The Venus Transit 2004
... the Forum!
The VT-2004 Forum will serve to discuss the Venus Transit 2004 event. We trust that this will be a valuable tool to share ideas, comments and experience on the many facets of this unique event.
Before accessing the Forum, please read and follow the Usage Agreement as stated below.
General List Information & Usage Agreement (Feb. 1, 2004)
By subscribing to this list you agree to these principles:
- Users agree to maintain civility...this includes avoiding "flame-wars". Please take such communications off-list. Users are referred to the Netiquette home page (RFC 1855) for further guidelines regarding behavior on the web.
- This list is monitored. The owners of these pages therefore reserve the right to edit or delete any message which does not belong to this list. The owners also reserve the right to restrict access to these pages.
- If you are new to the VT-2004 programme , please first read the Background and other pages available on this site.
- Users agree, for the most part, to stay on-topic. This list is meant to focus on the Venus Transit 2004 event. Occasionally we all go off topic and it can be useful, but it should be kept to the minimum.
- Generic announcements likely to be of interest to the VT-2004 community are encouraged.
If you need additional information you can also;
- Look at the Background pages which contain a lot of useful information
- Contact your National Nodes or association/planetarium/club in your Region
- Send an email to vt-2004@eso.org