European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Meeting of ALMA Young Astronomers (2023)

Published: 28 Jan 2023

The deadline for registering for the Meeting of ALMA Young Astronomers (MAYA 2023) is approaching fast! MAYA 2023 is a conference targeted toward early career astronomers interested in ALMA, which will take place on 6th to 10th March 2023, and it will be fully on-line. Deadline for abstract submission is 15th January 2023.

The goals of the meeting are to allow the participants to present their scientific work, interact with other participants and staff working in the ARC nodes, and potentially trigger new collaborations and new projects. For details and registration, please visit this page

I-TRAIN #18: Running the Single Dish pipeline

Published: 27 Jan 2023

The European ARC Network invites users to an online training on Running the Single Dish pipeline on January 27th, 11:00 CET [Zoom link].

ALMA announces Joint Proposal agreements for JWST, VLA, and the VLT

Published: 20 Dec 2022

The ALMA observatory is pleased to announce that it has entered into Joint Proposal agreements with the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the European Southern Observatory (ESO) for the Very Large Telescope (VLT), and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA).

Restart of ALMA Cycle 9 observations

Published: 19 Dec 2022

ALMA has resumed performing PI science observations following the cyber-attack. The end-to-end data acquisition and processing workflow and software were successfully re-tested prior to the restart. ALMA is currently taking observations in configuration C-3. User services are also now back online, including access to ALMA user profiles, SnooPI, and the Cycle 9 DDT submission server. As previously announced, ALMA's most compact configurations (C-1 and C-2) will not be visited again in Cycle 9.

Some Scheduling Blocks (SBs) requiring configuration C-2 were already observed in the days prior to the cyberattack. Projects with SBs in nominal configurations C-1 and C-2 that can still be observed in configuration C-3 will remain in the observing queue. As per usual ALMA policy, incomplete Cycle 9 Grade A projects will carry over into Cycle 10.

ALMA Data Reduction Training

Published: 25 Nov 2022

Following the 6th Netherlands ALMA Science Day, on Friday, 9 December Allegro will host an introductory ALMA Data Reduction Training also at Leiden Observatory. Allegro fellows will introduce CASA and ALMA data reduction techniques, share tips & tricks, and offer extensive hands-on training in data imaging and analysis. Students and postdocs are particularly welcome to attend the training, which will cover both basics and more advanced topics. The registration form will remain open until 2 December 2022.

ALMA Update on the Recovery from the Cyber-attack

Published: 18 Nov 2022

On October 29, 2022, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) suffered a cyber-attack on its computer systems, forcing the suspension of astronomical observations and the public website. This event is under investigation by local authorities.The Computing team quickly isolated the Antennas and Correlator systems and the Science Archive data systems. However, communication and other operational clusters were affected, forcing ALMA to stop all observations. Since then, email communication has been restored safely, along with new collaboration tools that enable the staff to continue their regular work.

The Crisis Management Team has developed a full-recovery plan in consultation with cyber security officers from ESO/NAOJ/NRAO. Our highest priority is to work hard to resume observations before the end of the year.

Vacancy Notice: ALMA Regional Centre Astronomer

Published: 07 Nov 2022

For its ALMA Regional Centre at the Headquarters in Garching near Munich, Germany, ESO is opening the position of:

ALMA Regional Centre Astronomer

The closing date for receipt of applications to be considered for the position is 10 January, 2023. For more information, please see the full vacancy announcement on the ESO Recruitment Portal website.

New CASA-related technical papers

Published: 05 Nov 2022

CASA is the designated science data analysis package for ALMA. An updated reference paper on this software, which is produced jointly by NRAO, ESO, NAOJ, and JIV-ERIC under the guidance of NRAO, was published this month together with a sister paper on the new VLBI processing capabilities of CASA.


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Showing 65 to 72 of 354 announcements