Messenger No. 62 (December 1990)
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Superseeing at Paranal
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Celestial Mechanics
62-62 (PDF)
A New Low Limit in the Read-Out Noise of ESO CCDs
62-62 (PDF)
Results on the Testing of Ford Aerospace and Tektronix CCDs
ADS BibCode:
Deiries, S.; D'Odorico, S.; Reiss, R.
63-63 (PDF)
Jöran Ramberg (1906-1990)
64-65 (PDF)
ESO Image Processing Group: MIDAS Memo
64-64 (PDF)
News About Adaptive Optics
ADS BibCode:
Merkle, F.; Rigaut, F.
AA(ESO) AB(Observatoire de Meudon)
66-67 (PDF)
Comet Levy Detected by SEST
67-68 (PDF)
Change at the ESO Schmidt Telescope
67-67 (PDF)
Announcement of the 3rd ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop
68-68 (PDF)