
ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

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Details - COSMOS2015 catalogue: photometric redshifts and stellar masses (Laigle et al. 2016)

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 ALPHA_J2000 Right ascension of barycenter in decimal degrees (J2000) DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.ra;meta.main deg
2 DELTA_J2000 Declination of barycenter in decimal degrees (J2000) DOUBLE 1 pos.eq.dec;meta.main deg
3 NUMBER Running object number INT64 1;meta.main
4 X_IMAGE Object position along x DOUBLE 1 pos.cartesian.x pixel
5 Y_IMAGE Object position along y DOUBLE 1 pos.cartesian.y pixel
6 ERRX2_IMAGE Variance of position along X DOUBLE 1 stat.variance pixel2
7 ERRY2_IMAGE Variance of position along Y DOUBLE 1 stat.variance pixel2
8 ERRXY_IMAGE Covariance of position X / Y DOUBLE 1 stat.covariance pixel2
9 FLAG_HJMCC Bad region flag INT16 1 meta.code
10 FLUX_RADIUS Radius of aperture containing half the flux of MAG_AUTO FLOAT 1 instr.obsty.seeing pixel
11 KRON_RADIUS Kron apertures in units of A or B FLOAT 1 phys.angSize;src
12 EBV Galactic reddening E(B-V) based on Schlegel et al (1998) dust maps FLOAT 1
13 FLAG_PETER Flag Saturated objects and bad areas INT16 1 meta.code
14 FLAG_COSMOS 1: 2deg2 COSMOS area INT16 1 meta.code
15 FLAG_DEEP 1: Ultra-deep stripes, 0: deep stripes INT16 1 meta.code
16 FLAG_SHALLOW Shallow Flag INT16 1 meta.code
17 Ks_FLUX_APER2 Ks fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.K uJy
18 Ks_FLUXERR_APER2 Ks fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K uJy
19 Ks_FLUX_APER3 Ks fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.K uJy
20 Ks_FLUXERR_APER3 Ks fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.K uJy
21 Ks_MAG_APER2 Ks fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
22 Ks_MAGERR_APER2 Ks fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
23 Ks_MAG_APER3 Ks fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
24 Ks_MAGERR_APER3 Ks fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
25 Ks_MAG_AUTO Ks auto magnitude (AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
26 Ks_MAGERR_AUTO Ks auto mag error (AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
27 Ks_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
28 Ks_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magK FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
29 Ks_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.K mag
30 Ks_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.IR
31 Y_FLUX_APER2 Y fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
32 Y_FLUXERR_APER2 Y fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
33 Y_FLUX_APER3 Y fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
34 Y_FLUXERR_APER3 Y fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
35 Y_MAG_APER2 Y fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
36 Y_MAGERR_APER2 Y fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
37 Y_MAG_APER3 Y fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
38 Y_MAGERR_APER3 Y fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
39 Y_MAG_AUTO Y auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
40 Y_MAGERR_AUTO Y auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
41 Y_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
42 Y_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magY FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
43 Y_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR mag
44 Y_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.IR
45 H_FLUX_APER2 H fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.H uJy
46 H_FLUXERR_APER2 H fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H uJy
47 H_FLUX_APER3 H fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.H uJy
48 H_FLUXERR_APER3 H fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.H uJy
49 H_MAG_APER2 H fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
50 H_MAGERR_APER2 H fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
51 H_MAG_APER3 H fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
52 H_MAGERR_APER3 H fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
53 H_MAG_AUTO H auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
54 H_MAGERR_AUTO H auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
55 H_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
56 H_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magH FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
57 H_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.H mag
58 H_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.IR
59 J_FLUX_APER2 J fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.J uJy
60 J_FLUXERR_APER2 J fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J uJy
61 J_FLUX_APER3 J fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR.J uJy
62 J_FLUXERR_APER3 J fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR.J uJy
63 J_MAG_APER2 J fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
64 J_MAGERR_APER2 J fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
65 J_MAG_APER3 J fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
66 J_MAGERR_APER3 J fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
67 J_MAG_AUTO J auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
68 J_MAGERR_AUTO J auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
69 J_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
70 J_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magJ FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
71 J_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR.J mag
72 J_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.IR
73 B_FLUX_APER2 B fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
74 B_FLUXERR_APER2 B fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
75 B_FLUX_APER3 B fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
76 B_FLUXERR_APER3 B fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
77 B_MAG_APER2 B fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
78 B_MAGERR_APER2 B fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
79 B_MAG_APER3 B fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
80 B_MAGERR_APER3 B fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
