Messenger No. 65 (September 1991)
1-2 (PDF)
The Galactic Centre: Best Images Ever
ADS BibCode:
Eckart, A.; Hofman, R.; Duhoux, P.; Genzel, R.; Drapatz, S.
AA(MPE, Garching bei Munchen) AB(MPE, Garching bei Munchen) AC(MPE, Garching bei Munchen) AD(MPE, Garching bei Munchen) AE(MPE, Garching bei Munchen)
2-4 (PDF)
Will La Silla succumb to the VLT?
ADS BibCode:
Cristiani, S.
AA(University of Padova, Italy)
3-3 (PDF)
Tentative Time-table of Council Sessions and Committee Meetings until end of 1991
4-5 (PDF)
Visiting Astronomers (October 1, 1991 - April 1, 1992)
5-5 (PDF)
New Central Computer Facilities at ESO
7-10 (PDF)
A survey of nearby clusters of galaxies
ADS BibCode:
Mazure, A.; Escalera, E.; Katgert, P.; Rhee, G.; Dan Hartog, R.; Dubath, P.; Focardi, P.; Gerbal, D.; Giuricin, G.; Biviano, A.; Jones, B.; Lefevre, O.; Moles, M.; Perea, J.
AA(Montpellier II, Univ.; CNRS, France), AB(Montpellier II, Univ.; CNRS, France), AC(Leiden, Sterrewacht, Netherlands), AD(Leiden, Sterrewacht, Netherlands), AE(Leiden, Sterrewacht, Netherlands), AF(Geneve, Observatoire, Sauverny, Switzerland), AG(Bologna Univ., Italy), AH(Meudon, Observatoire, France), AI(Trieste, Osservatorio, Italy), AJ(Trieste, Osservatorio, Italy) AH(Nordita, Copenhagen, Denmark) AI(Osservatorio di Trieste, Italy) AJ(Osservatorio di Trieste, Italy) AK(Nordita, Copenhagen, Denmark) AL(CFHT USA) AM(Instituto de Astrofisica, Granada, Spain) AN(Instituto de Astrofisica, Granada, Spain)
An observational program, called a Key Program, that uses a sample of clusters of galaxies from the revised and south extended Abell catalog (Abell, Corwin and Olowin, 1989) is briefly described. The Leiden ASTROSCAN plate-measuring machine is used to scan photographic plates, i.e. glass copies of the red PSS for the northern clusters and film copies of the SRC survey for the southern clusters, to obtain catalogs of galaxies for each selected cluster.
Abell, Cotwin, Olowln, Ap. J. Suppl., 70, I, 1989.
Bahcall, Soneira, Ap. J., 911,15,1986.
Lelevre, Bljaoul, Mathe& Acai, Wire, Astron. Astroph., lW, 92,1988.
Tonry, Davls, Astm. J., 84, 1511, 1979
10-13 (PDF)
A progress report on the VLT instrumentation plan.
ADS BibCode:
D'Odorico, S.; Beckers, J.; Moorwood, A.
13-14 (PDF)
The VLT adaptive optics programme.
ADS BibCode:
Merkle, F.; Hubin, N.; Gehring, G.; Rigaut, F.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(ESO) AD(Observatoire de Paris-Meudon)
14-15 (PDF)
A Report on the SEST Users Meeting and Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Interferometry
ADS BibCode:
Shaver, P. A.; Booth, R.
AA(ESO) AB(Onsala Space Observatory)
15-15 (PDF)
Staff Movements
17-17 (PDF)
Impressions from the XXI IAU General Assembly.
ADS BibCode:
Baade, D.; Merkle, F.; Traat, P.; Sterken, C.; Grosbøl, P.; Rosa, M.; Madsen, C.; Warmels, R.; van der Laan, H.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(ESO & Tartu, Estonia) AD(Brussels, Belgium) AE(ESO) AF(ESO) AG(ESO) AH(ESO) AI(ESO)
24-26 (PDF)
How hot are the molecular clouds at the Galactic Centre?
ADS BibCode:
Gerin, M.; Bel, N.; Tchobroutsky, C.; Viala, Y.-P.
AA(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon; Ecole Normale Superieure, France), AB(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AC(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon; Ecole Normale Superieure, France), AD(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon; Ecole Normale Superieure, France)
Recent observations of 20 and 50 km/s clouds are reported focusing on the determination of temperature through a large part of the clouds. Results show a kinetic temperature of about 25-70 K in the 20 km/s clouds, and of about 80-90 K in the 50 km/s clouds.
[tJ Whn TL, Ruf K., Walmky CM., Mardn
RN., WIs TA.. m a W., A9lrwr.
~~wophtym~, .I =. 1082.
27-30 (PDF)
The absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae stars.
ADS BibCode:
Clementini, G.; Cacciari, C.; Fernley, J. A.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico, Bologna, Italy) AB(Osservatorio Astronomico, Bologna, Italy) AC(Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, England & International Ultraviolet Explorer, VILSPA, Madrid, Spain)
30-33 (PDF)
Galaxy photometry with SEST - How big are galaxies at millimetric wavelengths?
ADS BibCode:
Andreani, P.; Franceschini, A.
