Details - EREBOS spectroscopic catalogue
Title | EREBOS spectroscopic catalogue |
Version | 1 |
Data Provider/P.I. | Veronika Schaffenroth |
Data Collection | 196.D-0214 |
Data Release | DR1 |
Submission Date | 2018-03-16 |
Publication Date | 2018-03-19 |
Description |
EREBOS - Eclipsing Reflection Effect Binaries from the OGLE Survey - Project. This spectroscopic catalogue includes the orbital phase in which the target is observed, derived by using the ephemeris provided by the OGLE survey.
Please refer to the full data release description for further information. |
Telescope | ESO-VLT-U1 |
Instrument | FORS2 |
Technique of Observation | LSS |
Start of Observations | 57,298.007 (2015-10-03T14:10:10) |
End of Observations | 57,934.091 (2017-06-30T16:11:07) |
Filter Set/bands | |
Sky Solid Angle | |
Number of Records | 359 |
Number of Columns | 5 |
Reference | doi:10.1515/astro-2017-0438 |
Acknowledgment Policy | Please include the following acknowledgment in any published material that makes use of this data product: Based on data obtained from the ESO Science Archive Facility with DOI: |
Position | Name | Description | Data Type | Data Size | UCD | Physical Unit |
1 | SPEC_ID | Spectroscopic data point identifier (running number) | STRING | 6 |;meta.main | |
2 | SOURCE_ID | EREBOS source identifier (catalogue data link) | STRING | 19 | | |
3 | HJD_MID | Mid date of observations | DOUBLE | 1 | time.epoch | days |
4 | phase | phase of the observation | FLOAT | 1 | time.phase | |
5 | FILENAME | FITS file name of the original spectrum | STRING | 52 | meta.ref |