81 B_MAG_AUTO B auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
82 B_MAGERR_AUTO B auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
83 B_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
84 B_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magB FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
85 B_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
86 B_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
87 V_FLUX_APER2 V fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
88 V_FLUXERR_APER2 V fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
89 V_FLUX_APER3 V fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
90 V_FLUXERR_APER3 V fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
91 V_MAG_APER2 V fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
92 V_MAGERR_APER2 V fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
93 V_MAG_APER3 V fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
94 V_MAGERR_APER3 V fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
95 V_MAG_AUTO V auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
96 V_MAGERR_AUTO V auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
97 V_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
98 V_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magV FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
99 V_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
100 V_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
101 ip_FLUX_APER2 ip fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
102 ip_FLUXERR_APER2 ip fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
103 ip_FLUX_APER3 ip fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
104 ip_FLUXERR_APER3 ip fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
105 ip_MAG_APER2 ip fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
106 ip_MAGERR_APER2 ip fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
107 ip_MAG_APER3 ip fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
108 ip_MAGERR_APER3 ip fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
109 ip_MAG_AUTO ip auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
110 ip_MAGERR_AUTO ip auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
111 ip_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
112 ip_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIP FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
113 ip_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
114 ip_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
115 r_FLUX_APER2 r fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
116 r_FLUXERR_APER2 r fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
117 r_FLUX_APER3 r fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
118 r_FLUXERR_APER3 r fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
119 r_MAG_APER2 r fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
120 r_MAGERR_APER2 r fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
121 r_MAG_APER3 r fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
122 r_MAGERR_APER3 r fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
123 r_MAG_AUTO r auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
124 r_MAGERR_AUTO r auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
125 r_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
126 r_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magr FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
127 r_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
128 r_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
129 u_FLUX_APER2 u fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
130 u_FLUXERR_APER2 u fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
131 u_FLUX_APER3 u fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
132 u_FLUXERR_APER3 u fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
133 u_MAG_APER2 u fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
134 u_MAGERR_APER2 u fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
135 u_MAG_APER3 u fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
136 u_MAGERR_APER3 u fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
137 u_MAG_AUTO u auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
138 u_MAGERR_AUTO u auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
139 u_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
140 u_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magU FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
141 u_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
142 u_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
143 zp_FLUX_APER2 zp fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
144 zp_FLUXERR_APER2 zp fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
145 zp_FLUX_APER3 zp fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
146 zp_FLUXERR_APER3 zp fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
147 zp_MAG_APER2 zp fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
148 zp_MAGERR_APER2 zp fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
149 zp_MAG_APER3 zp fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
150 zp_MAGERR_APER3 zp fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
151 zp_MAG_AUTO zp auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
152 zp_MAGERR_AUTO zp auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
153 zp_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
154 zp_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magZP FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
155 zp_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
156 zp_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
157 zpp_FLUX_APER2 zpp fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
158 zpp_FLUXERR_APER2 zpp fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
159 zpp_FLUX_APER3 zpp fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
160 zpp_FLUXERR_APER3 zpp fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
161 zpp_MAG_APER2 zpp fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
162 zpp_MAGERR_APER2 zpp fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
163 zpp_MAG_APER3 zpp fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
164 zpp_MAGERR_APER3 zpp fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
