QC documentation system: QC procedure vimos_moscal.py for VIMOS

This documentation is intended both for QC scientists and SciOps astronomers (who may want to ignore the technical information displayed in grey).
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NAME vimos_mosflat.py
VERSION 1.0 -- June 2010 to March 2011
1.0.1 -- create cover sheet (2011-05-26)
1.0.2 -- skip call of scoreQC (2011-05-31)
1.0.3 -- call of vimos_mosplt encapsulated (2011-06-27)
1.0.4 -- new QC parameters: flat_num_overexp, wave_num_overexp, level_overexp (2012-06-25)
1.0.5 -- changes needed for muc (2013-02-07)
1.0.6 -- qc_mstplt/qc_mstdisp removed (2014-01-20)
1.0.7 -- usage of qc_imadisp instead of vimos_imadisp (2014-01-29)
1.0.8 -- remove usage of has_key dictionary attribute (2014-03-12)
CALL processQC
/home/vimos/python/vimos_moscal.py -i -a $AB
PURPOSE QC check of flat fields and arc lamps for MOS
PROCINPUT 1 raw arc-lamp frame and at least 1 raw flat field
QC1TABLE trending | table(s) in QC1 database:
vimos_mos_flat | vimos_mos_wave | vimos_mos_stdmask_wave
TRENDPLOT trending | HealthCheck plot(s) associated to this procedure:
trend_report_MOSDISP_LRb_HC.html | trend_report_MOSRESO_LRb_cent_HC.html
QC1PAGE trending | associated documentation:

first row: cut in X through raw arc-lamp frame
second row, left: cut in X through raw arc-lamp frame (detail)
second row, right: histogram of raw arc-lamp frame
colour coding on the following plots denotes multiplex layers: blue, black, red, green
third row, left: residuals to expected line positions, full range on y axis
third row, right: residuals to expected line positions, smaller range on y axis
fourth row, left: rms of fit residuals per row
fourth row, right: resolving power for each arc line
first row, left: cut in X through first raw flat-field frame
first row, middle: cut in Y through first raw flat-field frame
first row, right: histrograms of first raw flat field and of combined (stacked) flat product
second row, left: cut in X through first raw flat-field frame (detail)
second row, middle: cut in Y through first raw flat-field frame (detail)
second row, right: residuals of curvature tracing (blue: left edge, green: right edge)
colour coding on the following plots denotes multiplex layers: blue, black, red, green
third row, left: cut in X through normalized master flat (detail)
third row, middle: cut in Y through normalized master flat (detail)
third row, right: histrogram of normalized master flat
This plot can be produced up to four times for LR and two times for MR grisms depending on the number of multiplex layers.
left: extracted and calibrated arc-lamp spectra per slit
right: extracted and calibrated arc-lamp spectra per slit (detail)
This plot can be produced up to four times for LR and two times for MR grisms depending on the number of multiplex layers.
left: normalized master flat
right: normalized master flat (detail)
QC1PARAM QC1 parameters written in QC1 database:
QC1 DB names:
vimos_mos_wave: resol[1,2,3]_lambda | resol[1,2,3] | resol[1,2,3]_rms | ids_rms | He_lambda | He_flux | He_flux_error | Ne_lambda | Ne_flux | Ne_flux_error | Ar_lambda | Ar_flux | Ar_flux_error | ids_coeff[0,1,2,3] | ref_lambda_pix | ref_lambda_rms | no_slit_bad | slit_width | slit_width_dis | lambda_ref | lambda_start | lambda_end | lambda_inc
vimos_mos_flat: flux | flux_error | lambda_ref
All parameters except no_slit_bad, slit_width_dis, lambda_ref are calculated by the pipeline recipe.
ALGORITHM Description of algorithms:
resol[1,2,3]_lambda: wavelengths of arc lines used for resolution calculation
resol[1,2,3]: spectral resolution at three different wavelengths, averaged across slit
resol[1,2,3]_rms: standard deviation of resolution across slit
ids_rms: rms of global IDS
He_lambda: He arc line used for determination of He lamp flux
He_flux: flux of He arc lamp (ADU / mm^2 / sec)
He_flux_error: error of He flux
Ne_lambda: Ne arc line used for determination of Ne lamp flux
Ne_flux: flux of Ne arc lamp (ADU / mm^2 / sec)
Ne_flux_error: error of Ne flux
Ar_lambda: Ar arc line used for determination of Ar lamp flux
Ar_flux: flux of Ar arc lamp (ADU / mm^2 / sec)
Ar_flux_error: error of Ar flux
ids_coeff[0,1,2,3]: median values of IDS coefficients
ref_lambda_pix: mean of the position of the reference wavelengths for all slits, corrected for slit position
ref_lambda_rms: standard deviation of reference wavelengths position
no_slit_bad: number of slits without IDS
slit_width: slit width of slit closest to mask centre flux: lamp flux in ADU/sec/mm^2; calculated from the slit nearest to the CCD center in a 5 pixels x slit length wide box around the reference wavelength position
flux_error: square root of total counts in box, normalised to area and time
CERTIF The rms of the dispersion solution should be within the range indicated by scoring.
All arc lines in the extracted arc lamp spectrum should be aligned for different slits;
a small number of slits may fail, the calibration for LR_blue is in general more difficult.
Spectral resolution should be within the range indicated by scoring.
Resolution may be outside this range if slit widths other than 1.0 arcsec are used;
then search for the slit width in the pipeline products or in the QC1 database.
Saturation of flat-fields for scientific slits must be avoided; up to three reference slits, however, regularly saturate.
COMMENTS QC parameters for wavelength calibration of MOS STDs are written into the vimos_mos_stdmask_wave table,
others into vimos_mos_wave.
The combination of MR grism with OS-blue filter is not supported by the pipeline.
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