
Time Allocation for Period 93

19 Dicembre 2013

Proposers for ESO Period 93 (1 April–30 September 2014) have just been notified of their allocation of observing time on Paranal and La Silla instrumentation. The Phase 2 observation preparation now starts for Service Mode users. The P93 deadline for Phase 2 submission will be on Thursday, 6 February 2014. In order to prepare their Phase 2, we recommend users to download the latest release of P2PP 3.4.0.

This new release of the P2PP3 tool runs under Java 7. It includes some new features requested by users, such as the possibility to import a list of absolute time intervals to a set of Observing Blocks and the automatic update of the README file when navigating between run folders (in P2PP3), without the need to close and re-open the README editor.

A proposito dell'annuncio



Paranal Observatory at night
Paranal Observatory at night