165 zpp_MAG_AUTO zpp auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
166 zpp_MAGERR_AUTO zpp auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
167 zpp_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
168 zpp_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magZPP FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
169 zpp_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
170 zpp_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
171 IA484_FLUX_APER2 IA484 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
172 IA484_FLUXERR_APER2 IA484 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
173 IA484_FLUX_APER3 IA484 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
174 IA484_FLUXERR_APER3 IA484 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
175 IA484_MAG_APER2 IA484 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
176 IA484_MAGERR_APER2 IA484 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
177 IA484_MAG_APER3 IA484 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
178 IA484_MAGERR_APER3 IA484 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
179 IA484_MAG_AUTO IA484 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
180 IA484_MAGERR_AUTO IA484 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
181 IA484_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
182 IA484_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA484 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
183 IA484_FLAGS Internal flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
184 IA484_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
185 IA527_FLUX_APER2 IA527 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
186 IA527_FLUXERR_APER2 IA527 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
187 IA527_FLUX_APER3 IA527 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
188 IA527_FLUXERR_APER3 IA527 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
189 IA527_MAG_APER2 IA527 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
190 IA527_MAGERR_APER2 IA527 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
191 IA527_MAG_APER3 IA527 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
192 IA527_MAGERR_APER3 IA527 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
193 IA527_MAG_AUTO IA527 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
194 IA527_MAGERR_AUTO IA527 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
195 IA527_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
196 IA527_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA527 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
197 IA527_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
198 IA527_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
199 IA624_FLUX_APER2 IA624 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
200 IA624_FLUXERR_APER2 IA624 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
201 IA624_FLUX_APER3 IA624 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
202 IA624_FLUXERR_APER3 IA624 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
203 IA624_MAG_APER2 IA624 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
204 IA624_MAGERR_APER2 IA624 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
205 IA624_MAG_APER3 IA624 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
206 IA624_MAGERR_APER3 IA624 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
207 IA624_MAG_AUTO IA624 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
208 IA624_MAGERR_AUTO IA624 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
209 IA624_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
210 IA624_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA624 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
211 IA624_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
212 IA624_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
213 IA679_FLUX_APER2 IA679 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
214 IA679_FLUXERR_APER2 IA679 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
215 IA679_FLUX_APER3 IA679 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
216 IA679_FLUXERR_APER3 IA679 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
217 IA679_MAG_APER2 IA679 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
218 IA679_MAGERR_APER2 IA679 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
219 IA679_MAG_APER3 IA679 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
220 IA679_MAGERR_APER3 IA679 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
221 IA679_MAG_AUTO IA679 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
222 IA679_MAGERR_AUTO IA679 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
223 IA679_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
224 IA679_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA679 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
225 IA679_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
226 IA679_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
227 IA738_FLUX_APER2 IA738 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
228 IA738_FLUXERR_APER2 IA738 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
229 IA738_FLUX_APER3 IA738 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
230 IA738_FLUXERR_APER3 IA738 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
231 IA738_MAG_APER2 IA738 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
232 IA738_MAGERR_APER2 IA738 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
233 IA738_MAG_APER3 IA738 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
234 IA738_MAGERR_APER3 IA738 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
235 IA738_MAG_AUTO IA738 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
236 IA738_MAGERR_AUTO IA738 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
237 IA738_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
238 IA738_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA738 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
239 IA738_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
240 IA738_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
241 IA767_FLUX_APER2 IA767 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.I uJy
242 IA767_FLUXERR_APER2 IA767 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I uJy
243 IA767_FLUX_APER3 IA767 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.I uJy
