Web Updates

web24002 — 1 de Agosto de 2024

Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph

Page about CUBES (Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph).

web24001 — 25 de Julho de 2024

Multi-conjugate-adaptive-optics-Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph

Page about MAVIS (Multi-conjugate-adaptive-optics-Assisted Visible Imager and Spectrograph).

web23002 — 28 de Junho de 2023

New page for GRAVITY+

GRAVITY+ is an upgrade to VLTI and its GRAVITY instrument. It will enable the imaging of fainter and more remote astronomical objects than previously possible, while also improving the high contrast precision on bright objects.

web23001 — 19 de Junho de 2023

ESO Virtual Tours Information

The virtual visits programme aims to bring ESO's work closer to all people interested in astronomy and who, for different reasons, cannot visit the observatories in person.

web22005 — 10 de Outubro de 2022

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at ESO

The mission of ESO is to design, build and operate the most advanced observatories on the ground, and to foster international collaboration for astronomy. This work leads to invaluable scientific and technological progress and contributes to social sustainability, in line with the United Nations’ (UN’s) Sustainable Development Goals.

web22004 — 30 de Agosto de 2022

ESO and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development

The aims of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are to eradicate poverty, improve human lives, protect the environment, and ensure peace and justice, leading to a more sustainable future for all. These goals require all countries and stakeholders to work together to implement strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, address climate change and spur economic growth.

web22003 — 5 de Julho de 2022

Dark and quiet skies preservation

Dark and quiet skies preservation page updated.

web22002 — 14 de Março de 2022

Environmental sustainability at ESO

Environmental sustainability at ESO

web22001 — 17 de Fevereiro de 2022

Virtual Backgrounds for download

New: Virtual Backgrounds

web21003 — 14 de Maio de 2021

"ESO and Chile" web page updated

Major update on the ESO and Chile web page.

web21002 — 14 de Maio de 2021

New page on polarimetry

New page about polarimetry.

web21001 — 5 de Fevereiro de 2021

How ESO benefits its Member States

This page introduces some of ESO’s contributions to its Member States across five areas: science and engineering, economy and innovation, talent development, education and outreach, and international collaboration and policy.

web20004 — 27 de Fevereiro de 2020

New APOD: Two Hemisphere Night Sky

Two Hemisphere Night Sky is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web20003 — 17 de Fevereiro de 2020

New APOD: The Changing Surface of Fading Betelgeuse

The Changing Surface of Fading Betelgeuse is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web20002 — 15 de Fevereiro de 2020

New APOD: Carina Nebula Close Up

Carina Nebula Close Up is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web20001 — 1 de Janeiro de 2020

New APOD: Betelgeuse Imagined

Betelgeuse Imagined is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19012 — 22 de Novembro de 2019

Environmental sustainability web page updated

The page Green ESO — Environmental Sustainability at ESO has been updated.

web19011 — 16 de Outubro de 2019

New APOD: BHB2007: A Baby Binary Star in Formation

BHB2007: A Baby Binary Star in Formation is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web1910 — 16 de Setembro de 2019

New APOD: Little Planet to Exoplanets

Little Planet to Exoplanets is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19009 — 28 de Agosto de 2019

New APOD: Messier 61 Close Up

Messier 61 Close Up is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19008 — 29 de Maio de 2019

New APOD: M95: Spiral Galaxy with an Inner Ring

M95: Spiral Galaxy with an Inner Ring is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19007 — 24 de Março de 2019

New APOD: Zooming in on Star Cluster Terzan 5

Zooming in on Star Cluster Terzan 5 is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19006 — 17 de Março de 2019

New APOD: M106: A Spiral Galaxy with a Strange Center

M106: A Spiral Galaxy with a Strange Center is today's NASA Astronomy picture of the day

web19005 — 27 de Fevereiro de 2019

New APOD: Magnetic Orion

Magnetic Orion is today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

web19003 — 21 de Janeiro de 2019

VLT Melipal name

Information about the VLT Melipal name.

web19002 — 21 de Janeiro de 2019

VLT Kueyen name

Information about the VLT Kueyen name.

web19001 — 21 de Janeiro de 2019

VLT Antu name

Information about the VLT Antu name.

