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Quality Control and
Data Processing

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   ECH - Wavelength Solution
Solar&sky spectra
QC links:
UVES: ECH Wavelength solution and resolution
Echelle Resolution
wave parameters BLUE 437
wave parameters BLUE
wave parameters REDU 580
wave parameters REDL 580
wave parameters REDU
wave parameters REDL
Wave with derotator angle
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot

We calculate the wavelength solution and measure the quality of the wavelength calibration solution. It is based on QC1 parameters of two sets of WAVECAL data, 1 set in BLUE mode and 1 set in RED mode, each set comprising a single RAW frame. Depending of wavelength setting ,the data are recorded every day or on another time scale.

An additional measurement is performed on a regular basis to monitor the stability and the accuracy of the wavelength solution as a function of the derotator angle.

Parameters trended


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.WLENMAX uves_wave..lambda_max maximum wavelength [Angstrom] HC [docuSys coming]
QC.WLENMIN uves_wave..lambda_min minimum wavelength [Angstrom] HC [docuSys coming]
QC.ORDMIN.DETECTED uves_wave..order_min_det minimum order number DETECTED HC [docuSys coming]
QC.ORDMAX.DETECTED uves_wave..order_max_det maximum order number DETECTED HC [docuSys coming]
QC.LINE.RESIDAVG uves_wave..resid_avg mean residual of line positions to fit [milli-Angstrom]HC [docuSys coming]
QC.RESOLRMS uves_wave..resol_rms sigma of resolving power of lines selected HC [docuSys coming]
QC.LINE.RESIDRMS uves_wave..resid_rms sigma of residual of line positions to fit [milli-Angstrom] HC [docuSys coming]
QC.RESOLMED uves_wave..resol_med median resolving power of lines selectedHC [docuSys coming]
QC.INTAVG uves_wave..int_avg average intensity of ThAr lines (divided by EXPTIME)HC [docuSys coming]
QC.FWHMMED uves_wave..fwhm_med median FWHM in X of lines selectedCAL [docuSys coming]
QC.NLINTOT uves_wave..nlin_tot total number of lines found in LAST iteration HC [docuSys coming]
QC.NLININT uves_wave..nlin_int number of lines selected in ThAr intensity check HC [docuSys coming]
QC.NLINSOL uves_wave..nlin_sol number of lines used in solution HC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


Montage of the different QC reports

The montage displays:

box 1, left to right, top to bottom:

  • plot 1:trace across the middle row of the RAW frame
  • plot 2:trace across the middle column of the RAW frame
  • plot 3:measured resolving power of each line used in the solution as a function of X
  • plot 4:measured resolving power of each line used in the solution as a function of Y

    box 2, top to bottom:

  • plot 5:residuals of measured line positions with respect to the physical model for the order centre (red open circles) and the two so-called sky traces (one on either side of the central trace) (green and blue crosses) as a function of X pixels coordinate
  • plot 6:residuals of measured line positions with respect to the physical model for the order centre (red open circles) and the two so-called sky traces (one on either side of the central trace) (green and blue crosses) as a function of Y pixels coordinate

    box 3, top to bottom:

  • plot 7:representation of found but not used (black) and found and used (red) in the solution lines as a function of order

    The minimum wnd maximum avelength of the solution changes of a few nm usually occur because of changes in the last detected line, which often happens when the position of the orders changes slightly (see Grating Position trending). Changes of tens-hundreds of nm are usually due to the pipeline failing to locate entire orders.

    Scoring&thresholds Parameters trended

    Scoring thresholds have been set to be the ones indicated in the user manual.
    INS.MODE Cross_disperser WL_min Central_WL WL_max gap between REDL and REDU
    DIC1 CD1 303 346 388 na
    DIC1 CD2 326 390 445 na
    DIC1 CD3 458 564 668 2
    DIC1 CD3 476 580 684 5
    DIC2 CD1 303 346 388 na
    DIC2 CD2 326 390 445 na
    DIC1 CD3 476 580 684 5
    DIC2 CD1 303 346 388 na
    DIC2 CD2 326 390 445 na
    DIC2 CD2 373 437 499 na
    DIC2 CD4 565 760 946 7
    DIC2 CD4 660 860 1060 10
    blue CD1 303 346 388 na
    blue CD2 373 437 499 na
    red CD3 414 520 621 1
    red CD3 476 580 684 5
    red CD3 500 600 705 5
    red CD4 660 860 1060 10

    Here we show the values given by the ETC:
    WL_min Central_WL WL_max
    302 346 388
    326 390 452
    373 437 500

    WL_min(L) WL_max(L) Central_WL WL_min(U) WL_max(U)
    414 521.37 520 521.6 621
    458 564.4 564 565.5 667
    473 580.36 580 581.82 683
    496 597.26 600 599.11 707
    575 747.15 760 766.07 946
    665 854.39 860 864.59 1060.57


    The trending of the Wave parameters during the life time of the instrument is best be seen with the full history trending plots shown here: FULL history.

    Algorithm Parameters trended

  • resid_avg, resid_rms: mean and sigma of the line positions to fit. These parameters are useful to check precision of wavelength calibration solution.
  • resol_med, resol_rms: measured median iand sigma of the resolving power of lines selected
  • fwhm_med, fwhm_rms: measured median and sigma FWHM in X of lines selected
  • nlin_tot: total number of lines found
  • nlin_res: Number of lines with residual < 0.1 nm. This number gives an idea of the precision of the final solution. The higher the number the more precise is the solution.
  • nlin_sel: number of lines selected which could be cross-identified with the catalogue
  • nlin_sol: number of lines identified and accepted for determining the final wavelength calibration solution
  • nlin_tot_1stiter: The Pipeline automatically adjusts the line detection threshold iteratively until it detects a number of lines between the --minlines and --maxlines command line parametres of the recipe. This is the number of lines detected in the FIRST iteration, and so is less sensitive to pipeline artifacts
  • nlin_niter is the number of lines used threshold adjustment iterations required to arrive at final solution
  • nlin_int: number of lines selected in ThAr intensity check
  • int_avg: average intensity of ThAr lines (divided by EXPTIME) of the selected line list. ~

  • Send comments to <qc_uves@eso.org> powered by QC [webCMS v1.0.1]