244 IA767_FLUXERR_APER3 IA767 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.I uJy
245 IA767_MAG_APER2 IA767 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
246 IA767_MAGERR_APER2 IA767 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
247 IA767_MAG_APER3 IA767 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
248 IA767_MAGERR_APER3 IA767 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
249 IA767_MAG_AUTO IA767 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
250 IA767_MAGERR_AUTO IA767 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
251 IA767_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
252 IA767_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIA767 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
253 IA767_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.I mag
254 IA767_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
255 IB427_FLUX_APER2 IB427 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
256 IB427_FLUXERR_APER2 IB427 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
257 IB427_FLUX_APER3 IB427 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
258 IB427_FLUXERR_APER3 IB427 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.U uJy
259 IB427_MAG_APER2 IB427 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
260 IB427_MAGERR_APER2 IB427 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
261 IB427_MAG_APER3 IB427 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
262 IB427_MAGERR_APER3 IB427 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
263 IB427_MAG_AUTO IB427 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
264 IB427_MAGERR_AUTO IB427 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
265 IB427_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
266 IB427_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB427 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
267 IB427_FLAGS internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.U mag
268 IB427_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
269 IB464_FLUX_APER2 IB464 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
270 IB464_FLUXERR_APER2 IB464 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
271 IB464_FLUX_APER3 IB464 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
272 IB464_FLUXERR_APER3 IB464 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
273 IB464_MAG_APER2 IB464 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
274 IB464_MAGERR_APER2 IB464 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
275 IB464_MAG_APER3 IB464 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
276 IB464_MAGERR_APER3 IB464 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
277 IB464_MAG_AUTO IB464 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
278 IB464_MAGERR_AUTO IB464 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
279 IB464_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
280 IB464_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB464 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
281 IB464_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
282 IB464_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
283 IB505_FLUX_APER2 IB505 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
284 IB505_FLUXERR_APER2 IB505 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
285 IB505_FLUX_APER3 IB505 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
286 IB505_FLUXERR_APER3 IB505 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.B uJy
287 IB505_MAG_APER2 IB505 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
288 IB505_MAGERR_APER2 IB505 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
289 IB505_MAG_APER3 IB505 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
290 IB505_MAGERR_APER3 IB505 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
291 IB505_MAG_AUTO IB505 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
292 IB505_MAGERR_AUTO IB505 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
293 IB505_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
294 IB505_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB505 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
295 IB505_FLAGS internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.B mag
296 IB505_IMAFLAGS_ISO External flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
297 IB574_FLUX_APER2 IB574 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
298 IB574_FLUXERR_APER2 IB574 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
299 IB574_FLUX_APER3 IB574 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
300 IB574_FLUXERR_APER3 IB574 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.V uJy
301 IB574_MAG_APER2 IB574 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
302 IB574_MAGERR_APER2 IB574 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
303 IB574_MAG_APER3 IB574 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
304 IB574_MAGERR_APER3 IB574 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
305 IB574_MAG_AUTO IB574 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
306 IB574_MAGERR_AUTO IB574 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
307 IB574_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
308 IB574_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB574 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
309 IB574_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.V mag
310 IB574_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
311 IB709_FLUX_APER2 IB709 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
312 IB709_FLUXERR_APER2 IB709 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
313 IB709_FLUX_APER3 IB709 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
314 IB709_FLUXERR_APER3 IB709 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt.R uJy
315 IB709_MAG_APER2 IB709 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
316 IB709_MAGERR_APER2 IB709 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
317 IB709_MAG_APER3 IB709 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
318 IB709_MAGERR_APER3 IB709 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
319 IB709_MAG_AUTO IB709 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
320 IB709_MAGERR_AUTO IB709 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
