Messenger No. 66 (December 1991)
1-2 (PDF)
The ESO Council Visits Chile
3-3 (PDF)
VLT Contracts
ADS BibCode:
Tarenghi, M.; West, R. M.
4-4 (PDF)
Staff Movements
4-5 (PDF)
The Paranal Observatory Becomes Reality
5-10 (PDF)
A report on the second ESO Conference on High Resolution Imaging by Interferometry.
ADS BibCode:
Beckers, J. M.; Merkle, F.
10-13 (PDF)
Optical identification of celestial high energy sources
ADS BibCode:
Bignami, G. F.; Caraveo, P. A.; Mereghetti, S.; Paul, J.; Cordier, B.; Goldwurm, A.; Mandrou, P.; Roques, J. P.; Vedrenne, G.
AA(Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR, Milano, Italy) AB(Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR, Milano, Italy) AC(Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR, Milano, Italy) AD(Service d 'Astrophysique, Centre d 'Etudes de Saclay, France) AE(Service d 'Astrophysique, Centre d 'Etudes de Saclay, France) AF(Service d 'Astrophysique, Centre d 'Etudes de Saclay, France) AG(Centre d'Efude Spatiale des Rayonnernents, Toulouse, France) AH(Centre d'Efude Spatiale des Rayonnernents, Toulouse, France) AI(Centre d'Efude Spatiale des Rayonnernents, Toulouse, France)
First results of a program aimed at identification of hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray sources detected by the SIGMA telescope are briefly described. A newly discovered GRANAT source called GRS 1758-258, which lies only 40 arcmin from the bright soft X-ray source GX 5-1, was studied using a coded mask technique that made it possible to fill the gap between the SIGMA hard X-ray energy range and the optical domain. A soft gamma-ray source that lies 50 arcmin from the galactic center line of sight, 1E1740.7-2942, was also studied and found to be highly variable in both flux and spectral shape. The program investigated a number of peculiar, unidentified, presumably galactic X-ray sources, including GINGA-ROSAT transients, and serendipitous EXOSAT and Einstein sources.
Wiy, J., m t h a l M., WQI, Nat 363,234.
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Sunyaev R., et al., 1991, Asm. Astwhys.
247, L29.
13-13 (PDF)
EMMI, Explorer of the Southern Sky
14-17 (PDF)
Trouble in the Magellanic Clouds - First results from the Key Programme on coordinated investigations of selected regions in the Magellanic Clouds
ADS BibCode:
de Boer, K. S.; Spite, F.; Francois, P.; Cayrel, R.; Spite, M.; Baschek, B.; Koeppen, J.; Wolf, B.; Stahl, O.; Juettner, A.; Seggeweiss, W.; Bomans, D.J.; Grebel, E.K.; Geyer, E.H.; Richtler, T.; Vallenari, A.; Koornneef, J.; Israel, F.P.; Molaro, P.; Monai, S.; Vladilo, G.; d'Odorico, S.; Leisy, R.; Dennefeld, M.; Ferlet, R.; Vidal-Madjar, A.; Stasinska, G.; Azzopardi, M.; Meyssonnier, N.; Muratorio, G.; Rebeirot, E.; Lequeux, J.
AA(Bonn, Univ.-Sternwarte, Germany), AB(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AC(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AD(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AE(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AF(Heidelberg Univ., Germany), AG(Heidelberg Univ., Germany), AH(Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany), AI(Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany), AJ(Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany) AK(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AL(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AM(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AN(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AO(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AP(Sternwarte der Universitat Bonn, Germany) AQ(Space Telescope Science Institute, on assignment from ESA) AR(Sterrewacht Leiden, Netherlands) AS(Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy) AT(Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy) AU(Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy) AV(ESO) AU(ESO) AW(Institut d 'Astrophysique, Paris, France) AX(Institut d 'Astrophysique, Paris, France) AY(Institut d 'Astrophysique, Paris, France) AZ(Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France) BA(Observatoire de Marseille, France) BB(Observatoire de Marseille, France) BC(Observatoire de Marseille, France) BD(Observatoire de Marseille, France) BE(Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
Results of coordinated subprojects on selected regions in Magellanic Clouds performed in the framework of the Key Program are briefly reviewed. The subprojects include spectroscopic survey with EFOSC (Marseille, Paris, Uppsala), CCD photometry of small field within the regions (Bonn), IRAC photometry of small fields within the regions (Baltimore, Leiden), stellar spectroscopy for studying element abundances in the hot and cool stars (Heidelberg and Meudon, respectively), the interstellar absorption lines (Trieste, Paris), and the spectra of emission nebulae (Paris).
