Science Announcements

Spectral Fidelity: A Joint Conference Organised by ESO, INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, and University of Geneva

Published: 27 Feb 2023

Doppler shifts precision and accuracy are the traditional aspects of spectral fidelity, but there are many others, such as: how well are the spectra characterized for noise, scattered light, detector effects, instrumental profile? What are abundance realistic uncertainties? Is precision enough or is accuracy required? Which are the limits of precise and accurate spectroscopy and which exciting science will new performances enable? Which science require spectral fidelity and how can we enable it? What is its present status and future perspective? With the installation of HARPS at the 3.6m telescope in La Silla 20 years ago, ESO community has a central role in this research. HARPS has been transformational, paving the way to the new generations of planet hunters. The aim of the conference is to discuss all the above topics, with a view to the long heritage of HARPS, the first 5 years of operations of ESPRESSO, the new results from NIR spectrographs, and future spectrographs such as ANDES at the ELTs.

Results of the 2022 Paranal Service Mode User Satisfaction Survey

Published: 23 Feb 2023

The User Support Department again extends its sincere thanks to all those Principal Investigators and their Phase 2 delegates who filled this year's online Paranal Service Mode User Satisfaction Survey.  A total of 150 responses were received from the targeted campaign. As in the past, where possible, respondents who provided detailed comments have been contacted via e-mail.  A summary report based on this latest User Satisfaction Survey is now available.

Third Data Release from the Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) ESO VISTA Public Survey

Published: 22 Feb 2023

Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) is a survey (programme 198.A-2008, PI M. Nonino) belonging to the second cycle of ESO VISTA Public Surveys. It is aimed at observing 20 massive galaxy clusters in the infrared Y, J, and Ks bands. Those clusters have also been observed in many ground- and space-based programmes (e.g. CLASH, RELICS, HFF/ BUFFALO). The survey will mainly explore galaxy evolution over a wide, and still largely unexplored, diversity of cluster environments. 

First data release of the deep MUSE mosaic from the Large Programme 1100.A-0528

Published: 14 Feb 2023

This is the first data release, DR1 of the IFS deep cube obtained in the MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF) as part of the Large Programme ID 1100.A-0528, PI M. Fumagalli.

Second data release of the XSHOOTER spectra from the Large Programme INSPIRE published

Published: 14 Feb 2023

This second data release (DR2) of the X-Shooter ESO Large Program 1104.B-0370, "INvestigating Stellar Population In Relics", INSPIRE, PI C. Spiniello, provides 1-D spectra for 21 new systems and new versions for the spectra of the 19 ultra-compact massive galaxies already released in DR1, to which the NIR band spectra have been added.

Period 111 Telescope Allocation

Published: 01 Feb 2023

The 111th Observing Programmes Committee (OPC) met online during November 2022. Based on the committee's recommendations to the ESO Director General, a total of 944 (10-hour equivalent) nights of (Designated) Visitor Mode and Service Mode observations were allocated on the VLT/VLTI, the 3.6-metre, and NTT telescopes. The submission deadline for Phase 2 Service Mode observations is Thursday, 2 March 2023; see the separate announcement for further details.

P111 Phase 2: deadline and opportunity for personalised help

Published: 01 Feb 2023

With the release of the La Silla Paranal telescope schedule, the Phase 2 preparation for runs scheduled in Service Mode begins. The deadline for the submission of the Phase 2 material for Period 111 is Thursday, 2 March 2023

The Service Mode guidelines provide detailed information about Phase 2 material preparation with the web application p2, while the instrument overview table provides quick links to user manuals, tools and p2 tutorials for individual instruments. 

The User Support Department at ESO offers assistance in the preparation of the Phase 2 material for Service Mode runs. On top of the material from previous LPO Users Workshops that include hands-on observations preparation videos, the USD staff is available to arrange individual online meetings upon requests. The goal of these meetings is to get acquainted with the Phase 2 tools, and to help you start preparing your specific Phase 2 material.

ALMA Cycle 10 Pre-Announcement

Published: 30 Jan 2023

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start Cycle 10 observations in October 2023. A Call for Proposals (CfP) with detailed information on Cycle 10 is anticipated to be issued in April 2023 and the deadline for proposal submission is anticipated to be on 10 May 2023.  The purpose of this pre-announcement is to highlight aspects of the CfP to assist with early planning.

Registrations open for the 11th VLTI School

Published: 27 Jan 2023

The European Interferometry Initiative (EII) is announcing that registrations are now open for the 11th VLTI School, funded by the Opticon/Radionet Pilot programme, with support from ESO.

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50. There is no registration fee. Limited funding will be available for accommodation and travel.

Applications for funding before March 1, 2023, will receive full consideration pending on merit and available budget.

New data release of MUSE data cubes of the Fornax3D Survey

Published: 25 Jan 2023

The Fornax3D survey is an integral field spectroscopic survey of the Fornax cluster of galaxies. This new data release contains mosaiced IFS MUSE cubes with their white lamp images for the 31 galaxies brighter than mB=15 within the virial radius of the cluster. The total data volume is 121.5 Gb. The survey was conducted under the ESO programme 296.B-5054(A), PI M. Sarzi and E. Iodice, with MUSE at the ESO VLT in wide-field mode. This instrument configuration ensures a spatial sampling of 0.2×0.2 arcsec2, a wavelength coverage from 4650 to 9300 Å with a spectral sampling of 1.25 Å/pixel, and a nominal spectral resolution of FWHM = 2.5 Å at 7000 Å. The main science goals of the survey are to understand the assembly history of the Fornax cluster and of the early-type galaxies, study the formation of substructures in galaxies and the properties of globular cluster and planetary nebulae population. For more information on the background and goals, please consult the latest paper by Sarzi, Iodice et al. in The Messenger.

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Showing 121 to 130 of 948 announcements