[ ESO ]
CRIRES Quality Control:
spectro-photometric standards

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Trending & QC1
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QC links:
STD efficiency
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot
   Click on CURRENT to see the current trending (Health Check).
   Click on HISTORY to see the historical evolution of the trending.

Telluric and spectro-photometric standard stars are chiefly observed on request of the Service Mode or Visitor Mode observer. For health check purposes, spectro-photometric standards are frequently measured for a small number of settings: 1087.3, 1504.8, 2205.0, 3611.0, and 5050.4 nm.

Standard stars are reduced in the same way as science exposures (see the pipeline recipe crires_spec_jitter). For spectro-photometric standards, the instrumental throughput, sensitivity, and conversion factor per wavelength are calculated in addition.

top Spectro-photometric standards

QC1 parameters for CRIRES standard star exposures are inserted into the QC1 database only for spectro-photometric standards (and not for telluric standards). They are calculated for each detector array separately.

QC1 parameters

parameter QC1 database: table, name procedure
median conversion factor crires_std, med_conv median of conversion factor (in ADU/sec/Jy); the ratio of the extracted flux to the tabulated flux of the standard star
median troughput crires_std, med_through median of the throughput per wavelength (in e-/photon); the number of detected electrons per photon
median sensitivity crires_std, med_sens median of the sensitivity (in Jy/10sigma/hour)
spectral position crires_std, spec_pos median of the spectral position (in Y direction) on the detector


Throughput is trended for the five health check settings.


Pipeline versions earlier than 2.1.x contained a bug for the efficiency calculation. This has been fixed in April 2011. Older values in the QC1 database have been corrected. The conversion factor between old and new values is about 2.4/100.