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17-17 (PDF)
Visit to ESO Headquarters
18-20 (PDF)
Unusual solar halos over La Silla
ADS BibCode:
Hutsemekers, D.
AA(Institut d 'Astrophysique, Universite de Liege, Belgium)
References mann, AJ.: 1979, Science 208, 643.
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21-23 (PDF)
Flower Power at La Silla
ADS BibCode:
Hofstadt, D.; Mornhinweg, M.
23-26 (PDF)
New aspects of the binary planet Pluto-Charon
ADS BibCode:
Burwitz, V.; Reinsch, K.; Pakull, M. W.; Bouchet, P.
AA(Berlin, Technische Univ., Germany), AB(Berlin, Technische Univ., Germany), AC(Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany), AD(ESO, La Silla, Chile)
The mutual eclipse light curves of Pluto and Charon are analyzed. Six transits of Charon in front of Pluto and eight occultations of Charon by Pluto were observed from 1985 to 1990 using the ESO/MPI 2.2-m telescope and the Danish 1.5-m telescope, respectively. High-precision differential photometry was obtained using CCD direct imaging techniques. It is found that there is a dark north polar cap on Pluto which can be explained under the assumption that the surface structures have changed during the past 35 years (Stern et al., 1988). This finding is in contradiction with the bright polar caps required by models of Marcialis (1988) and Buie and Tholen (1989).
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26-26 (PDF)
ESO's Early History
27-27 (PDF)
A Visit to Gaspra
27-27 (PDF)
New ESO Preprints
28-31 (PDF)
A survey of optical knots in Kepler's SNR.
ADS BibCode:
Bandiera, R.; van den Bergh, S.
AA(Ossenratorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy) AB(Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, Canada)
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31-32 (PDF)
Subarcsecond structures in Kepler's SNR.
ADS BibCode:
Bandiera, R.; Della Valle, M.
AA(Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy) AB(ESO)
32-33 (PDF)
A large disk-like structure around the young stellar object Z CMa.
ADS BibCode:
Malbet, F.; Léna, P.; Bertout, C.
AA(Observatoire de Paris & Observatoire de Grenoble) AB(Observatoire de Paris & Universite Paris VII, France) AC(Observatoire de Grenoble)
33-33 (PDF)
Announcement of the 3rd ESO/OHP Summer School in Astrophysical Observations
35-35 (PDF)
Supernova 1897 A in the LMC
36-40 (PDF)
ADS BibCode:
Weiss, W. W.; Schneider, H.
AA(Vienna Univ., Austria), AB(Univ.-Sternwarte, Goettingen, Germany)
Recent developments in asteroseismology are reviewed focusing on its major scientific goals, observational techniques, and the most prominent aspects of stellar physics which benefit from asteroseismology, and asteroseismological projects at La Silla. Asteroseismology analyzes the stellar structure using a frequency spectrum which makes it possible to determine characteristic periodic structures within the spectrum. Two observable quantities used for asteroseismological observations include brightness and velocity fluctuations induced by pulsations. The asteroseismology is considered to be a powerful tool for probing the internal structure and dynamics of stars.
40-46 (PDF)
Multi-wavelength observations of infrared-bright carbon stars
ADS BibCode:
Groenewegen, M. A. T.; de Jong, T.
