The Venus Transit 2004
... Useful Weblinks!
This page contains various weblinks to other projects around this event and, in general, sites that contain information that is useful in this connection. It will be updated as new sites become known. It is not the intention to include all links, but rather to show those that are really useful, with original and informative content.
Please note that numerous links to websites that expect to carry "live" images during the transit on June 8, 2004, are available on this page.
Don't hesitate to inform the organisers of the ESO/EAAE Venus Transit 2004 project via email at vt-2004@eso.org if you know of links that should be inserted here.
General Description
- Chuck Bueter's website on the Transit of Venus - very rich and encyclopedic with many onward links (in English)
- Orpington Astronomical Society - very comprehensive webpage, with explanations about observational methods etc. (in English)
- Venus-Transit 2004 - contains dates of all transits between the years 1500 -2500 and a very comprehensive list of onward links (in German)
- Venustransit - Venus vor der Sonne - contains background information on Venus transits (in German)
- IMCCE website on transits - very comprehensive, general information about Mercury and Venus transits from the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (in French)
- Steven M. van Rode's website - very informative website by Steven M. van Rode (in English)
Education and Projects
- The Venus Project - an ambitious internet project for "Observing, Photographing and Evaluating the Transit of Venus, June 8th, 2004" organised by Professor Udo Backhaus (University of Essen, Germany), mainly directed towards schools and amateur astronomers with some astronomical equipment. Detailed explanation of methods etc. (in English)
- Sun-Earth Education Forum - very comprehensive educational website with materials for different age groups
- "Paper Plate Education" - another excellent website by Chuck Bueter (in English)
Tables and Graphics about Visibility of the Venus Transit, etc.
- Jürgen Giesen' website on the Venus Transit (in English)
- NASA website - contains information on the Venus Transits in 2004 and 2012, including maps and information on the visibility around the world
- The CalSky site - contains online-calculation of local circumstances for all transits of Mercury and Venus (in German)
- IMCCE site - comprehensive information about the Venus Transit in 2004 from the Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Éphémérides (in French)
- US Naval Observatory tables - detailed data on the visibility of this astronomical event around the world (PDF-file)
History, etc.
- Article on the "Black Drop" phenomenon - by Italian astronomer Guido Horn d'Arturo (from 1922, written in Italian, here translated into English)
Commercial Products, Travels, etc.
- Embah Safari - desert travel to view the Venus Transit
- Sky & Space - SOBOMEX - solar viewing glasses - observing aids
- Light Tec Optical Instruments - observing aids