Messenger No. 14 (September 1978)
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Large-Scale Internal Motions in NGC5128
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Interstellar hydrogen observed in the arms and disks of the nearest southern galaxies.
ADS BibCode:
Boulesteix, J.; Courtès, G.
AA(Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille, France) AB(Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille, France)
French astronomers have been studying the kinematics of interstellar hydrogen for more than a decade, mainly by means of Fabry-Perot interferometers (cf. the article by M. Duval in Messenger No. 9). Recently, Drs. J. Boulesteix and G. Courtes trom Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale in Marseille travelled to La Silla and obtained new and spectacular results about the hydrogen in some nearby southern galaxies.
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Visiting Astronomers - (October 1, 1978 - April 1, 1979)
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Tentative Meeting Schedule
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Spectroscopic observations of YY Orionis stars at La Silla.
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Bertout, C.; Wolf, B.
AA(Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, FRG) AB(Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, FRG)
Trailblazing observations of stars in late stages of their initial formation were earried out some months ago by two astronomers from the Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, FRG, Drs. C. Bertout and B. Wolf. Speetroseopy with the ESO 1.5 m teleseope on La Si/la during twelve eonseeutive nights revealed dramatie speetral ehanges, and simultaneous photometrie observations at the new observatory near San Pedro Martir, Baja California, Mexieo, are now being redueed.
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First Announcement of a European Workshop on - "Astronomical Uses of the Space Telescope"
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The ESO Workshop on Infrared Astronomy
ADS BibCode:
Salinari, P.
About 60 astronomers attended the workshop on IR astronomy jointly organized by the Stockholm Observatory and ESO on the island of Utö on June 20-22, 1978. The number of participants, significantly larger than originally planned, was in itself a sign of the increasing interest among the European astronomers in the scientific and observational aspects of ground-based IR astronomy.
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The ESO Measuring Machines in Geneva
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The ESO S-3000 plate-scanner and Grant machine are now fully operational and are available for use by visiting astronomers for the reduction of direct plates and photographic spectra.
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ESO Astronomer Honoured!
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Personnel Movements
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The X-ray binary 4U 1700-37/HD 153919.
ADS BibCode:
Hammerschlag-Hensberge, G.; van den Heuvel, E.
AA(Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) AB(Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
New satellite data have provided ground-based optieal astronomers with a large amount of extremely interesting work in eonneetion with X-ray binary stars. Speetroseopie and photometrie observations are urgently needed to further unravel the nature of these strange objeets. The present report by Drs. Godelieve Hammersehlag-Hensberge and Edward P.J. van den Heuvel of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, summarizes four years of painstaking observations of one of the brightest stars identified with an X-ray souree. Their thorough study has already revealed some very interesting details about this binary system.
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About the "Messenger"
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We regret that this issue is somewhat delayed due to summer holidays. The next issue will appear as planned on December 1, 1978.
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Spectra of the Brightest Stars in a Very Distant Globular Cluster
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Spectra of the Brightest Stars in a Very Distant Globular Cluster
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Further about ESO 113-IG45
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Further about ESO 113-IG45
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Computer Catalogue of ESO Schmidt Plates
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New Publications from ESO - Preprints: May-August 1978
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23. J. LUB, J. VAN PARADIJS, J. W. PEL, P. R. WESSELlUS: UItraviolet Photometry of the Cepheid B Doradus lrom the A.N.S. Satellite. May 1978. Submitted to: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Main Journal.
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Be stars observed at La Silla.
ADS BibCode:
Divan, L.; Briot, D.; Zorec, J.
AA(Institut d'Astrophysique (CNRS), Paris) AB(Institut d'Astrophysique (CNRS), Paris) AC(Institut d'Astrophysique (CNRS), Paris)
Be stars are hot stars with emission lines, but where are these lines tormed? Simultaneous spectroscopic observations at La Silla in June 1978 by Drs. L. Divan, D. Briot and J. Zorec trom Institut d'Astrophysique (CNRS) in Paris throw new light on the Be phenomenon.
