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XSHOOTER trending system: overview of scores

Last update: 2024-09-20T14:29:28 (UT)

General news: NOTE: The Health Check and calChecker services are moved to qcFlow on an instrument by instrument basis. The current pages will not be updated any longer once the move has been finished.

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detector:_bias   med_master ron_raw ron_master struct_x struct_y per.pat.noise
detector:_parameters   gain linearity max_flux dark
distortion_correction   number_identified gaps fmt_resid order_resid 2d_resid
format_stability   x_time y_time x_temp y_temp
wavelength_calib.   wavecal_slit wave_slit_time wave_ifu_time
lamps:_arc_&_flat   flat_HC_IFU slice_rms flat_IFU flat_SLIT arc_lamp D2_spectrum QTH_spectrum SLIT stdev
efficiency   efficiency D2_response QTH_response curvature
detector:_bias   med_master ron_raw ron_master struct_x struct_y per.pat.noise
detector:_parameters   gain linearity max_flux dark
distortion_correction   number_identified gaps fmt_resid order_resid 2d_resid
format_stability   x_time y_time x_temp y_temp
wavelength_calib.   wavecal_slit wave_slit_time wave_ifu_time
lamps:_arc_&_flat   flat_HC_IFU slice_rms flat_IFU flat_SLIT arc_lamp spectrum SLIT stdev
efficiency   efficiency response curvature
SNR   signal-to-noise
detector:_dark   remnance DIT=1s DIT=5s DIT=300s DIT=600s DIT=900s
detector:_parameters   gain linearity max_flux
distortion_correction   number_identified gaps fmt_resid order_resid 2d_resid
format_stability   x_time y_time
wavelength_calib.   wavecal_slit wave_slit_time wave_ifu_time
lamps:_arc_&_flat   flat_HC_IFU slice_rms flat_IFU flat_SLIT arc_lamp spectrum SLIT stdev
efficiency   efficiency response curvature
SNR   signal-to-noise
detector   bias_AGC dark_AGC detmon_AGC