HARPS Solar Spectra Collection

HARPS daily sky solar spectra

Below is the list of the daily sky solar spectra ordered by date and the observed flux ratio between the fibre A and B measured both with the exposure meter and from the extracted spectra at the wavelength of 550nm (order 111). The data are acquired during the day, pointing to an "empty field" and illuminating both fibres at the same time. The 550nm flux is evaluated from (the square of) the SNR extracted by the pipeline for order 111, for which the central wavelength is 551nm.

Measurement errors are evaluated from the scatter of the values in a sky spectra series taken in one day and are around 5% peak to peak.

Date Flux A/B exp. meter Flux A/B 550nm Ratio plot Spectrum
2005-10-22 1.63 1.57 Plot (.ps) Sun spectrum (.fits)
2006-05-25 1.59 1.60 N/A Sun spectrum (.fits)
2006-07-01 1.66 1.57 Plot (.ps) Sun spectrum (.fits)
2006-07-14 1.64 1.61 Plot (.ps) Sun spectrum (.fits)
2007-05-14 1.65 1.62 Plot (.ps) Sun spectrum (.fits)
2009-02-10 1.64 1.57 Plot (.pdf) Sun spectrum (.fits)
2010-08-04 1.70 1.58 Plot (.pdf) Sun spectrum (.fits)

A hign S/N day sky solar spectrum provided by T. H. Dall (used in Dall et al. 2006, A&A,454, 341) can be downloaded from here (.fits). The spectrum in fits format is a combination of about 30 spectra reaching a total S/N greater than 1000.

Collection of HARPS solar spectra

Solar spectra are obtained collecting the solar light reflected from minor bodies or inactive satellites (Ganymede...).

Date Object Spectrum S/N @ 550nm RV (km/s)
2006-05-22 Ceres Merged 1D spectrum (.fits) 107  
2006-07-15 Ceres Merged 1D spectrum (.fits) 243  
2007-04-12 Ganymede Merged 1D spectrum (.fits) 347 6.031+-0.0002
2008-08-08 Moon Merged 1D spectrum (.fits) 454  
2009-02-08 Ceres Merged 1D spectrum (.fits) 152 2.705+-0.0005