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   IRDIS distortion
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SPHERE: IRDIS pinhole mask
IRDIS optical axis position | IRDIS optical distortion | IRDIS optical distortion correction

CLI X pixel of optical axis
CLI Y pixel of optical axis
DBI X pixel of optical axis
DBI Y pixel of optical axis
CLI differential image scale in X,Y
DBI differential image scale in X,Y
CLI pixel correction offset
DBI pixel correction offset
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot

The IRDIS arm optical distortion calibration (CI, DBI and DPI) is an image of a pinhole mask. The pinholes have diameter of 30 micrometer and a distance of 100 micrometer from each other in the focal plane. This transforms into a distance of 13.963 pixel on the detector and a nominal diameter of 4.2 pixel. (Given the image scale of 12.25 mas/pixel, this results in 51.45 mas and 171 mas). The pipeline retrieves the optical distortion correction. The correction functions are given in several extensions of the pipeline product. IRDIS pinhole mask calibrations are acquired during daytime. The template generates one raw frame.

IRDIS pinhole mask images are acquired once a week with the following setups: In IRDIS-CI mode in four broad band filters Y, J, H, and Ks without apodizer and without coronographic pupil stop. In IRDIS-DBI mode in two double beam filters D_H23 (+ B_H) and D_K12 (+ B_Ks) once without apodizer and without ALC2 pupil stop and once with apdizer and with ALC2 pupil stop.

IRDIS optical distortion raw frame showing the illuminated pinhole mask, projected into both beams.

IRDIS optical distortion product containing the X-direction correction image for the left beam (left image).

IRDIS optical distortion product containing the X-direction correction image for the right beam (left image).

IRDIS optical distortion product containing the Y-direction correction image for the left beam (left image).

IRDIS optical distortion product containing the Y-direction correction image for the right beam (left image).

IRDIS optical axis position
IRDIS optical axis position | IRDIS optical distortion | IRDIS optical distortion correction


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
QC.DISTMAP.LEFT.OPT.AXIS.X sphere_irdis_distmap..qc_optaxis_x optical axis x-position HC [docuSys coming]
QC.DISTMAP.LEFT.OPT.AXIS.Y sphere_irdis_distmap..qc_optaxis_y optical axis y-position HC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


The pinhole mask which is located before the folding and the tip-tild mirrors is projected with minor shifts onto the detectors, depending on the current status of the deformable mirror. The optical axis position is derived as the center of the projected pinhole mask. Some pinhole calibration images are acquired with the apodizer mask which generates a black feature in the center of each channel and obscures the central pinhole.

Unsuitable shapes of the deformable mirror produce fuzzy pinhole PSFs with consequenctly useless information.

Since the grid of the mask is larger than the FOV, pinhole mask shifts of more than 7 pixel cannot be reliably resolved, as the distance between each pinhole is only 14 pixel.

IRDIS optical distortion: difference between two raw frames (SPHER.2019-04-12T10:26:48.114.fits and SPHER.2019-04-06T19:04:40.210.fits), showing a shift in Y-direction of 6 pixel, both in the pinhole mask as well as in the apodizer mask (central void).

Scoring&thresholds IRDIS optical axis position

The optical axis position is scored for CI (four broad band filters, no apodizer) and for DBI (two broad band filters, no apodizer). The thresholds have been set to the median plus minus 14 pixel, which is the distance between two pinholes.


From 2018-01-01 on the optical distortion frames are processed with pipeline version 0.37.
From 2019-05-20 on the optical axis position is scored.

Algorithm IRDIS optical axis position

See the pipeline user manual

IRDIS optical distortion
IRDIS optical axis position | IRDIS optical distortion | IRDIS optical distortion correction


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
DRS.DIST.L.X.COEFF.1_0 sphere_irdis_distmap..coeff_x_1_0 polynomial coefficient distortion HC [docuSys coming]
DRS.DIST.L.Y.COEFF.0_1 sphere_irdis_distmap..coeff_y_0_1 polynomial coefficient distortion HC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


The pattern of the rectangular pinhole mask is projected with an optical distortion onto the detector. The data reduction pipeline recipe fits the optical distortion via a polynomial. The temperature (INS4.TEMP449.VAL, the common path cabinet ambient temperature) dependence of the coefficients X_1_0 and Y_0_1 (see Algorithm), which contain the image scale are monitored for the left and right channel and all filters separately.

In DBI mode, the anamorphism is trended as well, the ratio between the image scale in Y- and X-direction.

Scoring&thresholds IRDIS optical distortion

The relation image scale versus instrument temperature is not scored.


IRDIS optical distortion frames of 2015 and from 2018 on are re-processed with pipeline version 0.37.

Algorithm IRDIS optical distortion

For each pixel position x, y the optical distortion correction is expressed by two polynomials, one for the offset in X:

                X = X_0_0 + X_1_0 * x + X_0_1 * y + X_1_1 * x * y + X_2_0 * x * x ...

and one for the offset in Y:

                Y = Y_0_0 + Y_1_0 * x + Y_0_1 * y + Y_1_1 * x * y + Y_2_0 * x * x ...

The anamorphism can be derived from the polynomial coefficients (here for the left channel, 'L'):

                (1 + HIERARCH.ESO.DRS.DIST.L.Y.COEFF.0_1 ) / ( 1 + HIERARCH.ESO.DRS.DIST.L.X.COEFF.1_0 )

IRDIS optical distortion correction
IRDIS optical axis position | IRDIS optical distortion | IRDIS optical distortion correction


FITS key QC1 database: table, name definition class* HC_plot** more docu
[derived from QC procedure] sphere_irdis_distmap..dx12 HC [docuSys coming]
[derived from QC procedure] sphere_irdis_distmap..dey12 HC [docuSys coming]
*Class: KPI - instrument performance; HC - instrument health; CAL - calibration quality; ENG - engineering parameter
**There might be more than one.


The IRDIS image and its scale is stretched by the optical distortion and must be shrinked by the optical distortion polynomial. The offset (applied in later steps of the data reduction cascade) is monitored for four points in the FOV which are 250 pixel away from the center (512,512) in x and in y: [512+250 : 512+250], [512+250 : 512-250], [512-250 : 512+250], [512-250: 512-250]. It is also applied to a second set of four points in the FOV, which are 500 pixel of the center, hence very close to the corners of the FOV.

Scoring&thresholds IRDIS optical distortion correction

The offsets are not scored


From 2018-01-01 on the optical distortion frames are processed with pipeline version 0.37.

Algorithm IRDIS optical distortion correction

The polynnomial is applied to eight points in the FOV.

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