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Workflow information system for QC


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Workflow information system for QC  
Last update: 2024-09-23T03:10:07 (UT)
  | now: 2024-09-24T01:35:01 (UT)  
General news: NOTE: The Health Check and calChecker services are moved to qcFlow on an instrument by instrument basis. The current pages will not be updated any longer once the move has been finished.
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*Date on this monitor changes at 21:00 UT
png: Information and research:
- png file - advanced studies: QC1 browser | QC1 plotter
Average ? Thresholds ? N_
method value unit method value
1 QC1DB none   mag none  252 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all ABMAGLIM vs. exposure time, for ingested datacubes.
1a. SKY datacubes
1 QC1DB none   mag none  221 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all b. COMBINED_SKY datacubes

2 oQC1DB none   mag none  89 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all 2a. Science SINGLE datacubes, crowded fields (negative background, HISTO_17<-20).
2 QC1DB none   mag none  389 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all b. Same, background OK.
2 oQC1DB none   mag none  39 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all c. Science COMBINED datacubes, crowded fields (negative background, HISTO_17<-20).
2 QC1DB none   mag none  998 ABMAGLIM this | last_yr | all d. Same, background OK.
*Data sources: QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local data source
Plot 1
data source:muse_sci_combined
(QC1 database)
(numbers below apply to this dataset)
N_data plotted:252
[click plot for closeup]
Plot 2
data source:muse_sci_combined
(QC1 database)
(numbers below apply to this dataset)
N_data plotted:89
[click plot for closeup]
This plot

This plot shows the relation between ABMAGLIM and the total exposure time for the MUSE datacube IDPs. The parameter ABMAGLIM is defined by the data products standard as limiting magnitude of the background and is essentially measuring the background noise.

The parameter is displayed in plot #1 for the SKY-based datacubes; in plot #2 for the OB-based final datacubes (SINGLE or COMBINED). The plot #2 has both the SINGLE and COMBINED datasets split into the ones with negative background due to crowded-field observations, and the "normal" ones with well-behaved background. The crowded-field observations have an over-subtracted background and therefore a negative bias on the ABMAGLIM values which is clearly visible on the plots.

Check MUSE_DEEP datacubes here.  

General information

Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.

The latest date is indicated on top of the plot.

If configured,

  • data points belonging to the latest date are specially marked
  • statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
  • outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the threshold lines
  • "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow ( or )
  • you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up