NACO: Calibration recipes
DARK frames: naco_img_dark
Raw Dark frame from early 2018, in double correlated read
mode. The lower left detector
quadrant is subject of dead columns.
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Raw Dark frame from early 2018, in fowler sampling read
mode (DIT=300sec). The lower left detector
quadrant is subject of dead columns and a considerable region
of the detector is contaminated by additional stray light.
Dark frames are measured to monitor the status of the detector. They come in
stacks of 3 raw frames. They are routinely measured every night when NACO is
operational. They are all processed into master Dark frames of different
discrete integration times and read modes and are quality-checked on the mountain
and by QC Garching. They are not stable, hence all master dark products are
stored in the calibration archive and individually delivered.
The pipeline recipe naco_img_dark takes a stack of frames observed with the
NACO_all_cal_Darks template, sorts the stack by means of different DITS,
averages the three raw frames and determines the RON (read-out noise) of the
full array. The output are master darks of several DIT . No
median filter or median stacking is applied, hence no cosmetic correction
concerning hot pixels and cosmic events is applied: The recipe produces in
addition a hot pixel map (all pixels above 5 sigma), a cold pixel map (all
pixel above 3 sigma), and a deviant pixel map.
QC checks
As part of the QC1 checks the following parameters are monitored: RON
(read-out noise, more precisely: the statistical noise normalized to NDIT=1)
for each of the four quadrants, median and mean of the whole product image.
These values are accessible via the trending page. Other internal checks
include the monitoring of the fixed pattern noise and the reset anomaly
product category (HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG) | product code | format | comments |
NACO_IMG_DARK_AVG | DCAL | 2D like the raw frame | useful for instrumental background subtraction in science files |
twilight flat and sky flat frames: naco_img_twflat
Raw twilight flat frame from early 2018, in double correlated read
mode and for the K-band. The lower left detector
quadrant is subject of dead columns.
The master twilight flats show the relative sensitivity (the gain) of the
array pixels. Twilight flats can be observed in two different ways: a) a
sequence of raw files all having the same filter, b) a sequence of files with
four alternating filters.
The telescope is in 'STANDBY' modus and pointing to zenith during twflat
observations. Possible bright stars which are jittered out anyway appear in
the errmap file as a wide trace.
The Differences between TwFlats and SkyFlats are :
- twflats are used for filters with central wavelength below 3 micron, while
skyflats are used for filters with central wavelength above 3 microns
- the twilight flat observation sequence uses the sky brightness change with
time during dusk or dawn, the sky flats use the sky brightness gradient over
the hemisphere to gain the highest possible flux range.
- the twilight flat sequence points to the zenith; altitude and azimuth does
not change, the filter change like ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-ABCD.
The skyflat takes ~5 jittered images with filter A at low airmass (X=1.01) and
then ~5 jittered images of filter B at the same airmass. This sequence is
repeats at airmass X~2 and X~2.38.
- As a consequence twflats have usually 10-20 raw frames in a stack per
filter, with continuously increasing or decreasing flux; while skyflats have
usually 10-15 raw frames in a stack per filter, with mostly three diff rent
flux values corresponding to three different airmasses.
The naco cpl pipeline recipe naco_img_twflat is used. Since the exposure
level is strongly increasing or decreasing during twilight, the raw frames can
be used to derive the detector linearity and the gain map in one. twflat is
able to sorting out the alternating filter sequence and handles each stack
separately. The recipe fits a linear regression to each pixel. If a master
dark frame is submitted twflat substitutes the 'a' in F=a+b *flux by the dark
and the 'b' is stored as the flat frame. The errors are given in the errmap
and would contain star trails. The interception file contains the 'a' in case
no dark frame is submitted to the recipe. The closest in time recorded dark
frame is supplied with the same DET.DIT, DET.NCORRS.NAME, and DET.MODE.NAME as
the raw twilight flat frames and is included in the sof file:
QC checks
No instrument specific properties are extracted from the twilight flats.
product category (HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG) | product code | format | comments |
MASTER_IMG_FLAT | ICTF | 2D like the raw frame | useful for pixel-to-pixel response scaling in science files |
MASTER_IMG_FLAT_BADPIX | ICTB | 2D like the raw frame | useful to flag bad pixel in science files |
lamp flat frames: naco_img_lampflat
The master lamp flats show the relative sensitivity (the gain) of the array
pixels. They become important when the science imaging used a different read
out mode than the twilight flats (their read out modes are fixed). The lamp
flat template generates three LAMP=ON and three LAMP=OFF frames in an
alternating order.
The naco pipeline recipe esorex naco_img_lampflat uses the OFF frames as
darks; they are subtracted from the ON frames. The recipe determines the gain,
the fixed pattern noise and the lamp flux for quality control reasons.
QC checks
No instrument specific properties are extracted from the lamp flats flats.
product category (HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG) | product code | format | comments |
MASTER_LAMP_FLAT | ICLF | 2D like the raw frame | useful for pixel-to-pixel response scaling in science files |
STD frames: naco_img_zpoint
Raw standard star observation from early 2018, in double correlated read
mode and for the K-band.
Photometric standard stars are observed in four filters: J, H, Ks, and L_prime
whenever possible, preferably in clear and photometric nights at low
This kind of exposure provides a fundamental parameter: the total sensitivity
of the telescope and the instrument.
The naco_img_zpoint recipe reads a stack of jittered standard star
images. The frames are subtracted from each other, which makes dark correction
unnecessary, and each difference frame is evaluated individually. The
subtraction pattern is: #1-#2, #2-#1, #2-#3, #3-#2, #3-#4, #4-3, #4-#5, #5-#4.
In current calibration scheme no flat field correction is applied. The recipe
provides the median instrumental magnitude (not corrected for extinction and
color-terms) that is also written in the PAF. In addition the Strehl ratio is
QC checks
The photometric zeropoint and the peak counts of the PSF is monitored, to
check that the observation is recorded in the non-linear regime of the detector
dynamic range.
product category (HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG) | product code | format | comments |
ZPOINT_TABLE | ICZT | fits table | results of the individual measurements |
PSF-CALIBRATOR frames: naco_img_strehl
Seeing as an observation constraint is available before launching an
observation block, Strehl ratio not, hence two Strehl ratio frames are taken
before the start of science OBs to check the requested Strehl ratio against
the specified value.
The esorex naco_img_strehl recipe reads two raw frames with
DPR.TYPE=PSF-CALIBRATOR, determines the Strehl ratio from the difference and
writes the results in the fits product.
QC checks
The Strehl ratio is retrieved.
product category (HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG) | product code | format | comments |
NACO_IMG_STREHL_CAL | ICSR | fits table | result of the individual measurement |