321 IB709_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
322 IB709_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB709 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
323 IB709_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.R mag
324 IB709_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
325 IB827_FLUX_APER2 IB827 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
326 IB827_FLUXERR_APER2 IB827 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
327 IB827_FLUX_APER3 IB827 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
328 IB827_FLUXERR_APER3 IB827 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
329 IB827_MAG_APER2 IB827 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
330 IB827_MAGERR_APER2 IB827 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
331 IB827_MAG_APER3 IB827 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
332 IB827_MAGERR_APER3 IB827 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
333 IB827_MAG_AUTO IB827 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
334 IB827_MAGERR_AUTO IB827 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
335 IB827_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
336 IB827_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magIB827 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
337 IB827_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
338 IB827_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
339 NB711_FLUX_APER2 NB711 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
340 NB711_FLUXERR_APER2 NB711 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
341 NB711_FLUX_APER3 NB711 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
342 NB711_FLUXERR_APER3 NB711 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
343 NB711_MAG_APER2 NB711 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
344 NB711_MAGERR_APER2 NB711 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
345 NB711_MAG_APER3 NB711 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
346 NB711_MAGERR_APER3 NB711 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
347 NB711_MAG_AUTO NB711 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
348 NB711_MAGERR_AUTO NB711 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
349 NB711_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
350 NB711_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magNB711 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
351 NB711_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
352 NB711_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
353 NB816_FLUX_APER2 NB816 fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
354 NB816_FLUXERR_APER2 NB816 fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
355 NB816_FLUX_APER3 NB816 fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.opt uJy
356 NB816_FLUXERR_APER3 NB816 fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt uJy
357 NB816_MAG_APER2 NB816 fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
358 NB816_MAGERR_APER2 NB816 fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
359 NB816_MAG_APER3 NB816 fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
360 NB816_MAGERR_APER3 NB816 fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
361 NB816_MAG_AUTO NB816 auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
362 NB816_MAGERR_AUTO NB816 auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
363 NB816_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.opt mag
364 NB816_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magNB816 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt mag
365 NB816_FLAGS Internal Flag INT16 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt mag
366 NB816_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag INT16 1 meta.code;em.opt
367 SPLASH_1_FLUX SPLASH_1 flux in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
368 SPLASH_1_FLUX_ERR SPLASH_1 flux error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
369 SPLASH_1_MAG SPLASH_1 magnitude in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
370 SPLASH_1_MAGERR SPLASH_1 magnitude error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
371 SPLASH_2_FLUX SPLASH_2 flux in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
372 SPLASH_2_FLUX_ERR SPLASH_2 flux error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
373 SPLASH_2_MAG SPLASH_2 magnitude in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
374 SPLASH_2_MAGERR SPLASH_2 magnitude error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
375 SPLASH_3_FLUX SPLASH_3 flux in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
376 SPLASH_3_FLUX_ERR SPLASH_3 flux error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
377 SPLASH_3_MAG SPLASH_3 magnitude in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
378 SPLASH_3_MAGERR SPLASH_3 magnitude error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
379 SPLASH_4_FLUX SPLASH_4 flux in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
380 SPLASH_4_FLUX_ERR SPLASH_4 flux error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
381 SPLASH_4_MAG SPLASH_4 magnitude in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
382 SPLASH_4_MAGERR SPLASH_3 magnitude error in a 3" aperture FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
383 Hw_FLUX_APER2 Hw fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
384 Hw_FLUXERR_APER2 Hw fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
385 Hw_FLUX_APER3 Hw fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
386 Hw_FLUXERR_APER3 Hw fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
387 Hw_MAG_APER2 Hw fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
388 Hw_MAGERR_APER2 Hw fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
389 Hw_MAG_APER3 Hw fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
390 Hw_MAGERR_APER3 Hw fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
391 Hw_MAG_AUTO Hw auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
392 Hw_MAGERR_AUTO Hw auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
393 Hw_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
394 Hw_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magHw FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
395 Hw_FLAGS Internal Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR mag
