The Venus Transit 2004
... Photos (521-530)
On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive , photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day" .
All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.
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Venus Transit from Brisbane [3312 x 3304 - 991k]
Peter Hughson Nikon F65 with 300mm Tamron lens and 2x converter f/16; 1/500 sec; ASA 400 film [Print scanned and "blue" reduced to make the Sun yellow and give better contrast - "Picture taken from driveway - unfortunately, we had only 15 min before the Sun went behind the clouds."] June 8, 2004, ~05:36 UT Brisbane, Australia | Venus Transit - Third Contact [Animated GIF - 400 x 384 -384k]
Ralph Vandebergh 6-inch refractor Sony TRV740E HI-8 June 8, 2004 The Netherlands |
All of the Venus Transit [910 x 1000 - 202k]
Dan Mitrut Societatea Astronomica Romana de Meteori 1000mm eyepiece projection Camera Practika DC 32 [Composite] June 8, 2004 Romania | Venus at the Edge [640 x 480 - 20k]
Vitor Manuel Brito Quinta 80 mm Achromatic Refractor f/5 with IR filter TouCam Pro June 8, 2004 Azeitao, Portugal |
End of the Venus Transit [238 x 235 pix - 36k]
Aymen Ibrahem Bibliotheca Alexandrina Practica with Zenith 500mm telephoto lens Kodak Gold 100; 1/1000 sec June 8, 2004
Alexandria, Egypt | End of the Venus Transit [216 x 222 pix - 34k]
Aymen Ibrahem Bibliotheca Alexandrina Practica with Zenith 500mm telephoto lens Kodak Gold 100; 1/1000 sec June 8, 2004
Alexandria, Egypt |
Solar Active Region AR 0652 [1000 x 790 - 164k]
Ralph Vandebergh 6-inch refractor Sony TRV740E HI-8 [Composite of 66 frames in good seeing] July 19, 2004, 08:44:14 UT The Netherlands | Large Eruptive Prominence [539 x 700 - 56k]
Ralph Vandebergh 6-inch refractor 40mm thermo-stable H-alpha filter Sony TRV740E HI-8 [Composite of about 70 frames] July 19, 2004, 09:15:32 UT The Netherlands |
Solar Active Region AR 0652 [800 x 600 pix - 383k]
Pavel Rapavy 160/2450mm refractor + 2x Barlow CCD camera SHT July 19, 2004, 14:38 UT Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia | Venus Occultation - Egress [Animated GIF - 335 x 361 pix - 1.1M]
Statis Kalyvas 8-inch Meade LX200 f/10 Starlight MXC-5 [Composite of 14 0.1-sec exposures with variable polarizing filter] May 21, 2004, 12:45 UT Thessaloniki, Greece |
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