[ ESO ]
XSHOOTER Pipeline:
Recipe for Slit/IFU Arc Reduction

CAL | HC | refs | QC
Trending & QC1
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Disclaimer: The information given here refers to the use of this recipe during QC processing. For more details see the pipeline manual at the pipelines page.

  • recipe name:xsh_wavecal
  • input raw frames: ARC_<type>_<arm> (type = SLIT/IFU, arm = UVB/VIS), ARC_<type>_<arm>_ON/OFF (type = SLIT/IFU, arm = NIR)
Purpose: Determines the resolution, line tilt, and the shift between the slit/IFU and the multi-pinhole

Description: Lines are searched around the position (at slit center) predicted by the updated config file from xsh_2dmap and filtered by signal-to-noise ratio at the line center. Starting from the centroid the line profiles in dispersion direction are fit at different positions along the slit to derive their positions and FWHM. The line tilt is fit by a linear relation between positions along the slit and outliers are rejected. The central position of the line is set to the result of the linear expression at the center of the slit. The median difference in y relative to the positions from xsh_2dmap are stored and give the global shift in pixel between the multi-pinhole and the slit/IFU. This product may be used in science reduction recipes to ajust the wavelength solution derived from the multi-pinhole to the slit/IFU, and thus allow the combination of the shifts derived from xsh_wavecal and those derived from xsh_flexcomp. QC currently uses the results only for monitoring.

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