





FO Control System





FO Tools





VINCI Feeding Optics





FO Assembly





FO Mechanism





FO Bench





FO Control System





FO Tools





MIDI Feeding Optics





FO Assembly





FO Mechanism





FO Bench





FO Control System





FO Tools





AMBER Feeding Optics





FO Assembly





FO Mechanism





FO Bench





FO Control System





FO Tools















Star Separators





Differential Delay Lines





PRIMA Metrology System





Light Source





Beam Launcher





Metrology end Points





Beam Combiner





Phase Meter





Control HW/SW





PRIMA Fringe Sensor Unit





Interferometer instruments





Instrument #1 - VINCI





Basic instrument










Local control unit





Data/image processing hardware





Data/image processing software





Instrument #2 - MIDI





Basic Instrument










Local Control Unit





Data/image processing hardware





Data/image processing software










General data/image processing















Interferometer Auxiliary equipment





Alignment Equipment





Tunnel Alignment Reference





Light Duct Alignment Reference





Interferometric Lab Alignment Reference










Computer Environment















Control room installation Paranal










Central Control Software





High level operation software





Telescope control software





Instrument control software





Time reference system





Astronomical Site monitors





Seeing and sky monitor





ASM Tower





ASM enclosure





Seeing and coherence monitor





Cloud and extinction monitor





IR emissivity monitor





Turbulence profiler





Meteorological Station










Meteorological Sensors





Airborne particle sensor





Control Hardware





Local Control Unit





Control Electronics Cabin





ASM Workstation





ASM Software





ASM Application Software





Modelling Software





Prediction software





Communication Equipment (External meteo data)










Communcation Equipment










Installations Paranal










Site add-on software





Installations Garching















Remote operation software





DFS General





Proposal Handling





Observation handling





Science Archive





Astronomical Catalogue





Data Pipeline





Quality Control


















































VST Enclosure




































[1] Here, you don’t have to type anything, just press “enter” to continue and accept the default.

[2] The default is now CDE, so you can safely answer “no” to the question whether to install VUE support files.

[3] It is extremely important that you do not modify the files .bashrc, .profile, .wmrc or other UNIX configuration files directly, because they are linked to correspondent pecs files.

[4] All the cmm commands have to be run from the parent directory of the module.


[5] See document VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0619 at the web page to know more about the on-line database

[6] The integration user is responsible for integrating all the produced software within the project and preparing a software release (basically once or twice a year). His work is based on periodical integration loops (twice a week) during which all the new software is identified and retrieved from the archive, compiled and tested. For this it is extremely important to organize in simple and repeatable scripts all the available test programs. The final goal of this work is to validate the software release before delivering it to the Observatories and Consortia.

[7] The actual version of AR used at ESO (AR 4) does not yet support Netscape versions greater than 4.

[8] The SCCB meetings are generally held twice a month among the software responsible persons in Garching and Observatories. vltsccm prepares the list of new submitted SPRs and sends it to all concerned people (besides the software responsible persons, the originators of the SPR) some days before the meeting. The responsible persons for the software (module or package) where the SPR has been submitted, should add a comment to the SPR indicating whether it has to be accepted or not and the deadline for the implementation. All the commented SPRs are then discussed during the SCCB meeting to find a final decision.

[9]  Please, note that the list of PSCs can change with the time. The Archive group ( will provide the most up-to-date information.