AA(Amsterdam Univ., Netherlands), AB(Lab. for Space Research, Groningen, Netherlands)
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46-46 (PDF)
Open House at ESO
46-46 (PDF)
Announcement of a Conference on "Astronomy from Large Databases II"
47-50 (PDF)
Surface imaging of W Ursae Majoris contact binaries
ADS BibCode:
Maceroni, C.; van't Veer, F.; Vilhu, O.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico, Rome, Italy), AB(CNRS, Inst. d'Astrophysique, Paris, France), AC(Helsinki Univ. Observatory, Finland)
Results of simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations of two southern W UMa systems, AE Phe and YY Eri, are described. Photometric observations were performed using a CAT telescope, equipped with a CES spectrograph, a short camera, and CCD, and an ESO 50-cm telescope. The high-precision spectroscopy was based on the Doppler imaging method. It is concluded that both systems show asymmetric perturbations of the light curves. The most evident feature of this effect is that the maximum following primary minimum (max I) is brighter than the maximum II. There was similarity between photometric and spectroscopic maps, especially in reference to the spot location and temperature distribution.
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50-52 (PDF)
Are the nebulae around R Coronae Borealis stars evolution or ejection related?
ADS BibCode:
Pollacco, D.
AA(St. Andrews Univ., United Kingdom)
Two scenarios are described which attempt to reconcile the observed photospheric abundances with model predictions for the R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) stars. These scenarios are: the last thermal pulse scenario (Renzini, 1979, 1981 and Iben et al., 1983) and the merged white dwarf scenario (Webbink, 1984).
53-56 (PDF)
Discovery of the first eclipsing binary barium star
ADS BibCode:
Jorissen, A.; Manfroid, J.; Sterken, C.
AA(ESO, Garching, Germany), AB(Liege Univ., Belgium), AC(Brussel, Vrije Univ., Brussels, Belgium)
Photometric monitoring of barium stars is discussed with particular attention given to the first eclipsing binary barium star, HD 46407. The spectroscopic ephemeris of HD 46407 was used to predict the times of a possible eclipse of the companion by the barium star. It is concluded that the light curve of HD 46407 derived from the photometric observations in the D50 system displays a sharp 'primary' eclipse (companion behind the barium star) and a possible shallow 'secondary' eclipse. The primary eclipse occurred in November 1988 and had a depth of about 0.02 mag.
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56-56 (PDF)
The Rise of SN 1987 A
57-58 (PDF)
A new large arc revealed early NTT images.
ADS BibCode:
Giraud, E.
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58-61 (PDF)
Diffuse bands and peculiar interstellar clouds
ADS BibCode:
Benvenuti, P.; Porceddu, I.
AA(Space Telescope-European Coordinating Facility, Garching, Germany), AB(Stazione Astronomica, Cagliari, Italy)
An approach to the study of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) is discussed, and results obtained so far are presented. Emphasis is placed on lines of sight along which some components of the interstellar medium including the DIBs deviate from the average behavior. The varying intensity ratios between features belonging to different families, the lack of some of the diffuse bands along peculiar lines of sight, and the apparent absence of DIBs when the reddening is mainly due to circumstellar matter are considered.
61-61 (PDF)
ESO Exhibition in Berlin
61-62 (PDF)
Looking for optical emission from gamma-ray bursters.
ADS BibCode:
Boer, M.; Motch, C.; Pedersen, H.; Brandt, S.; Castro Tirado, A. J.; Lund, N.; Smette, A.
AA(Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching bei Munchen, Germany) AB(Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching bei Munchen, Germany) AC(Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark) AD(Danish Space Research Institute, Lyngby, Denmark) AE(Danish Space Research Institute, Lyngby, Denmark) AF(Danish Space Research Institute, Lyngby, Denmark) AG(ESO, La Silla)
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63-65 (PDF)
Long-slit spectroscopy at La Silla: an annotated menu.
ADS BibCode:
Zeilinger, W. W.
ESO CCD M a ~ l3,m ation (ta SHla, May
1 osl).
ESO 9peratIng Manu611, No. 2: The Boiler &
Chlvens spemcgraphs (IsBs), No.4
EFOSC (1989). No. & CASPEC (1989).
Mo. 14: EMMI {dMt 1Wl).
Melnick, J., aOSC2: Not= for observers (La
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