Science Announcements

Invitation to Contribute to the Astronet Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap

Published: 06 Apr 2021

Astronet is a consortium of European funding agencies, established for the purpose of providing advice on long-term planning and development of European Astronomy. Astronet is now developing a new Science Vision & Infrastructure Roadmap with an outlook for the next 20 years. A delivery date to European funding agencies of mid-2021 is anticipated. After some delays due to the global pandemic, the first drafts of the chapters for the document are now available from the Panels asked to draft them, and input by the Eurpean astronomy and space science community as possible is very welcome.   

First Data Released from the Project 'Investigating Stellar Population in Relics (INSPIRE)'

Published: 24 Mar 2021

The INSPIRE project is an ESO Large Programme (ID: 1104.B- 0370, PI: C. Spiniello) which uses X-Shooter (in UVB, VIS, NIR band) to spectroscopically follow up 52 red ultra Compact Massive Galaxies selected from the KiDS VST ESO Public Survey. The goals of INSPIRE (Spiniello et al. 2021aSpiniello et al. 2021b) are to obtain the first catalogue of spectroscopically confirmed relics in the redshift range 0.1<z<0.5, bridge the gap between the three local confirmed relics and the high-z red nuggets, and use the final statistic on confirmed relics to put a stringent constraint on the predictions from simulations on the initial burst of star formation in galaxies.

Second Data Release of the VISTA EXtension to Auxiliary Surveys (VEXAS)

Published: 23 Mar 2021

The VISTA EXtension to Auxiliary Surveys (VEXAS, Spiniello & Agnello, 2019, A&A, 630) project aims at building wide and spatially homogeneous multi-wavelength catalogues (from X- ray to radio) providing reference magnitudes, colors and morphological information for a large number of scientific uses. Currently the VEXAS catalogue is the widest and deepest public optical-to-IR photometric and spectroscopic database in the Southern Hemisphere, comprising more than 90 million objects with reliable photometry measured in at least one of the VISTA infrared bands, two of the WISE bands and three optical bands.

Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data

Published: 23 Mar 2021

The Virtual OPTICON Archival School Using ESO and ALMA Data will take place on 19 - 26 June 2021. In this school  the students will do a project using data available either in the ESO or ALMA archive, lead by an experienced tutor who will guide the students in retrieving, reducing and analysing the data. This school is mainly meant for PhD students, but also MSc students in the later stages of their studies and young postdocs can be considered.

ALMA Science Archive Remote Visualisation with CARTA

Published: 03 Mar 2021

The Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy (CARTA), a new image visualisation and analysis tool designed for ALMA, VLA, and SKA pathfinders, has been integrated into the ALMA Science Archive (ASA). Now all 500,000+ science FITS files in the ALMA archive can be previewed using CARTA (Cycle 0 excluded).

2021 Users Committee Meeting and Poll

Published: 03 Mar 2021

The Users Committee (UC) represents ESO's astronomical community at large and acts as an advisory body to the ESO Director General on matters related to the performance, scientific access, operation and user interfaces to the La Silla Paranal Observatory and ALMA. The annual meeting of the UC is scheduled on 27 and 28 April 2021. 

CRIRES+ Sees First Light on the Very Large Telescope and Is Now Offered for Period 108

Published: 03 Mar 2021

The installation of the upgraded CRIRES at the VLT, also known as CRIRES+, was completed in late February last year, with first light expected to happen shortly after. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the delay of the Commissioning for almost a year. With the ramping up of the Paranal Observatory in November 2020, the CRIRES instrument was reactivated on the 4th of December 2020 and the commissioning activities took place starting on January 18th, 2021 with 8 nights and February 18th with 6 nights. Due to the deadline for the call for proposals only the results of Commissioning 1 could be included and the instrument is offered during Period 108 with a subset of modes.

New Issue of The Messenger Online

Published: 02 Mar 2021

The latest edition of ESO's quarterly journal, The Messenger, is now available online. Issue 182 is a special one dedicated to the instrumentation programme for ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). It features articles detailing the status of the ELT instrumentation programme, as well as presentations of each instrument individually. This issue also contains science results based on SINFONI and MUSE, as well as profiles from two ESO fellows describing what sparked their interest in astronomy and their respective paths to ESO. The issue closes with a tribute to Nichi D’Amico, ESO Council representative for Italy, who passed away in September 2020.

ESO Proposal Anonymisation

Published: 25 Feb 2021

Period 108 marks the full deployment of the Dual-Anonymous Peer Review (DAPR) in the evaluation of proposals for observations at ESO telescopes. Applicants must formulate the scientific rationales of their proposals following the anonymisation rules and examples described in this link, which also gives a detailed description of the DAPR paradigm. While Period 106 was used as a dry run, both to make the community aware of the upcoming implementation of DAPR and to test its practical, procedural and policy aspects, from Period 108 proposal anonymisation is mandatory. Failure to abide by the DAPR rules may lead to disqualification of the proposal.

Call for Proposals for Period 108

Published: 25 Feb 2021

The Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes in Period 108 (1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022) has been released. Please consult the Period 108 document for the main news items and policies related to applying for time on ESO telescopes. All technical information about the offered instruments and facilities is contained on ESO webpages that are linked from the Call. The proposal submission deadline is 12:00 CET 25 March 2021.

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Showing 281 to 290 of 948 announcements