ToO Triggering
Starting from P103, ESO has introduced a new procedure for the preparation and triggering of ToO observations using instruments at the Paranal Observatory.
While a set of template OBs must still be prepared and approved before the beginning of the observing period, at the time of the triggering of the ToO the PI (or one of their delegate(s)) will have to use p2 to prepare the OBs that will be used for the observations and to trigger the ToO.
Below we present a 3 minute video illustrating the new p2-based ToO triggering process.
1- At the moment you want to trigger a ToO observation you should
fully prepare the OBs with the web-based p2 tool. In detail, this means
that you will have to log-in into p2 at
Go to the run valid for the observing semester and create a new folder.
Please edit the folder name keeping in mind that the name will be used
as the name of the trigger.
3- You can now copy the approved
template OB(s) that you want to use for the trigger and paste them into
the newly created folder. Make sure to fill in all important parameters
(exposure time, filters, Finding Charts etc.) into the copied template
4- Any other configuration file must be prepared using the
instrument-specific preparation tools (FIMS, NAOS-PS, FPOSS, KARMA,
SADT) and included when needed.
5- All "ready-to-go" OBs must be
certified by you (click "certify" from the action bar menu in p2). It is
not necessary to press "Notify ESO" at this point.
6- Once all
the OBs to be used for the trigger are validated, click on the folder
and press the button Trigger ToO. You will be then guided trough the
completion of a ToO form and asked to include all the relevant
information (e.g. contact phone number and email addresses, general
observing description) that are critical for the trigger and execution
of the ToO.
7- Once the form is properly filled and the trigger
is sent, you (and those persons behind the email addresses indicated in
the form) will receive a confirmation email that a new trigger was sent
to Paranal. You should expect to receive further information related to
the ToO activation within 30min. Would this not happen, please contact
Paranal at sciops(at)