396 Hw_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;em.IR
397 Ksw_FLUX_APER2 Ksw fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
398 Ksw_FLUXERR_APER2 Ksw fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
399 Ksw_FLUX_APER3 Ksw fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
400 Ksw_FLUXERR_APER3 Ksw fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
401 Ksw_MAG_APER2 Ksw fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
402 Ksw_MAGERR_APER2 Ksw fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
403 Ksw_MAG_APER3 Ksw fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
404 Ksw_MAGERR_APER3 Ksw fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
405 Ksw_MAG_AUTO Ksw auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
406 Ksw_MAGERR_AUTO Ksw auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
407 Ksw_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
408 Ksw_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magKsw FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
409 Ksw_FLAGS Internal Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR mag
410 Ksw_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;em.IR
411 yHSC_FLUX_APER2 yHSC fixed aperture flux (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
412 yHSC_FLUXERR_APER2 yHSC fixed aperture flux error (2",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
413 yHSC_FLUX_APER3 yHSC fixed aperture flux (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.IR uJy
414 yHSC_FLUXERR_APER3 yHSC fixed aperture flux error (3",AB) [detection image] FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.IR uJy
415 yHSC_MAG_APER2 yHSC fixed aperture magnitude (2",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
416 yHSC_MAGERR_APER2 yHSC fixed aperture mag error (2",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
417 yHSC_MAG_APER3 yHSC fixed aperture magnitude (3",AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
418 yHSC_MAGERR_APER3 yHSC fixed aperture mag error (3",AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
419 yHSC_MAG_AUTO yHSC auto magnitude (AB) FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
420 yHSC_MAGERR_AUTO yHSC auto mag error (AB) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
421 yHSC_MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.IR mag
422 yHSC_MAGERR_ISO rms uncertainty on magyHSC FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR mag
423 yHSC_FLAGS Internal Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR mag
424 yHSC_IMAFLAGS_ISO External Flag FLOAT 1 meta.code;phot.mag;em.IR
425 FLUX_24 MIPS 24 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density uJy
426 FLUXERR_24 MIPS 24 mum mJy flux uncertainty FLOAT 1 stat.error uJy
427 MAG_24 m(24) the apparent isophotal magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag mag
428 MAGERR_24 Error in mag-24 FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag mag
429 ID_A24 ID in the 24um catalog INT64 1
430 FLUX_100 PACS/PEP 100 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
431 FLUXERR_100 PACS/PEP 100 mum mJy flux uncertainty FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
432 FLUX_160 PACS/PEP 160 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
433 FLUXERR_160 PACS/PEP 160 mum mJy flux uncertainty FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
434 FLUX_250 SPIRE/HERMES 250 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
435 FLUXERR_250 SPIRE/HERMES 250 mum mJy flux uncertainty (instrumental noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
436 FLUXERRTOT_250 SPIRE/HERMES 250 mum mJy flux uncertainty (total (inst+conf) noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
437 FLUX_350 SPIRE/HERMES 350 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
438 FLUXERR_350 SPIRE/HERMES 250 mum mJy flux uncertainty (instrumental noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
439 FLUXERRTOT_350 SPIRE/HERMES 250 mum mJy flux uncertainty (total (inst+conf) noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
440 FLUX_500 SPIRE/HERMES 500 mum flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
441 FLUXERR_500 SPIRE/HERMES 500 mum mJy flux uncertainty (instrumental noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
442 FLUXERRTOT_500 SPIRE/HERMES 500 mum mJy flux uncertainty (total (inst+conf) noise) FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
443 ID_CHANDRA2016 Observation ID in Chandra COSMOS catalog STRING 9
444 ID2006 Observation ID in the 1st version of the catalog from Capak INT32 1
445 ID2008 Observation ID in the 2ndversion of the catalog from Capak INT32 1
446 ID2013 Observation ID ( catalog from Ilbert et al. 2013) INT32 1
447 MAG_GALEX_NUV GALEX magnitude NUV FLOAT 1 phot.mag mag
448 MAGERR_GALEX_NUV GALEX magnitude error NUV FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV mag
449 MAG_GALEX_FUV GALEX FUV magnitude FLOAT 1 phot.mag;em.UV mag
450 MAGERR_GALEX_FUV GALEX FUV magnitude error FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.mag;em.UV mag
451 FLUX_GALEX_NUV GALEX NUV calibrated flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.UV uJy
452 FLUXERR_GALEX_NUV GALEX NUV flux error FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV uJy
453 FLUX_GALEX_FUV GALEX FUV flux FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.UV uJy
454 FLUXERR_GALEX_FUV GALEX FUV flux error FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux;em.UV uJy
455 FLUX_814W flux F814W FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
456 FLUXERR_814W flux error F814W FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
457 NAME_VLA90CM name of the sources in VLA 90cm catalog STRING 33
458 FLUXPEAK_90CM peak flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
459 FLUXPEAKERR_90CM rms uncertainty in the peak flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
460 FLUXINT_90CM total integrated flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
461 FLUXINTERR_90CM rms uncertainty total integrated flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 stat.error;phot.flux mJy
462 RMSBKG_90CM measured local rms noise at the source position FLOAT 1 stat.error mJy
463 NAME_JVLDEEP name of the sources in JVL Deep catalog STRING 35
464 NAME_JVLLARGE name of the sources in JVL Large catalog STRING 32
