QC documentation system: QC procedure QCsinfo_psf.py for SINFONI

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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QCsinfo_hcao.py QCsinfo_std.py QCsinfo_psf.py
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NAME QCsinfo_psf.py and QCsinfo_persist.py (for the persistence check)
VERSION 1.0 -- 2006-06-22 fill template by handbook
1.1 -- 2006-07-07 revised and certified
2.0 -- 2009-04-20 completely re-written in Python with added QC functions and images
CALL measureQuality
QCsinfo_psf.py -a $AB -i 1
PURPOSE a) generates QC reports
PROCINPUT No input is required:
a) $DATE is now read from AB
b) primary file is set in QCsinfo_psf.py and is the PRO.CATG=COADD_PSF product with the _0000.fits extension.
c) raw frames are implicitly read from the AB.
d) other products such as MASTER_PSF, PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED, PSF_STAR_SPECTRA, AO_PERFORMANCE, and ENC_ENERGY are used and implicitly read.
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

display the PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED full detector intermediate product on the Real Time Display
display MASTER_PSF product on the Real Time Display
QC Report 1:
UL: the PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED full detector intermediate product image with the number of saturated pixels listed.
UR: the MASTER_PSF median cube collapsed image. A number of paramters are listed for the brightest source detected:
the source center (pixels), the integrated flux (within 3 sigma), the isophotal area (3 sigma), the net flux per pixel,
the image FWHM (arcsec), the DIMM seeing corrected for the same airmass and filter used by this standard star,
the status of the AO loop (OPEN or CLOSED),
the position angle of the brightest source (degrees CCW from the x-axis), and its elongation and ellipticity.
The source center, its position angle, and its FWHM are marked on the image. NOTE: The conversion from pixels to arcsec
in the FWHM takes into account the fact that the reconstructed SINFONI cube has RECTANGULAR pixels such that on-sky
Delta_X = 0.5*Delta_Y.
The correct conversion, in terms of the source position angle (PA), is: FWHM(arcsec) = FWHM(pixels) * pixel_scale * sqrt[(0.5*cos(PA))**2 + (sin(PA))**2].
LL: the (scaled) difference between two cube planes. Plane 100 - Plane 2072. The wavelengths of these planes
are listed to the right of this image.
LR: a horizontal (blue line) and vertical (red line) cut through the center of the brightest detected source of the
MASTER_PSF median cube collapsed image. The respective averages through this center are shown as dotted lines.
QC Report 2:
UL: three single column traces of the current product (PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED) through:
x = 500 (dark grey)
x = 1000 (middle grey)
x = 1500 (light grey)
and an averaged sum of all columns (blue).
UC: three single row traces of the current product (PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED) through:
x = 500 (dark grey)
x = 1000 (middle grey)
x = 1500 (light grey)
and an averaged sum of all rows (blue).
UR: the background-subtracted PSF star spectrum (PSF_STAR_SPECTRA) extracted by the pipeline.
LL: the relative encircled normalized energy as a function of radius from the source center (arcsec).
LC: the strehl ratio as a function of wavelength (microns). The median strehl ratio (dotted green line)
and the area denoting the 1 sigma strehl ratio (shaded green area) are shown.
LR: a logarithmic histogram of the STD_NODDING_STACKED full detector image is shown as a dark blue line, while
the reflection of the non-positive flux histogram is shown in light blue.
Only if an over-flux is detected is another report created: QC Report 3:
top: a logarithmic histogram of the PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED full detector image with the
persistence critical region shown as a red dotted line.
LL: the PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED full detector intermediate product image.
LR: an estimate of the location of possible persistence critical pixels.