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The environments of active galactic nuclei.
ADS BibCode:
Fosbury, R. A. E.
AA(ESO Scientific Group in Geneva)
It is becoming increasingly c1ear that strange things happen in many galaxy nuclei and thattheir study is of extreme importance for our understanding of the behaviour of matter. Observations from satellites and with large telescopes have yielded new and often unexpected results and the possibility of the existence of black holes (or even more exotic objects) in the centres of active galaxies is now taken seriously by most astronomers. Dr. Robert Fosbury, who joined the ESO Scientific Group in Geneva in 1977, has been pursuing for a long time the study of galaxy nuclei with some of the world's largest telescopes. He gives some examples of recent work with the ESO 3.6 m telescope.
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SU Ursae Majoris-type stars - the most interesting dwarf novae.
ADS BibCode:
Semeniuk, I.
AA(senior lecturer at the Astronomical Observatory of the Warsaw University, Poland)
Dr. Irena Semeniuk is a senior lecturer at the Astronomical Observatory of the Warsaw University, Poland, and joined the ESO Scientific Group in October 1977 with a one-year fellowship. She is interested in extragalactic astronomy (distribution of galaxies in clusters) as weil as in cataclysmic variables. She recently observed at La Silla and was very happy to catch one of these stars in a "superburst".
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Observations of the M87 jet with the International Ultraviolet Explorer.
ADS BibCode:
Tarenghi, M.; Perola, G. C.
AA(ESO, Geneva) AB(Istituto di Fisica, Milano, Italy)
During the past months, astronomers have been busy at the IUE ground station near Madrid. Dr. Massimo Tarenghi was the first ESO astronomer to use this unique ultraviolet satellite to observe extragalactic objects. This is the first, brief report about his exciting observations, together with Dr. Perola from Milan. We expect to bring further news about the IUE in the next issue of the Messenger.
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Optical pulsations from 4U 1626-67 discovered with the ESO 3.6 m telescope.
ADS BibCode:
Ilovaisky, S. A.; Motch, C.; Chevalier, C.
AA(Observatoire de Meudon, France) AB(Observatoire de Meudon, France) AC(Observatoire de Meudon, France)
A little over a year ago, Drs. Claude Chevalier and Sergio Il0vaisky reported the optical identification of the X-ray source LMC X-4 (cf. Messenger No. 9, p. 4). Now, together with Dr. Christian Motch, also from Observatoire de Meudon, France, they have succeeded in measuring optical pulses in a 19m star with the same 'period as the southern X-ray source 4U 1626-67, and therefore identical with this source. To obtain a high time-resolution, O~8, it was necessary to use the 3.6 m telescope. Contrary to other X-ray sourees, no Doppler shift has yet been detected in 4U 1626-67.
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A Search for High-Inclination Minor Planets
ADS BibCode:
Schmadel, L. D.; Schubart, J.
AA(Astronomisches Recheninstitut in Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany) AB(Astronomisches Recheninstitut in Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. of Germany)
There is a renewed interest in the Solar System and its planets. Incredible photos are transmitted back trom distant space probes and on-site physical investigations have become possible. An increasing number ot new planets are being disco vered with large, ground-based telescopes. However, most ot the known objects lie in or near the plane ot the Earth's orbit, the Ecliptic. Little is known about the objects that presumably exist high above or tar below this plane. How many are there and how did they get there? Drs. Lutz Schmadel and Joachim Schubart trom Astronomisches Recheninstitut in Heidelberg, Fed. Rep. ot Germany, describe a search programme with the ESO Schmidt telescope that aims at the discovery ot out-ot-the-Ecliptic minor planets.
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Algunos Resumenes
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Fue honrado astr6nomo de ESO; Investigacion de Planetas Menores de inclinacion elevada; Fuentes de rayos X