
How to Get your Results Out as an ESO Press Release

3. syyskuuta 2013

The science results coming from ESO's facilities are not just of interest to the astronomical community, but also to the public at large. ESO's education and Public Outreach Department (ePOD) is always pleased to hear about new results that might make ESO science press releases. Such releases not only give your results wider coverage — often in national newspapers and broadcast media all around the world — but also raise public awareness of ESO itself and its achievements. ePOD can help with preparing an engaging text as well as impressive visuals, images and videos, to enhance the impact.

Of particular interest are results that are surprises, new discoveries or major advances. If you think you have such a result please contact us (rhook@eso.org) as soon as possible, ideally around the time that the paper is submitted so we have plenty of time to assess the result and prepare a release.

We look forward to hearing from you!


