[ ESO ]
FORS2 Quality Control:
Imaging Calibration Lamps (old CCD)

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The following figures provide information gained from imaging screen flats with the old FORS2 CCD (until March 2002).
parameter procedure applicable actual values plot*
efficiency E (ADU/sec) median/exposure time master 10000 (BVR), 1000 (U) screen flat 1a,b
photon noise sph(ADU) difference of 2 raw files, s in 100x100 window raw 100-150 ADU @ 20000 ADU screen flat 2a
fixed-pattern noise sfp (ADU) total s in 100x100 window, subtract photon noise (squared under root) raw/master 100-150 ADU @ 20000 ADU screen flat 2b
fractional port difference sAB (%) fractional s across ports A and B raw/master,
4 port only
20 - 25 % screen flat 3
photon noise vs. flux plot 2a vs. median raw scale as 0.5%*(signal/20000)1/2 screen flat 4a
fixed-pattern noise vs. flux plot 2b vs. median, per filter raw/master scale as 0.5%*(signal/20000) screen flat 4b-f
*numbers in plot
