Development Programme

Having traced the development of many former and current ESO Fellows, we know that being an effective and successful scientist in the area of professional astronomy requires more than just technical and scientific knowledge in a specific field. We therefore aim at supporting the personal development of ESO Fellows to complement the current scientific part of the programme. The aim of the Fellows Development Programme is to deliver a programme over a defined period of time which results in the Fellows preparedness for employment in academia, international organisations or even industry.

The training programme takes advantage of the fact that Fellows stay between 3 and 4 years at ESO. The training itself aims at starting early after the Fellow’s take-up-duty and allows them to go rapidly through the main modules so that the programmes benefits materialise as quickly as possible at this critical stage of their careers.

Most of the programme is delivered by an external provider. Partly, internal senior scientists and/or Human Resources participate at parts of the modules to support the learning.

The Fellows Development Programme covers the following aspects:

  • Time and Priority management: refreshing basic skills to organise the work-life balance of the fellows and to structure their work effectively.
  • Project management and Management of People: many ESO Fellows will take multiple responsibilities in ambitious projects or lead a team after leaving the organisation. It is therefore important for them to have a basic understanding of people and project related skills.
  • Scientific writing and Presentation skills: both are critical in a researcher’s career and foster their communication skills. Communication skills are essential, not only for the research itself but also to develop a good network, be successful in the competition for grants, and get own projects selected.
  • Effective networking: today’s professional astronomers are increasingly benefiting from techniques developed in marketing strategies. Networking skills are a critical asset for modern scientists.
  • Career Coaching: this module is delivered every year and covers the following aspects:
    • Creating winning CVs and Cover letters
    • Interview skills

Sessions are organised by the Office for Science and Human Resources and are delivered jointly by experienced science staff and Human Resources.