Messenger No. 78 (December 1994)

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1-3 (PDF)
R. Giacconi
Current Status of ESO - Speech to the Staff at the ESO Garching Headquarters on December 6, 1994

ADS BibCode:
Giacconi, R.
The past year saw a number of important developments in and around ESO. Considering all of these together makes me feel confident about the future of this organization and our ability to successfully complete the current major task, the VLT project. I here summarize the most important issues. It is obvious that with ESO's many simultaneous and quite diverse undertakings, we are stronger in certain areas than in others. While we have done quite well in some, we must try to improve our performance in others.
3-4 (PDF)
J. Andersen
Science on La Silla in the VLT Era

ADS BibCode:
Andersen, J.

Telescopes and Instrumentation

4-7 (PDF)
H. U. Käufl
N-band long-slit grism spectroscopy with TIMMI at the 3.6-m telescope.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Käufl, H. U.
H.U. Kaufl et al. 1992, The Messenger 70, 67.
H.U. Kaufl et al. 1994, Infrared Phys. Technol. 35,203.
G. Wiedemann, D.E. Jennings; 1993, Applied Optics 32, 1176.
7-8 (PDF)
NTT Bits and Pixels

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation

Science with the VLT

9-19 (PDF)
D. Dravins
Astrophysics on its shortest timescales.

ADS BibCode:
Science with the VLT
Dravins, D.
AA(Lund Observatory, Sweden)
The VLT will permit enormously more sensitive searches for high-speed phenomena in astrophysics.
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Reports from Observers

20-24 (PDF)
A. Marconi, A. F. M. Moorwood et al.
A prominent ionization cone and starburst ring in the nearby Circinus galaxy.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Marconi, A.; Moorwood, A. F. M.; Origlia, L.; Oliva, E.
AA(Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza della Spazio, Universita di Firenze, Italy) AB(ESO) AC(Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Italy) AD(Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy)
24-27 (PDF)
M. Pierre, R. Hunstead et al.
Multi-wavelength study of ROSAT clusters of galaxies.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Pierre, M.; Hunstead, R.; Reid, A.; Robertson, G.; Mellier, Y.; Soucail, G.; Böhringer, H.; Ebeling, H.; Voges, W.; Cesarsky, C.; Oukbir, J.; Sauvageot, J.-L.; Vigroux, L.
AA(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France, and Max-Planck-lnstitut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AB(University of Sydney, Australia) AC(University of Sydney, Australia) AD(University of Sydney, Australia) AE(Observatoire de Toulouse, France) AF(Observatoire de Toulouse, France) AG(Max-Planck-lnstitut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AH(Max-Planck-lnstitut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AI(Max-Planck-lnstitut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany) AJ(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France) AK(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France) AL(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France) AM(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France)
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Pierre M., Bohringer H., Ebeling H., Voges W, Schuecker P., Cruddace R., MacGillivray H., 1994, Astronom. Astrophys. 290, 725.
Pierre M., Hunstead R., Unewisse A., 1994, Combined X-ray/optical/radio observations of ROSAT clusters of galaxies, in Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies, p. 73-77, Munster, June 1993, ed. Seitter, Kluwer.
27-29 (PDF)
M. Tarenghi
The VLT Site at Paranal: September 1994

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Tarenghi, M.
30-35 (PDF)
R. Falomo, J. E. Pesce
The cluster environment of BL Lac objects.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Falomo, R.; Pesce, J. E.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy) AB(STScl, Baltimore, US.A.)
Abell, G. 0.,1958, ApJS, 3, 211.
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35-40 (PDF)
E. Tessier, J. Bouvier et al.
COME-ON+ adaptive optics images of the pre-main sequence binary NX Pup.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Tessier, E.; Bouvier, J.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Brandner, W.
AA(Royal Greenwich Observatory, Cambridge, England) AB(0bservatoire de Grenoble, Universite Joseph Fourier, France) AC(0bservatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon, France & ESO) AD(Astronomisches Institut der Universitat Wurzburg, Germany & ESO)
Brandner w., Bouvier J., Grebel E.K., Tessier
E., de Winter D. and Beuzit J.-L., 1994, A&A
Beckers J. M., 1993, ARAA, Vol. 31.
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283, p. 827.
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41-43 (PDF)
P. Andreani, H. Böhringer et al.
Observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect towards ROSAT clusters with SEST and the Italian double-channel photometer.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Andreani, P.; Böhringer, H.; Booth, R.; Dall'Oglio, G.; Nyman, L.-A.; Pizzo, L.; Shaver, P.; Whyborn, N.
AA(Dipartimento di Astronomia, Universita di Padova, Italy) AB(Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik, Garching, Germany) AC(ONSALA Space Observatory, Onsala, Sweden) AD(Dipartimento di Fisica, III Universita di Roma, Italy) AE(ESO) AF(Istituto TESRE, Bologna, Italy) AG(ESO) AH(ONSALA Space Observatory, Onsala, Sweden)
Birkinshaw M., 1991, in Physical Cosmology, ed. A.Blanchard et al. (Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Frontieres), 177.
Oall'Oglio G. et aI., 1992, Exp. Astran., 2/5, 256.
Jones M. et aI., 1993, Nature 365, 322.
Pizzo L. and Oall'Oglio G., 1994a, preprint.
Pizzo L., Andreani P., Oall'Oglio G., Lemke R., Otarola A. and Whyborn N., 1994b, Exp. Astr., submitted.
Sunyaev RA and Zeldovich YaB., 1972, Comm. Astraphy. Space Phys., 4, 173.
Wilbanks T.M., Ade PAR., Fischer M.L., Holzapfel W.L. and Lange A.E., 1994, ApJ 427, L75.

