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1 Introduction

The Test Panels of the Driver Engineering Interface shall represent a mirror of the corresponding driver functionality. They provide therefore almost the same possibilities as from the programmatic view.

In addition to the Introduction, this manual contains the following chapters:

· Common Test Panel Part - describes the part that is common to all Driver Test Panels.
· Driver Test Panel for Digital I/O Devices - specific part for acro devices.
· Driver Test Panel for Analog I/O Devices - specific part for aio devices.
· Driver Test Panel for Encoder I/F Devices - specific part for ikon devices.
· Driver Test Panel for Time Interface Modules Devices- specific part for tim devices.
· LCU Server Part - describes the internal communication between WS-panel and the LCU.
· Installation - describes how to install the software on WS and LCU side.
· Reference - includes the most important man-pages of the modules.

1.1 Purpose

This user manual shall provide the necessary information to operate the Driver Test Panels.

The document assumes that the reader has a some knowledge of UNIX.

1.2 Scope

The document describes the following software modules and tools:

· inducer in version 1.40
· acrox in version 1.22
· aiox in version 1.22
· ikonx in version 1.17
· timx in version 1.10

The following hardware and software environment is recommended for the software described:

· A UNIX host system
· CCS or CCS-lite software of the July 1995 release or later.
· Tcl/Tk (language and toolkit for graphical user interfaces)
· A target LCU
· a VMEbus chassis with bus backplane and power supply
· one Motorola MVME167 CPU board, any version
· VxWorks version 5.2 operating system installed
· LCC software of the July 1995 release.
· and the devices to operate

1.3 Reference Documents

The following documents contain additional information and are referenced in the text.

[1] VLT Software Programming Standards
VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228, Issue 1.0, 10/03/93
[2] VLT SW Rel1 - Overview and Installation
[3] CCS-LCU/Driver Development Guide
VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0375, Issue 2.0, 09.08.1995
[4] VxWorks Version 5.2 Programmer's Guide
Wind River Systems
[5] VxWorks Version 5.2 Reference Manual
Wind River Systems
[6] J.K.Ousterhout: Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
Addison-Wesley, 1994

1.4 Abbreviations And Acronyms

The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in this document:

CCS Central Control Software
HW Hardware
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O Input/Output
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
LAN Local Area Network
LCC LCU Common Software
LCU Local Control Unit
N/A Not Applicable
OS Operating System
SW Software
TBD To Be Defined
VLT Very Large Telescope
WS Workstation

1.5 Stylistic Conventions

The following styles are used:

bold - in the text, for commands, filenames, prefixes/suffixes as they have to be typed.
italic - in the text, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.
teletype - for examples.
<name> in the examples, for parts that have to be substituted with the real content before typing.

bold and italic are also used to highlight words.

Items which are subject to change in future versions are marked in this way (AuthorRemark).

7 Very important items are marked in this way (Warning).
% - indicates a UNIX shell prompt
-> - indicates a VxWorks shell prompt

1.6 Naming Conventions

This implementation follows the naming conventions as outlined in the VLT Programming Standards [1].

1.7 Problem Reporting/Change Request


· report a problem/error encountered using the software and/or the documentation,
· suggest changes in the software or documentation

fill an SPR-form1 (shown in the following page) and send it with any other additional material that you think could be helpful, to ESO:

· by mail or fax for the attention of:
VLT/ELE- SOFTWARE GROUP/Software Configuration Control Manager
· by e-mail to:

Your request will be checked-in the SPR data base and processed according to ESO change control procedure. The registration number will be communicated to you for further reference and you will be kept informed of the outcome of your SPR.

<contract number>
<consortium name>
<institute name/company name>

<name of the submitter with its e-mail adress/fax number/phone number>
Subject: < module name / document title + version number >

Title: < problem short description >

Please mark one of the following categories

_ software error
_ error in the documentation
_ change request

>>>>> Please delete these lines and provide:
>>>>> for software errors:
>>>>> - the description of the anomaly, uncluding outputs,
>>>>> - how to reproduce it,
>>>>> - if existing, the temporary solution,
>>>>> - if known, the reference to where it was specified correctly
>>>>> - if known, the way to fix it.
>>>>> for errors in the documentation:
>>>>> - the exact location of the error (DocNr, issue, page, etc.)
>>>>> - the text that is wrong
>>>>> - if known, to what should it be changed.
>>>>> for change request
>>>>> - the description of what you would like to have
>>>>> - if available, possible implementation hints.



The utility getTemplate provides such form as editable file.

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