web19004 — 6 de Janeiro de 2019

New APOD: A Laser Strike at the Galactic Center

A Laser Strike at the Galactic Center is today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

web18029 — 25 de Dezembro de 2018

New APOD: M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy

M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18028 — 11 de Dezembro de 2018

New APOD: Arp 188 and the Tadpole's Tail

Arp 188 and the Tadpole's Tail is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18027 — 23 de Outubro de 2018

New APOD: Hyperion: Largest Known Galaxy Proto-Supercluster

Hyperion: Largest Known Galaxy Proto-Supercluster is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web8026 — 30 de Setembro de 2018

New APOD: The Lonely Neutron Star in Supernova Remnant E0102-72.3

The Lonely Neutron Star in Supernova Remnant E0102-72.3 is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18025 — 7 de Setembro de 2018

Infrared Photometer/Spectrophotometer

The Infrared Photometer/Spectrophotometer was mounted at the f/35 focus of the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope.

web18024 — 7 de Setembro de 2018

RV Cass Spectrograph

The Radial Velocity Cassegrain Spectrograph

web18023 — 29 de Julho de 2018

New APOD: Journey to the Center of the Galaxy

Journey to the Center of the Galaxy is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18022 — 16 de Julho de 2018

Fiber Dual Echelle Optical Spectrograph

Information about the Fiber Dual Echelle Optical Spectrograph on the ESO 1-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory, Chile.

web18021 — 6 de Julho de 2018

Biography of Prof. Adriaan Blaauw

Biography of Prof. Adriaan Blaauw

web18015 — 15 de Junho de 2018

Danish 1.54-metre Four-Channel Photometer

web18016 — 15 de Junho de 2018

Danish 1.54-metre Hβ Photometer

web18017 — 15 de Junho de 2018

Danish 1.54-metre Six-Channel uvby-Hβ Photometer

web18018 — 15 de Junho de 2018

Danish 1.54-metre Two-Channel Photometer

web18019 — 15 de Junho de 2018

ESO 0.5-metre Double-Channel Photometer

web18020 — 15 de Junho de 2018

ESO 0.5-metre Single-Channel Photometer

web18014 — 15 de Junho de 2018

Danish 1.54-metre CCD camera

web18013 — 20 de Maio de 2018

New APOD: In the Heart of the Tarantula Nebula

In the Heart of the Tarantula Nebula is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18012 — 18 de Maio de 2018

New APOD: Attack of the Laser Guide Stars

Attack of the Laser Guide Stars is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18011 — 9 de Março de 2018

New APOD: Horsehead: A Wider View

Horsehead: A Wider View is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18010 — 19 de Fevereiro de 2018

The Danish Six-Channel uvby–Hβ Photometer

web18009 — 19 de Fevereiro de 2018

The Danish Four-Channel uvby Photometer

web18008 — 19 de Fevereiro de 2018

The Danish Two-Channel Hβ Photometer

web18007 — 19 de Fevereiro de 2018

The 3.6-m Infrared Photometer/Spectrophotometer

web18006 — 19 de Fevereiro de 2018

The 3.6-m Standard Photometer

web18005 — 14 de Fevereiro de 2018

CAPjournal Issue 23 Now Available

web18003 — 31 de Janeiro de 2018

Updated collaborations in Chile

Updated information about ESO collaborations in Chile.

web18002 — 23 de Janeiro de 2018

The decommissioned Walraven Photometer

Info about the Walraven Photometer (decommissioned).

web18004 — 23 de Janeiro de 2018

New APOD: Ribbons and Pearls of Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398

Ribbons and Pearls of Spiral Galaxy NGC 1398 is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web18001 — 16 de Janeiro de 2018

Biography of Prof. Lodewijk Woltjer

Biography of Prof. Lodewijk Woltjer, former ESO Director General (1975–1987).

web17037 — 22 de Novembro de 2017

New APOD: 'Oumuamua: Interstellar Asteroid

Oumuamua: Interstellar Asteroid is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17036 — 10 de Novembro de 2017

New Virtual Reality Virtual Tours online

New Virtual Reality Virtual Tours online.

web17035 — 9 de Novembro de 2017

Info about PISCO, the Polarimeter with Instrumental and Sky COmpensation

Info about PISCO, the Polarimeter with Instrumental and Sky COmpensation.

