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binary tables
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GIRAFFE: Binary tables
OzPoz table | Fibre table | Fibre_setup table

OzPoz table

All raw data (except for BIAS and DARK frames) have two binary tables in addition to HDU#1 hosting the pixels: HDU#2 is the ozpoz table, HDU#3 is the fibre table.

The OzPoz table relates objects on the sky and fibre buttons in Ozpoz. It is partly defined by the user in the Target Setup File. Check out the FPOSS manual for more information.

Column Content Comment
Col 1 OBJECT Identification (from Target Setup File, col 1)
Col 2 RA Right Ascension (from Target Setup File, col 2)
Col 3 DEC Declination (from Target Setup File, col 3)
Col 4 R Button R (polar coordinate) position (microns)
Col 5 R_ERROR Error in R (microns)
Col 6 THETA Button Theta position on plate (radians)
Col 7 THETA_ERROR Error in Theta (radians)
Col 8 TYPE Object type (M=Medusa science, I=IFU science, S=sky etc.)
Col 9 BUTTON OzPoz button number
Col 10 PRIO Object priority (from Target Setup File, col 5)
Col 11 ORIENT Button orientation
Col 12 IN_TOL T or F if positioned or not within tolerance (40 microns = 0.08")
Col 13 MAGNITUDE Target Magnitude (from Target Setup File, col 6; SCIENCE only)
Col 14 V_R V-R Colour (Science only)
Col 15 COMMENTS User comments (from Target Setup File, col 8)

Fibre table
OzPoz table | Fibre table | Fibre_setup table

The second binary table attached to raw files is the Fibre Table. It relates the fibre buttons on Ozpoz and the fibre positions in the slits, and also includes lab-measured fibre transmission values. This table is static and is maintained by the Observatory.

The columns have the following content:
Column Content Comment
Col 1 SLIT slit name and plate (Medusa1, Medusa2, IFU1, IFU2, Argus)
Col 2 FPS Progressive position number of fibre in the slit
Col 3 SSN Subslit number
Col 4 PSSN Fibre position in the subslit
Col 5 RETRACTOR Serial number of the retractor
Col 6 BN Serial number of the button used in the retractor
Col 7 FBN Serial Number of the Fibre used for the button
Col 8 RP Retractor position on the plate. This number corresponds to the fibre number used e.g. in FPOSS (target setup file). All even numbers are Medusa fibres.
Cols 9-17 wave Fibre Transmission values as measured in the lab (as percentage). Each column has a different wavelength.
Col 18 X X position of the fibre in the reconstructed image matrix
Col 19 Y Y position of the fibre in the reconstructed image matrix
Col 20 FPD fibre position on the detector; for Medusa and IFU identical to FPS, for Argus the order is reversed.

The ARGUS image reconstruction using the X and Y columns for the table gives the image in the standard NE orientation on the sky. If the ARGUS position angle was 0 (ARGPOSAN = 0), N is along the X axis and E along the Y axis. The position angle is counted N to E.

Reconstructed ARGUS image.

Fibre_setup table
OzPoz table | Fibre table | Fibre_setup table

This table is attached to each pipeline product, as HDU#2. It combines information from the ozpoz and the fibre tables, and includes added information:

Column Content taken from Comment
Col 1 INDEX pipeline index of the fibre signal as found by the pipeline
Col 2 FPS fibre Progressive position number of fibre in the slit
Col 3 SSN fibre Subslit number
Col 4 PSSN fibre Fibre position in the subslit
Col 5 RP fibre Retractor position on the plate. This number corresponds to the fibre number used e.g. in FPOSS. All even numbers are Medusa fibres.
[Col 6] [X] fibre X position of the fibre in the reconstructed image matrix [IFU and Argus only]
[Col 7] [Y] fibre Y position of the fibre in the reconstructed image matrix [IFU and Argus only]
Col 8 RETRACTOR fibre Serial number of the retractor
Col 9 FPD fibre fibre position on the detector; for Medusa and IFU identical to FPS, for Argus the order is reversed.
Col 10 OBJECT ozpoz Identification (from Target Setup File, col 1)
Col 11 R ozpoz Button R (polar coordinate) position (microns)
Col 12 THETA ozpoz Button Theta position on plate (radians)
Col 13 ORIENT ozpoz Button orientation
Col 14 TYPE ozpoz Object Type
Col 15 RA ozpoz Right Ascension (from Target Setup File, col 2)
Col 16 DEC ozpoz Declination (from Target Setup File, col 3)
Col 17 MAGNITUDE ozpoz Target Magnitude (from Target Setup File, col 6; SCIENCE only)
Col 18 TRANSMISSION ... Applied relative fibre transmission (if corrected for) (SCIENCE only)
Col 19 WLRES pipeline OBJECT,SimCal data only: differential wavelength shifts, applied for differential correction and obtained by the pipeline from the SimCal fibres
Col 20 GCORR pipeline OBJECT,SimCal data only: geocentric correction to be applied (in km/s)
Col 21 HCORR pipeline like above, heliocentric correction
Col 22 BCORR pipeline like above, barycentric correction

The INDEX counts the pipeline-detected fibres. It will always increment by one. The FPS represents the physical index of the fibres. As long as it increments along with INDEX, this means that all fibres (up to the present INDEX have been allocated and extracted. An increment by more than 1 means that at least one fibre has given no signal, either because it could not be allocated (fibre broken), or has not been allocated by the user, or had a signal too low for the pipeline to detect. The last possibility will actually not happen since fibre signal localization is always done on flat field data, and if there a fibre gives too low a signal, it can be considered as not operational.

The number of columns in the product files corresponds to the maximum INDEX. There are no columns for fibres with no signal.

Here is an example how the indexing works:

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5 fibre FPS 4 has not been allocated
5 6
6 7
7 10 fibre FPS 8 and 9 have not been allocated
8 11
etc. etc.

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