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HAWKI: Calibration data
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

Raw CALIB data types

HAWK-I calibration data are mostly taken as daytime calibrations. Standard stars and twilight flats are taken at night, as part of the calibration plan. Find information about the HAWK-I data format and the detector here.

The following calibration data are taken as part of the daily HAWK-I calibration plan. The data types are identified by the DPR TYPE keyword in the FITS headers.

DARK CALIB DARK IMAGE detector status, dark current, readout noise >3
TWILIGHT FLAT CALIB FLAT IMAGE Small scale pixel-pixel efficiency variation correction >10
STD star CALIB STD IMAGE Zero-point monitoring, photometric calibration of SCIENCE data 4

*N: typical number taken per night and setting

DARK and FLAT pipeline recipes require AT LEAST 3 frames. The exact number of DARKs acquired for each setting used during a night is controlled by the calibration plan. The exact number of FLATs acquired for each filter varies; ideally the full dynamic range of the chips should be evenly sampled with at least 10 frames. To be reduced by the STD pipeline recipe, the template must make exactly FOUR observations.

There is only ONE readout mode for HAWK-I, 1x1 binning.

HAWK-I has no internal calibration lamp system, therefore only twilight flats are available. There are NO Dome- or Internal- FLATS usefulfor SCIENCE processing.

CALIB products
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

Overview of calibration files and recipes

Raw frame(s) recipe description product(s)
DARK hawki_dark_combine (new with v.2.0; was hawk_img_dark) create a master dark, bad pixel mask for hot pixels and compute some basic statistics from set of input raw frames MASTER_DARK
FLAT hawki_twilight_flat_combine (new with v.2.0; was hawki_img_flat) create a small scale pixel-pixel efficiency variation correction, master flat, bad pixel masks, compute basic stats from set of input raw frames MASTER_TWILIGHT_FLAT, MASTER_CONF, MASTER_BPM (new with v.2.0; was FLAT_IM, BPM_COLD, BPM, FLAT_STATS)
STANDARD STAR hawki_standard_process (new with v.2.0; was hawki_img_zpoint) determine instrumental response through zeropoint monitoring BASIC_CALIBRATED_STD, BASIC_VAR_MAP, BASIC_CAT_STD, MEAN_SKY, MEAN_SKY_VAR, MATCHSTD_PHOTOM (new with v.2.0; was ZPOINT_IMA, ZPOINT_RES, ZPOINT_STATS)

Naming scheme

After production and certification, the calibration products are archived. They are named with a scheme including type, creation date and relevant setting parameters. The master calibrations are available for archive users through the calSelector service.

Calibration cascade
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

The processing of HAWK-I calibration frames requires a cascaded scheme where the mutual dependencies of products and raw frames are respected. The proper sequence of all these production steps is called the calibration cascade. It is described here.

Within that cascade, all products are checked with respect to their quality and their relationship in time. This means e.g. that a standard star product is not only generated using an arbitrary quality-checked localization solution, but that specific solution is chosen which is closest in time.

All products created by QC Garching follow the calibration cascade. On the other hand, Paranal-processed science data use standard solutions created by QC Garching and possibly several months old.

Static calibration files
Raw CALIB data types | CALIB products | Calibration cascade | Static calibration files

Static calibration files (the ones not being regularly processed from raw calibration data) come as FITS tables and are available through the calSelector archive service.

Table name PRO.CATG Purpose
HI_GCAP_151001A_index_casu_2mass_photom.fits MASTER_2MASS_CATALOGUE_PHOTOM 2MASS photometric catalaog
HI_GCAS_151001A_index_casu_2mass_astrom.fits MASTER_2MASS_CATALOGUE_ASTROM 2MASS atrometric catalaog
HI_GSMN_151001A_SFD_dust_4096_ngp.fits SCHLEGEL_MAP_NORTH
HI_GSMS_151001A_SFD_dust_4096_sgp.fits SCHLEGEL_MAP_SOUTH
master_2mass_tbl.fits MASTER_2MASS_CATALOGUE
HI_MFRG_151001A_readgain.fits MASTER_READGAIN can also be used as dynamic version
HI_GSSC_081103A_stdstars_cat.fits STDSTARS_CATS Table of standard star names, coordinates, spectral type, and JHKsY magnitudes, NOT USED with new pipeline v.2
HI_GDIS_081012A_distortion_map.fits DISTORTION Distortion map; NOT USED with new pipeline v.2

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