Messenger No. 24 (June 1981)
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The First Steps of the European Organization
ADS BibCode:
Fehrenbach, C.
AA(Member of the French Academy of Sciences and Oirector of the HauteProvence Observatory)
Prof. Charles Fehrenbach, Member of the French Academy of Sciences and Oirector of the HauteProvence Observatory, has been involved since the beginning with the genesis of ESo. He has been kind enough to write a short history of these early developments which are probably unknown to all the young European astronomers now using the ESO facilities and to many of the less young ones.
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The Inauguration of the ESO Headquarters Building at Garching
ADS BibCode:
Veron, P.
The European Southern Observatory was lormally founded on 5 October 1962 when the Convention was signed by Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, soon to be followed by Denmark. For many years, ESO was located partly in Geneva and partly in Hamburg. This split of the organization made the management difficult. About five years ago, the German government offered to construct a building for ESO on the campus of the Max-Planck Society at Garching near Munich. The administration immediately moved from Hamburg into provisional offices at Garching and about six months ago, after completion 01 the new building, the European centre of ESO found its final home.
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Faint Object Camera Booklet
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The Helium Content and Evolution of Subdwarf O-Stars
ADS BibCode:
Hunger, K.; Kudritzki, R. P.
AA(Institut für Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, Kiel) AB(Institut für Theoretische Physik und Sternwarte, Kiel)
Subdwarf 0 stars are faint blue stars that have luminosities 3- 8 magnitudes below the main sequence. In the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram they occupy a region intermediate between normal dwarfs and hot white dwarfs. Phenomenologically they appear as an extension 01 the horizontal branch towards very high temperatures (TeH > 35000 K). The link between the two classes form the subdwarf B stars.
Greenslein, J. L., Sargent, A. 1.: 1974, ASlrophysieal Journal, Suppl.,
Kilkenny, D., Penfold, J. E., Hilditch, R. W.: 1979, Monlhly Noliees of
the Royal Astronomieal Soeiely, 187,28.
Kudritzki, R. P.: 1976, Astronomy and Aslrophysics, 52, 11.
Kudritzki, R. P., Simon, K. P.: 1978, Aslronomy and Aslrophysies, 70,
KUdritzki, R. P., Hunger, K., Gruschinske, J., Simon, K. P., Kaufmann,
J. P.: 1980, Proc. Sec. IUE Cont., TÜbingen, p. 307, ESA SP-157.
Kudritzki, R. P., Simon, K. P., Lynas-Gray, A. E., Kilkenny, D., Hili, P.
w.: 1981, in preparation.
Kudritzki, R. P., Mendez, R. H., Simon, K. P.: 1981, Aslronomy and
Astrophysies, in press.
Mendez, R. H., Kudritzki, R. P., Gruschinske, J., Simon, K. P.: 1981,
Astronomy and Aslrophysies, in press.
Schönberner, D.: 1979, Aslronomy and Aslrophysics, 79, 108.
Simon, K. P.: 1979, thesis, CAU Kiel.
Sweigert, A. V., Mengel, J. G., Demarque, P.: 1974, Aslronomy and
Aslrophysies, 30, 13.
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List of Preprints Published at ESO Scientific Group
ADS BibCode:
139. T. R. Geballe, W. Wamsteker, A. C. Danks, J. H. Lacy and S. C. Beck: Infrared Line and Continuum Views of G333.6-0.2. Aslrophysieal Journal, Main Jornal. March 1981.
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Optical Searches of Gamma-Ray Burst Locations
ADS BibCode:
Chevalier, C.; Ilovaisky, S. A.; Hurley, K.; Motch, C.
AA(Observatoire de Meudon) AB(Observatoire de Meudon) AC(Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse) AD(ESO Garching)
First discovered in 1973, gamma-ray bursts are cosmic events of very short duration, some of them lasting only a few tenths of a second, whose origin has since been a puzzle. They are now being detected mainly in the hard X-ray range (100-500 keV) by omnidirectional scintillator detectors placed on board spacecraft located in different parts of the solar system (Venera 11 an 12, Pioneer Venus Orbiter, Helios 2, Prognoz 7, ISEE-3 and the Vela satellites).* When a burst is detected by at least 3 spacecraft, triangulation over interplanetary distances is possible thraugh arrival-time analysis of the burst time-histories recorded by the different detectors. Observations by as many as 7 different prabes now offer the possibility of unambiguously localizing gamma-ray bursts on the sky to arc-minutes, and sometimes to tens of areseconds.
