[ ESO ]
VIMOS Quality Control:

CAL | HC | refs | QC
Trending & QC1
Data Package
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QC links:
sky-to-CCD transformation
Xccd - Xsky for Q1 plot plot
Xccd - Xsky for Q2 plot plot
Xccd - Xsky for Q3 plot plot
Xccd - Xsky for Q4 plot plot
Yccd - Ysky for Q1 plot plot
Yccd - Ysky for Q2 plot plot
Yccd - Ysky for Q3 plot plot
Yccd - Ysky for Q4 plot plot
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot
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   Click on HISTORY to see the historical evolution of the trending.

VIMOS astrometric fields are typically observed once or twice each month. They are needed to provide the sky-to-CCD transformation matrix. The fields that are normally used are named 'Region E', 'Region M', and Region 'N'. Monitoring of the transformation coefficients is a prerequisite for enabling preimage-less MOS observations (PILMOS).

top Sky to CCD transformation coefficients

The WCS can be used to transform celestial coordinates onto a virtual plane that is free of instrument distortions. The sky-to-CCD transformation converts these virtual coordinates into real (pixel) coordinates on the detectors. The transformation matrix has the following form:

Xccd = sum [ a_ij * X^j * Y^i ],
Yccd = sum [ b_ij * X^j * Y^i ], with i, j = 1, ..., m.

The pipeline recipe vmskyccd is executed with m=3. Only the constant and linear coefficients are used for the QC parameters, i.e.:

Xccd = a_00 + a_01 * X + a_10 * Y
Yccd = b_00 + b_01 * X + b_10 * Y .

QC1 parameters

parameter QC1 database: table, name procedure
xrms vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_xrms rms of fit in x direction
yrms vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_yrms rms of fit in y direction
a_00 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_x_0_0 a_00 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
a_10 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_x_1_0 a_10 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
a_01 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_x_0_1 a_01 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
b_00 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_y_0_0 b_00 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
b_10 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_y_1_0 b_10 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
b_01 vimos_astrometry, sky_ccd_y_0_1 b_01 coefficient of sky-to-CCD transformation
relative distortion in x at (512,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_512_610 see below
relative distortion in x at (1024,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1024_610 see below
relative distortion in x at (1536,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1536_610 see below
relative distortion in x at (512,1220) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_512_1220 see below
overall shift in x at (1024,1220) vimos_astrometry, ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220 see below
relative distortion in x at (1536,1220) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1536_1220 see below
relative distortion in x at (512,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_512_1830 see below
relative distortion in x at (1024,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1024_1830 see below
relative distortion in x at (1536,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1536_1830 see below
relative distortion in y at (512,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_ysky_xccd_512_610 see below
relative distortion in y at (1024,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_ysky_xccd_1024_610 see below
relative distortion in y at (1536,610) vimos_astrometry, delta_ysky_xccd_1536_610 see below
relative distortion in y at (512,1220) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_512_1220 see below
overall shift in y at (1024,1220) vimos_astrometry, ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220 see below
relative distortion in y at (1536,1220) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1536_1220 see below
relative distortion in y at (512,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_512_1830 see below
relative distortion in y at (1024,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1024_1830 see below
relative distortion in y at (1536,1830) vimos_astrometry, delta_xsky_xccd_1536_1830 see below

For monitoring the astrometric quality, nine virtual data points (X, Y) = (512, 610), (1024, 610), (1536, 610), (512, 1220), (1024, 1220), (1536, 1220), (512, 1830), (1024, 1830), (1536, 1830) are converted into CCD coordinates (Xccd, Yccd). The QC1 parameters ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220 and ref_ysky_yccd_1024_1220 contain the difference between both, i.e. ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220 = Xccd - X for (X, Y) = (1024, 1220). For the other parameters, this central difference is subtracted, e.g. delta_xsky_xccd_512_610 = Xccd - X - ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220 for (X, Y) = (512, 610). This allows to distinguish between the overall shift of the transformation (measured by ref_xsky_xccd_1024_1220, etc.) and changes in the distortion (measured by delta_xsky_xccd_512_610, etc.).


date event
2012-07 implementation of HC for astrometry