AA(Padova, Univ., Padua, Italy), AB(Osservatorio Astronomico, Padua, Italy)
Observations performed during September 1990 using the 15-m SEST telescope at La Silla to study the 1.2-mm continuum emission of a complete sample of galaxies selected from the IRAS Point Source Catalog are described. The sample includes 61 galaxies with a 60-micron flux above 2 Jy in the sky region limited by the equatorial coordinates. These observations provided reliable detections and upper limits for half of the sample objects in the delta range from -22.5 and -26.5 deg.
33-35 (PDF)
The Rosette Nebula
36-36 (PDF)
New ESO Preprints (June - August 1991)
36-36 (PDF)
Professional Video Studio at ESO
37-39 (PDF)
Giotto to visit comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup in 1992.
ADS BibCode:
Schwehm, G.; Morley, T.; Boehnhardt, H.
AA(Noordwijk, the Netherlands) AB(Darmstadt, Germany) AC(ESOC/mbp, Darmstadt, Germany)
Marsden, B.O., Sekanina, Z., Yeomans, D.K.:
1073, CQrnets and nongravltational forces.
V. Astrwr, J. 78,211 -226.
Muench, R.E, S@wv, RT., Jordan, J.F.:
1986, Pathfinder -racy irnprwement
bf met Halley tmjechy for QIOTTO
navlg- N- S2l, 31 8-320,
Nal(ana, 8, G w a D.W.E.: 1691, rw2 Comet
Handbook, lnternatsonal Comets Quarterly
IWa, SAO publlcatlon.
39-41 (PDF)
The Vaca Muerta mesosiderite.
ADS BibCode:
Pedersen, H.; Lindgren, H.; de Bon, C.
AA(Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark) AB(ESO, La Silla) AC(University of La Serena, Chile)
41-43 (PDF)
GPO observations of a geostationary TV-satellite quartet.
ADS BibCode:
Boehnhardt, H.
AA(Dr.-Remeis-Sternwarte, Barnberg, Germany)
43-45 (PDF)
Mini-workshop on large-size CCDs at ESO.
ADS BibCode:
D'Odorico, S.; Ducros, T.; Iwert, O.; Reiss, R.
45-50 (PDF)
The use of photography in astronomy - Some thoughts about Schmidt Telescope wide-field work
ADS BibCode:
West, R. M.
AA(ESO, Garching, Germany)
The current use of Schmidt telescopes is reviewed to determine advantages of photographic methods over CCDs. It is concluded that the photographic technique is better suited than CCDs for wide-field, high-angular resolution Schmidt telescope work. The large size and archival properties of photographic plates make them indispensable for the permanent recording of large sky areas during optical sky surveys.
50-53 (PDF)
CASPEC's new look.
ADS BibCode:
Pasquini, L.; Gilliotte, A.
AA(ESO, La Silla) AB(ESO, La Silla)
St~ctlve criticism they greatly contri- D'Odotico, S. Ghlgo, M., Ponz., 0. 1987: An Slnclalre, P. 1991 : CCD det- evaIIa&at
b ~ e tdo these lmprwements. Atlas of the Th-Ar Spectrum fof the ESO La Silla.Third Edition.
Echelle Spectrcgraph. ESO Sclentlfic Re- Stone, 1977: Ap. J. 218,767.
References pod 0.
Pasquint L, D'Odorico, S. i989: The CASw
e , O., Cmne, P. 1990: The Meanger PEG Operating Manual. ESO Operating
61, 49. Manual 2.
53-54 (PDF)
Optical Gyros for Astronomical Telescopes
ADS BibCode:
Merkle, F.; Ravenbergen, M.
(1) - (1 983, "VLT-Fropml", VLT-Report, European Southern Observatory, 180.
(2) H.W. Babcock (1991), PASP, Vd. fW, 468.
(3) W. Schdder et al. (1991), Proc. SPIE 4686, to be published.
54-59 (PDF)
Multi-object spectroscopy with an automatic fibre positioning system in a one-degree field. First technical run of MEFOS at the prime focus of the 3.6-m telescope.
ADS BibCode:
Bellenger, R.; Dreux, M.; Felenbok, P.; Fernandez, A.; Guerin, J.; Schmidt, R.; Avila, G.; D'Odorico, S.; Eckert, W.; Rupprecht, G.
AA(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AB(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AC(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AD(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AE(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AF(DAEC, Observatoire de Paris- Meudon, France) AG(ESO) AH(ESO) AI(ESO) AJ(ESO)
58-59 (PDF)
Th Le Bertre: A Distant View of...Las Campanas
59-63 (PDF)
News on ESO instrumentation.
63-65 (PDF)
ESO Image Processing Group: MIDAS Memo
64-64 (PDF)
First Announcement of the 4th ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop
65-65 (PDF)
News About Automatic Photometry
ADS BibCode:
Sterken, C.
AA(Astrophysical Institute, University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium)
66-68 (PDF)
Aluminium mirror technology at ESO - Positive results obtained with 1.8-m test mirrors
ADS BibCode:
Dierickx, P.; Zigmann, F.
AA(ESO, Garching, Germany), AB(ESO, Garching, Germany)
Testing of astronomical mirror blanks based on build-up and electron-beam welding is described. It is concluded that both aluminum mirror technologies, build-up and electron-beam welding, proved to be adequate for the manufacturing of 2-m-class astronomical mirrors. Optical tests were very successful and extrapolation to larger diameters is considered to be feasible.
68-68 (PDF)