Chambon, G. et al. 1980, in Non solar gamma-rays, R. Cowsik and R.
D. Wills, eds. Pergamon Press, p. 141.
Cline, T. L. et al. 1980, Astrophysical Journal, Letters, 237, L1.
Evans, W. D. et al. 1980, Astrophysical Journal, Letters, 237, L7.
Hurley, K. 1980, in Non solar gamma-rays, R. Cowsik and R. D. Wills,
eds. Pergamon Press.
Laros, J. G. et al. 1981, Astrophysical Journal, Letters (in press).
Mazets, E. P. et al. 1980, Soviet Astronomy, Letters, 5,318.
Tyson,J. A.,Jarvis, I. F. 1979,AstrophysicaIJournal, Letters, 230, L153.
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ESO Conference on the Scientific Importance of High Angular Resolution at Infrared and Optical Wavelengths
ADS BibCode:
Veron, P.
ESO Conference on the "Scientific Importance of High Angular Resolution at Infrared and Optical Wavelengths"
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Photometric Spectroscopic and IUE Observations of X-Ray Binaries
ADS BibCode:
Mauder, H.
AA(University of Tübingen)
X-ray binaries offer the unique opportunity to study the properties of neutron stars in some detail. In arecent article E. J. Zuiderwijk (THE MESSENGER No. 19, p. 18, 1970) discussed the "Standard Model" of X-ray binaries with massive components, demonstrating the difficulties in lightcurve analysis and mass determination. The model is relatively simple: anormal primary star, which can be observed in visual light, and a neutron star form a binary system. The most important constraint is given by the "Limiting Roche Lobe", a critical surface, which is confining the maximum possible radius of the primary star, The size of this lobe, in units of the separation of the two stars, is dependent only on their mass ratio. Thus the radius of the primary star gives a Iimiting value for the mass ratio.
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Personnel Movements
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Millimetre Observations of Quasars
ADS BibCode:
Sherwood, W. A.
AA(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn)
During an observing run on La Silla in 1978 I noticed a preprint from Wright and Kleinmann concerning their recent infrared (IR) observations of a very luminous quasar, 00420388. It had been discovered at Cerro Tololo on objective prism plates by Osmer and Smith. There were several aspects of this object which interested me: it had a large redshift, z = 3.12, and yet its apparent magnitude was brighter than 17 implying a very large luminosity (3C 273 has an apparent magnitude of 13 and z = 0.158); it was not then known to be a radio source .22 Jy at 2.7 GHz); and yet the IR and visual intensity gave a shape to the spectrum which would soon reach a value larger than the radio limit if the spectrum were to be extrapolated to frequencies lower than the IR. In fact, extrapolating the spectrum to 1 mm or 300 GHz yielded a f1ux density greater than 1 Jy which I thought we could measure.
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Discovery and Rediscovery of Comets and Minor Planets with the ESO 1-METER Schmidt Telescope
ADS BibCode:
Schuster, H. E.
AA(ESO - La Silla)
After a successful night with the ESO Schmidt, having taken plates for the ESO Atlas or for the scheduled non-Atlas programmes, follows the indispensable check and quality control of the plates. Focus behaviour all over the large field, image quality, evenness of development, limiting magnitude, emulsion faults are same of the quality factars to be checked. This is dane usually by visual inspection, the plate being put on a light table and inspected through a zoom microscape allowing a magnification of 10 to 40 times. The whole plate is scanned from corner to corner.
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HII Regions in Nearby Galaxies
ADS BibCode:
Rosa, M.
