[ ESO ]
SINFONI Quality Control:
SCIENCE frames

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Trending & QC1
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QC links:
general information | parameters trended
persistence (over-flux)
std (delta_T and delta_AM)
wave (delta_temp)
QC1 database (advanced users): browse | plot
   Click on CURRENT to see the current trending (Health Check).
   Click on HISTORY to see the historical evolution of the trending.

top General Information

In light of the new operational model implemented in October, 2011 (QC-XXLight), SINFONI science data is no longer processed.



A SINFONI obsnod science frame (this data has a PRO.CATG = OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED and has the pipeline product naming convention prefix SI_SBNS).


The median collapse of an obsnod science cube (this data has a PRO.CATG = MED_COADD_OBJ and has the pipeline product naming convention prefix SI_SMCD).


top SCIENCE parameters trended

QC1 plots

The QC1 plots for the SINFONI SCIENCE trending are divided into 3 html pages. The QC1 SCIENCE trending pages monitor the following:

  • a test for an over-flux condition (>= 10,000 ADU) and, if detected, the number of affected pixels.
  • the difference in date and airmass between the science observation and its associated telluric STD star.
  • the difference in detector and grating temperature between the science observation and its associated wavelength calibration.


QC1 parameters

Parameter Table: Name (QC1 database) Description of Procedure
test for over-flux

sinfoni_sci: qc.persist.danger, qc.Npersist

A histogram is created from the STD_NODDING_STACKED image. If there are more than 10 instances of 6 or more contiguous pixels having count levels above 10,000 ADU, then this frame is in danger of persistence. In this case, qc.persist.danger = 1, otherwise it is set to 0. If a danger of persistence is detected, the number of affected pixels is also given (qc.Npersist).

time and airmass difference to telluric STD star

sinfoni_sci: qc.delta.time, qc.delta.am The difference in time (days) and airmass between the science observation and its associated telluric standard is monitored. The STD star should be taken within 1 day and 1 airmass of the science target.
temperature difference to wavelength calibration sinfoni_sci: qc.delta.temp.det, qc.delta.temp.grat

The difference in temperature between the science observation and its wavelength calibration, as measured for the detector and the grating (C). Temperature differences of +/- 2 oC are tolerated.


QC Reports for SCIENCE Frames

QC Report 1                                                                                            QC Report 2

QC Report 1QC Report 2

QC Report 1:
UL: the OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED full detector intermediate science image with the number of saturated pixels listed.
UR: the MED_COADD_OBJ median cube collapsed science image. A number of paramters are listed: the Program ID, the Obs ID, the target name, and for the brightest source detected:
source center (pixels), the integrated flux (within 3 sigma), the isophotal area (3 sigma), the net flux per pixel, the image FWHM (arcsec), the DIMM seeing corrected for the same airmass and filter used by this standard star, the status of the AO loop (OPEN or CLOSED), the position angle of the brightest source (degrees CCW from the x-axis), and its elongation and ellipticity.
The source center, its position angle, and its FWHM are marked on the image. NOTE: The conversion from pixels to arcsec for the image FWHM takes into account the fact that the reconstructed SINFONI cube has rectangular pixels. The reconstructed pixels are such that on-sky Delta_X = 0.5*Delta_Y. The correct conversion, in terms of the source position angle (PA), is:

pixel_scale is given by the keyword INS.OPTI1.NAME.
LL: the (scaled) difference between two cube planes. Plane 100 - Plane 2072. The wavelengths of these planes are listed to the right of this image.
LR: a horizontal (blue line) and vertical (red line) cut through the center of the brightest detected source of the MED_COADD_OBJ median cube collapsed science image. The respective averages through this center are shown as dotted lines.

QC Report 2:
UL: three single column traces of the current product (OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED) through: x = 500 (dark grey), x = 1000 (middle grey), x = 1500 (light grey) and an averaged sum of all columns (blue).
UR: three single row traces of the current product (OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED) through: x = 500 (dark grey), x = 1000 (middle grey), x = 1500 (light grey) and an averaged sum of all rows (blue).
LL: the background-subtracted spectrum of the brightest science source. This spectrum is computed by the post-pipeline script QCsinfo_sci.py. The green line is the peak flux extracted from each cube plane at the position of the brightest source, whereas the blue line is the average flux over the FWHM measured for the brightest source. The red line is an estimate of the flux rms.
LR: a lo
garithmic histogram of the OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED full detector image is shown as a dark blue line, while the reflection of the non-positive flux histogram is shown in light blue.


QC Report 3 (only created if an over-flux is detected!)

QC Report 3

QC Report 3
TOP: a logarithmic histogram of the OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED full detector science image with the persistence critical region shown as a red dotted line.
LL: the OBJECT_NODDING_STACKED full detector intermediate product image.
LR: an estimate of the location of possible persistence critical pixels.


A more technical description of the QC procedures used for SCIENCE data can be found here.


Trending and Issues

The detection of persistence from a previous science target, STD, or PSF star in the image of the current science frame is a reason for downgrading the science OB. The telluric standard star should be within 1 day and 1 airmass of the science exposure. Finally, temperature differences of 2 oC or less are tolerated between the science exposure and its wavelength calibration.


Trending and scoring of SINFONI science data began 2009-06-15.



