Mission and Vision

An important component of ESO’s mission is to support a large astronomical community via the design, construction and operation of ground-based facilities. Having active staff scientists who conduct front-line research is critical to provide the best support to this community by pushing ideas and facilities to their limits. ESO has developed (and continues to develop) a unique set of expertise which must be diffused back into the community to educate the next generation of astronomers and to trigger the next wave of instruments and telescopes. The Fellowship Programme has as core mission to train and prepare this next generation of astronomers by giving them the opportunity to work in a unique environment where they can consolidate their scientific profile and career, have an in-depth experience with state-of- the-art facilities, and return to the scientific community as ESO ambassadors. Since its inception in 1977, hundreds of astronomers have participated in this programme and many have moved on to leading positions at universities, observatories and laboratories, diffusing ESO expertise in the Member States and enhancing the
organisation’s reputation around the world.

ESO’s Fellowship Programme is one of the most recognised and successful such post-doctoral research programmes in the world. Cared for within the Offices for Science in Garching and Santiago, the ESO Fellowship Programme shall remain a benchmark for excellence while adapting to changes in the astronomy marketplace. Fellows are the engine that drives a significant part of the science at ESO and an important bridge with the community that the organisation serves.

The Fellowship Programme at ESO

ESO’s Fellowship Programme is designed to help young scientists reach the next step of their scientific career, either a post-doctoral position or a more permanent position at a University, research institute or observatory. The programme is designed such that Fellows gain experience by working in a research and observatory environment. The programme thus aims at helping ESO’s Fellows to stretch and learn by

  • Developing their scientific profiles and benefiting from a rich and structured scientific
    environment where they can interact with more senior scientists;
  • Becoming mature and independent researchers who can/will develop their own research
    projects and contribute effectively to collaborative scientific endeavours;
  • Getting prepared to take on higher scientific, administrative or managerial responsibilities in future positions.