465 FLUXPEAK_20CM peak flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
466 FLUXPEAKERR_20CM rms uncertainty in the peak flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 stat.error mJy
467 FLUXINT_20CM total integrated flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 phot.flux.density mJy
468 FLUXINTERR_20CM rms uncertainty total integrated flux of the radio source FLOAT 1 stat.error mJy
469 RMSBKG_20CM measured local rms noise at the source position FLOAT 1 stat.error mJy
470 ID_XMM Observation ID XMM-Newton INT32 1
471 FLUX_XMM_05_2 0.5-2 keV band flux from XMM/Newton FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
472 FLUX_XMM_2_10 2-10 keV band flux from XMM/Newton FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
473 FLUX_XMM_5_10 5-10 keV band flux from XMM/Newton FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
474 HARDNESS_XMM hardness ratio FLOAT 1 phot.flux;arith.ratio
475 ID_CHANDRA09 Observation ID Chandra COSMOS catalog INT32 1
476 FLUX_CHANDRA_05_2 0.5-2 keV band flux from Chandra COSMOS catalog DOUBLE 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
477 FLUX_CHANDRA_2_10 2-10 keV band flux from Chandra COSMOS catalog DOUBLE 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
478 FLUX_CHANDRA_05_10 0.5-10 keV band flux from Chandra COSMOS catalog DOUBLE 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
479 ID_NUSTAR Observation ID Nustar STRING 20
480 FLUX_NUSTAR_3_24 3-24 keV band flux from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
481 FLUXERR_NUSTAR_3_24 3-24 keV band flux error from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
482 FLUX_NUSTAR_3_8 3-8 keV band flux from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
483 FLUXERR_NUSTAR_3_8 3-8 keV band flux error from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
484 FLUX_NUSTAR_8_24 8-24 keV band flux from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
485 FLUXERR_NUSTAR_8_24 8-24 keV band flux error from Nustar catalog FLOAT 1 phot.flux;em.X-ray erg/cm2/s
486 HARDNESS_NUSTAR hardness ratio FLOAT 1 phot.flux;arith.ratio
487 HARDNESSLOW_NUSTAR hardness ratio lower bound FLOAT 1 phot.flux;arith.ratio
488 HARDNESSUP_NUSTAR hardness ratio upper bound FLOAT 1 phot.flux;arith.ratio
489 FLAG_XRAYBLEND flag for blended sources INT16 1 meta.code
490 OFFSET_MAG offset applied to the aperture magnitudes to obtain total quantities DOUBLE 1 phot.mag mag
491 PHOTOZ median of the likelihood distribution FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
492 TYPE Type INT16 1 meta.code
493 ZPDF photo-z measured using the galaxy templates FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
494 ZPDF_L68 lower limit, 68% confidence level FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
495 ZPDF_H68 upper limit, 68% confidence level FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
496 ZMINCHI2 photo-z measured using the galaxy templates FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
497 CHI2_BEST reduced chi2 [-99 if less than 3 filters] for zMinChi2 DOUBLE 1
498 ZP_2 second photo-z solution FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
499 CHI2_2 reduced chi2 for the second photo-z solution DOUBLE 1
500 NBFILT Number of filters used in the fit INT16 1 meta.number
501 ZQ photoz for the AGN library FLOAT 1 src.redshift.phot
502 CHIQ reduced chi2 DOUBLE 1
503 MODQ best fit template INT16 1
504 MODS model for the star library INT16 1
505 CHIS reduced chi2 DOUBLE 1
506 MODEL BC03 model at zPDF INT16 1
507 AGE BC03 age DOUBLE 1 time.age
508 EXTINCTION Extinction FLOAT 1 phys.absorption
509 M_NUV Absolute magnitude of NUV galex FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.UV mag
510 M_U Absolute magnitude of Subaru u* band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt.U mag
511 M_B Absolute magnitude of Subaru B band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt.B mag
512 M_V Absolute magnitude of Subaru V band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt.V mag
513 M_R Absolute magnitude of Subaru r+ band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt.R mag
514 M_I Absolute magnitude of Subaru i+ band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt.I mag
515 M_Z Absolute magnitude of Subaru z-band (new filter) FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.opt mag
516 M_Y Absolute magnitude of VISTA Y-band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.IR mag
517 M_J Absolute magnitude of VISTA J-band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.IR.J mag
518 M_H Absolute magnitude of VISTA H-band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.IR.H mag
519 M_K Absolute magnitude of VISTA Ks-band FLOAT 1 phys.magAbs;em.IR.K mag
520 MNUV_MR Dust corrected M(NUV)-M(R) color at zPDF DOUBLE 1 phot.color;em.UV;em.opt.R
521 CLASS 0:quiescent/1:star-forming based on the NUV-R/R-J INT16 1 meta.code
522 MASS_MED log Stellar mass from BC03 best-fit template. median of the PDF DOUBLE 1 phys.mass
523 MASS_MED_MIN68 lower limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.mass
524 MASS_MED_MAX68 upper limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.mass
525 MASS_BEST log Stellar mass from BC03 best-fit template DOUBLE 1 phys.mass
526 SFR_MED log SFR from BC03 best-fit template. median of the PDF DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
527 SFR_MED_MIN68 lower limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
528 SFR_MED_MAX68 upper limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
529 SFR_BEST log SFR from BC03 best-fit template. Taken at the minimum chi2 DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
530 SSFR_MED log sSFR from BC03 best-fit template. median of the PDF DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
531 SSFR_MED_MIN68 lower limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
532 SSFR_MED_MAX68 upper limit, 68% confidence level DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
533 SSFR_BEST log sSFR from BC03 best-fit template. Taken at the minimum chi2 DOUBLE 1 phys.SFR
534 L_NU log(dust corr lum in erg/s/Hz) in NUV filter DOUBLE 1 phys.luminosity;em.UV
535 L_R log(dust corr lum in erg/s/Hz) in r filter DOUBLE 1 phys.luminosity;em.opt.R
536 L_K log(dust corr lum in erg/s/Hz) in K filter DOUBLE 1 phys.luminosity;em.IR.K