Plotting and editing

We describe here all $\cal OYST\!ER\,$plotting and editing procedures. For calibrated visibility data, as well as other data from e.g. astrometry, the user will select plotting menus from the so-called AMOEBA (lower) section of the main $\cal OYST\!ER\,$GUI. While AMOEBA is described later on in a dedicated part of this manual, it is the general data analysis (as compared to reduction) facility of $\cal OYST\!ER\,$. The following plot menu is available.

PLOT $\vert$
INTERFEROMETRY Plot visibility data
ASTROMETRY Plot $\rho/\theta$ data
SPECTROSCOPY Plot radial velocity data
PHOTOMETRY Plot magnitude measurements

Each of the above buttons will display a widget designed for this class of plot. Plotting of interferometry data is handled by the same routines as used in CHAMELEON (see dedicated part on this NPOI data reduction facility).