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written into QC1 table (sinfoni_psf):
SOURCE(header/script)       DBNAME                value         description
if PR.find('tpx') > 0: QC.FRMON.MEANFLUX qc_frmon_meanflux 0.00 mean flux ON-lamp frame QC.FRMOFF.MEANFLUX qc_frmoff_meanflux 0.00 mean flux OFF-lamp frame QC.FRMDIF.MEANFLUX qc_frmdif_meanflux 33.82 mean flux ON-OFF lamp QC.FRMON.MAXFLUX qc_frmon_maxflux 0.00 max flux in ON-lamp frame QC.FRMOFF.MAXFLUX qc_frmoff_maxflux 0.00 max flux in OFF-lamp frame QC.FRMDIF.MAXFLUX qc_frmdif_maxflux 5.313e+04 max flux in ON-OFF lamp QC.FRMON.NPIXSAT qc_frmon_npixsat 0.89 number of ON-lamp saturated pixels QC.FWHM.MAJ qc_fwhm_maj 4.92 STD star fwhm along major axis QC.FWHM.MIN qc_fwhm_min 3.96 STD star fwhm along minor axis QC.FWHM.X qc_fwhm_x 4.57 STD star fwhm along X axis QC.FWHM.Y qc_fwhm_y 3.60 STD star fwhm along Y axis QC.FWHM.LLX qc_fwhm_llx 8 STD star fwhm LLX QC.FWHM.LLY qc_fwhm_lly 8 STD star fwhm LLY QC.FWHM.HBX qc_fwhm_hbx 16 STD star fwhm HBX QC.THETA qc_theta -1.92 STD star ellipsis angle theta QC.SHIFT.X qc_shiftx 2.79 X centroid - image center QC.SHIFT.Y qc_shifty 0.07 Y centroid - image center QC.STREHL qc_strehl 0.13 strehl ratio from image QCsinfo_psf.py qc_strehl_med 0.13 median strehl ratio QCsinfo_psf.py qc_strehl_std 0.05 std deviation from all strehl ratios QCsinfo_psf.py qc_xpos 35.87 flux-weighted X-axis centroid QCsinfo_psf.py qc_ypos 32.77 flux-weighted Y-axis centroid QCsinfo_psf.py qc_center_offset 11.77 source offset (in pixels) from nominal field center QCsinfo_psf.py qc_flux 2.146e+04 total flux (in ADU) within 3 sigma aperture QCsinfo_psf.py qc_iso_area 396.4 total aperture area over which flux is summed (pixels^2) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_net_flux 34.65 net flux (in ADU): qc_flux/qc_iso_area QCsinfo_psf.py qc_posang -8.33 STD star position angle (CCW along X-axis) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_elong 1.46 STD star elongation (A_image/B_image) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_ellip 0.16 STD star ellipticity (1 - B_image/A_image) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_fwhm_dimm 0.90 DIMM seeing corrected to observed airmass and IR bandpass (arcsec) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_fwhm_sinfo 0.73 STD star FWHM assuming a Gaussian core (arcsec) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_delta_fwhm 0.17 difference (qc_fwhm_sinfo - qc_fwhm_dimm) (arcsec) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_persist_danger 0 a test if source flux levels are too high (danger of persistence = 1; no danger = 0) QCsinfo_psf.py qc_Npersist 0 total number of persistence critical pixels RTC.OBS.FWHM.MEAN rtc_obs_fwhm_mean 56.03 rtd fwhm mean RTC.OBS.FWHM.STD rtc_obs_fwhm_std 4.318 rtd fwhm std RTC.OBS.ENC.MEAN rtc_obs_enc_mean 0.23 rtd encircled energy mean RTC.OBS.ENC.STD rtc_obs_enc_std 0.02 rtd encircled energy std RTC.OBS.STR.MEAN rtc_obs_str_mean 13.89 rtd mean strehl ratio RTC.OBS.STR.STD rtc_obs_str_std 0.53 rtd strehl ratio standard deviation
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms: (status 2009-07-30)
RTC QC parameters: special AO software
QC.FRM parameters : simple statistics on the final product cube
QC.FWHM parameters : Gauss fit integrated into the pipeline; QC1 parameter inventory TBD
X,Y position, flux, and FWHM parameters : the post-pipeline script (QCsinfo_psf.py) runs SExtractor (Bertin and Arnouts 1996 A&A 117,393)
and writes these parameters for the brightest source detected. The strehl median and sigma values are first filtered for erroneous values
produced by the pipeline.
DIMM and sinfoni FWHM parameters : The header keywords TEL.AMBI.FWHM.START and TEL.AMBI.FWHM.END store the DIMM seeing measurements
(at 0.5 microns and at the zenith) at the beginning and end of the PSF exposure. The average of these two values is computed and converted to the
same airmass and wavelength as the respective PSF standard, and also include a correction for an 8m aperture using the relation given in
(Sarazin, M. 2000, Astronomical Site Monitor, VLT.SPE.ESO.17410.1174) (QCsinfo_psf.py).
Persistence test : the post-pipeline script (QCsinfo_persist.py) tests the PSF_CALIBRATOR_STACKED full detector image for instances of
6 or more pixels (to select against cosmic ray events) having flux levels greater than 10,000 ADU. If 10 or more such events are discovered
an over-flux alarm is given (qc_persist_danger = 1). The number of affected pixels satisfying the above criteria are given by qc_Npersist.
CERTIF Tolerated:
- multiple sources
- stars in sky frame
- strong skew of spectrum
- very low flux levels
- extremely high flux (saturated)
- strong persistence in SKY frame
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