Other Astronomical News

44-46 (PDF)
H. M. Adorf, D. Egret et al.
The AstroWeb Database of Internet Resources

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Adorf, H. M.; Egret, D.; Heck, A.; Jackson, R.; Koekemoer, A.; Murtagh, F.; Wells, D.
AA(ST-ECF, Garching, Germany) AB(CDS, Strasbourg, France) AC(Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, France) AD(CSC/STScl, Baltimore, U.S.A) AE(MSSSO, Canberra, AC. T., Australia) AF(ST-ECF, Garching, Germany) AG(NRAO, Charlottesville, U.S.A)
Adort, H.-M., Egret, D., Heck, A., Jackson, R., Koekemoer, A., Murtagh, F., Wells, D.: 1994, "AstroWeb - Internet resources for astronomers", ST-ECF Newsl. 22, (in press).
Andernach, H., Hanisch, R.J., Murtagh, F.D.: 1994, "Network resources for astronomers", Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, (in press).
Jackson, R., Wells, D., Adorf, H.-M., Egret, D., Heck, A., Koekemoer, A., Murtagh, F.: 1994, "The AstroWeb Database", Bull. COS 45,21-25.
Jackson, R., Wells, D., Adort, H.-M., Egret, D., Heck, A., Koekemoer, A., Murtagh, F.: 1995a, "AstroWeb - A database of links to astronomy resources - Announcement of a database", Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 108, 235-236.
Jackson, R.E., Adort, H.-M., Egret, D., Heck, A., Koekemoer, A., Murtagh, F., Wells, D.: 1995b, "AstroWeb - Internet resources for astronomers", in: Proc. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) 1994, Baltimore, MD, D. Shaw, H. Payne, and J. Hayes (eds.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, (in press).
Murtagh, F., Fendt, M.: 1994, "The SL-9/ESO Web Encounter", ESO Messenger 77,47.
West, R.: 1994, "Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collides with Jupiter", ESO Messenger 77, 28-31.
Whitehouse, K.: 1994, "Comet Explodes on Jupiter - and the Web", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov. 94, 12-13.
46-48 (PDF)
M. Pierre
Producing multi-wavelength overlays with MIDAS.

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Pierre, M.
AA(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA CE Saclay, France, & Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany)


48-49 (PDF)
Science Data Analysis Group
The 94NOV Release of ESO-MIDAS

ADS BibCode:
Science Data Analysis Group
The new 94NOV release of ESOMIDAS will contain several improvements and new features in the core system as well as in the application areas. In this article you will find a summary of the most interesting new ones. More detailed descriptions can be found in the recent ESO-MIOAS Courier (October 1994). The new release has been tested on a variety of platforms: SUN/SunOS 4.1.n and SUN/Solaris 2.3, HP/HP-UX, SG/IRIX, IBM/AIX, VAXNMS, DEC/OSF1, DEC/Ultrix, VAX/Open-VMS and VAXNMS, and PC/Linux. At the time this Messenger is distributed, the official 94NOV version will be released and all registered sites informed about its availability in the 'midas' ftp account. In order to optimize the distribution of this new release we request that MIDAS sites with Internet connectivity retrieve it from the 'midas' ftp account. Sites with no connectivity can obtain the new release on magnetic media after having sent a completed ESO-MIDAS Request Form to the MIDAS Group (
50-51 (PDF)
Announcement : European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop

ADS BibCode:
51-51 (PDF)
ESO/ST-ECF Workshop : Calibrating and Understanding HST and ESO Instruments

ADS BibCode:
51-52 (PDF)
The Role of Dust in the Formation of Stars

ADS BibCode:
51-52 (PDF)
ESO/ST-ECF Workshop on - Calibrating and Understanding HST and ESO Instruments

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51-52 (PDF)
New ESO Scientitific Preprints (October - November 1994)

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52-52 (PDF)
Vacancy at La Silla : Staff Astronomer

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52-52 (PDF)
Staff Movements

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53-56 (PDF)
Messenger Index 1994 (Nos 75-78)

ADS BibCode:

Messenger Index

68-68 (PDF)

ADS BibCode:
Messenger Index