web17034 — 9 de Novembro de 2017

Updated info about the Coudé Spectrograph

Updated info about the Coudé Spectrograph.

web17033 — 9 de Novembro de 2017

Info about ECHELEC

Info about ECHELEC (ECHelle + ELECtronic camera spectrograph)

web17032 — 9 de Novembro de 2017

New APOD: NGC 1055 Close-up

NGC 1055 is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day

web17031 — 7 de Novembro de 2017

New page dedicated to Prof. Otto Heckmann

web17030 — 24 de Outubro de 2017

Info page about MOSAIC (Phase A)

Info page about MOSAIC (Phase A), the Multi-Object Spectrograph.

web17029 — 8 de Outubro de 2017

New APOD: Dark Molecular Cloud Barnard 68

"Dark Molecular Cloud Barnard 68" is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17028 — 3 de Outubro de 2017

New APOD: Ice Ring around Nearby Star Fomalhaut

"Ice Ring around Nearby Star Fomalhaut" is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17027 — 27 de Setembro de 2017

Info about CASPEC

Info about CASPEC.

web17026 — 27 de Setembro de 2017

Info about CORAVEL

Info about CORAVEL

web17025 — 25 de Agosto de 2017

Open House Day 2017 at ESO Headquarters

Open House Day 2017 at ESO Headquarters.

web17024 — 25 de Agosto de 2017

Info about CORALIE

Info about CORALIE

web17023 — 17 de Agosto de 2017

Danish Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera

Information about the Danish Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera.

web17021 — 31 de Julho de 2017

Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph

web17020 — 26 de Julho de 2017

Coudé Echelle Spectrometer

web17019 — 26 de Julho de 2017

Swedish-ESO PI receiver for APEX

web17018 — 26 de Julho de 2017

The Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph

web17017 — 11 de Julho de 2017

Info on the VLT Test Cameras

New page with info on the VLT Test Cameras.

web170016 — 27 de Junho de 2017

What is Sagittarius A*?

web170015 — 20 de Junho de 2017

How to build an Earth-sized radio telescope

web17013 — 23 de Maio de 2017

How do Radio Telescopes work?

web170014 — 19 de Maio de 2017

New APOD: Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte

Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte is today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17011 — 3 de Maio de 2017

What’s so interesting about the event horizon?

web17010 — 11 de Abril de 2017

What is a black hole?

What is a black hole? -- 2nd blog post from the "Taking the First Picture of a Black Hole"

web170011 — 10 de Abril de 2017

New APOD: Galaxy Cluster Gas Creates Hole in Microwave Background

Galaxy Cluster Gas Creates Hole in Microwave Background is today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17009 — 4 de Abril de 2017

New ESO presentation template available for download

A supplementary ESO presentation template is here available for use. Featuring a wide selection of images, videos, charts and diagrams, this template focuses on key messages about ESO and is more visually appealing than the existing ESO template.

web17007 — 1 de Março de 2017

Info about Data2Dome

A Standard for Dome Content Distribution.

web17006 — 1 de Março de 2017

MASCARA web page

New page for the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA.

web17005 — 1 de Março de 2017

NGTS web page

New page for the NGTS

web17004 — 21 de Fevereiro de 2017

SPECULOOS web page

New page about SPECULOOS

web17008 — 7 de Fevereiro de 2017

New APOD: NGC 6357: The Lobster Nebula

NGC 6357: The Lobster Nebula is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17003 — 3 de Fevereiro de 2017

New APOD: Milky Way with Airglow Australis

Milky Way with Airglow Australis is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17002 — 15 de Janeiro de 2017

New APOD: The Matter of the Bullet Cluster

The Matter of the Bullet Cluster is today's NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web17001 — 4 de Janeiro de 2017

ESOcast 90 Light – Orion’s Cloudy Secrets 4K UHD

web16018 — 15 de Dezembro de 2016

CAPjounal 21 is online

web16017 — 14 de Dezembro de 2016

New videos in the archive!

New videos in the archive!

web16019 — 14 de Dezembro de 2016

New APOD: The Lagoon Nebula in High Definition

The Lagoon Nebula in High Definition is NASAs Astronomy Picture of the Day.

web16016 — 26 de Outubro de 2016

Webcams updated!

web16015 — 5 de Outubro de 2016

Art at ESO

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