AA(Landessternwarte Königstuhl, Heidelberg)
In the past decade the interest in emission nebulae in external galaxies has increased significantly. Although the titles of papers on extragalactic research often do not refer explicitely to the fact that the emission spectra of gaseous nebulae have been investigated, a closer look shows that a considerable fraction of that work is based on data obtained from the study of H 11 regions. In Section 2 I shall try to outline the importance of H I1 regions in extragalactic astronomy. Section 3 discusses the problems which are still open and form the background of my own work. Finally, some new results are presented and briefly discussed.
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Spinning Asteroids and Photometry - a View of a Modern Topic
ADS BibCode:
Schober, H. J.
AA(Institute tor Astronomy, Graz, Austria)
When I lirst applied for telescope time at ESO in 1976 to carry out photometry 01 asteroids, I had no idea about the impact 01 such a programme. As a malter of fact, photometry of asteroids is a method to study those objects in detail for their physical properties such as rotation rates, diameters, surface properties, albedo, geometrical configurations, orientation of rotation al axis in space, even masses and densities.
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OH Infrared Stars - Very Long Period Variables with Enormous Mass Loss
ADS BibCode:
Engels, D.
AA(Sternwarte der Universität Bonn)
Since 1975 infrared photometers attached to the ESO 1m telescape have been used to investigate OH/IR stars. Monitoring them over five years, G. V. Schultz and W. A. Sherwood from the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie in Bann and the author proved that OH/IR stars are lang period variables, which in extreme cases have periods langer than four years.
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Observation of Titan at La-Silla during a Total Eclipse
ADS BibCode:
Combes, M.; Encrenaz, T.; Epchtein, N.; Lecacheux, J.; Owen, T.
AA(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AB(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AC(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AD(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AE(State University of New York at Stony Brook)
The edge-on presentation of Saturn's rings and satellites system has provided a rare opportunity to observe total eclipses of Titan in the shadow of Saturn. This event, which comes back every 16 years, occurred during the first semester of 19aO, and eclipses of several hours were observable every 16 days fram November 1979 to July 19aO.
Epchtein, N. 1981. These de doctorat d'Etat, Universilt~ de Paris VII.
Mc Carthy, J. F., Pollack, J. S., Houck, J. R., Forrest, W. J. 1980.
Aslrophysical Journal (in press).
Wamsteker, W. Private communication. 1975.
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Upper Limit of the Gaseous CH4 Abundance on Triton
ADS BibCode:
Combes, M.; Encrenaz, T.; Lecacheux, J.; Perrier, C.
AA(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AB(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AC(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon) AD(ESO, La Silla)
Triton, Neptune's largest satellite, has been known for a long time to be able to retain an atmosphere of heavy gases, due to its mass and temperature. Several attempts for detecting the gaseous CH4 molecule in Triton's spectrum have been inconclusive (Cochran and Cochran, 1977; Cruikshank et al., 1979). In contrast, Benner et al. (1978) reported the identification of a CH4 gaseous absorption at 8900 A, as weil as Cruikshank and Silvaggio (1979) in the near-infrared; from the second study, an abundance of 7 m-Am (meter-Amagat)* was derived.
Cochran, W. 0., Cochran, A. L. 1978. Bulletin of Ihe American
Aslronomical Sociely, 10, 585.
Cruikshank, D. P., Stockton, A., Dyck, H. M., Secklin, E. E., Macy, W.
1979. Icarus, 40, 104.
Cruikshank, D. P., Silvaggio, P. M. 1979. Aslrophysical Journal, 233,
Johnson, P. E., Greene, T. F., Shorthill, R. W. 1978. Icarus, 36, 75.
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Algunos Resumenes
ADS BibCode:
La inauguracion de la sede de ESO en Garching
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Observations of a Supernova in NGC4536 from La-Silla
ADS BibCode:
Veron, P.
On March 2, 1981, the Soviet astronomer Tsvetkov at the Sternberg Astronomicallnstitute discovered a supernova in the Sc galaxy NGC 4536. Its photographic magnitude was 12.3 (lAU Circular No. 3580). It was one of the brightest supernovae in recent years; in fact it was so bright as to be easily observable with the International Ultraviolet Explorer, and Dr. N. Panagia, on behalf of the ESA-SRC team for SN observations urged the ESO staff on La Silla to make optical observations of this objecl. These observations have been organized by T. Danks.