Guidelines for Posters

If you have been assigned a poster presentation, please note the following guidelines. Poster Sessions will be held on Gather.Town (see point 7), which has several limitations on file formats, etc, so we have to use some rules.
• Generally, posters should be delivered to us in both of 2 formats for different purposes: PDF & PNG. Please deliver both formats to us via email or a download link. Where missing, we can try to create the jpegs ourselves, but without guarantee of readability. The easiest way to create these file formats is to

o Make the poster as normal in Keynote, PowerPoint, or whatever you want to use.
o Export to the required formats x PDF slides can be A0 format, as usual, or any other format that you do find readable on a screen.
o One page o This file will be published on Zenodo, and will get a unique DOI, making it citable, so it is in your interest that the file is indeed readable.

• PNG files should be 1920x2560 pixels (portrait). These are required by Gather.Town, which only allows image files to be implemented. Please do make sure that the file in this resolution is readable on a screen, avoid small fonts. If you want to be completely sure, test it in Gather.Town yourself. Gather.Town allows setting up your own rooms with a free account.
• Avoid uploading multiple versions of your poster PDF. When you finish creating your PDF, check the following:

o Is your poster PDF saved with the .pdf file extension?
o Is your file size less than 100 MB?
o Do all your graphs, pictures, and tables include explanations?
o Is your text color and size easy to read on screen?

• Additionally, we allow for each poster a 1–2 minute, pre-recorded video (elevator pitch) about your poster. This will be put next to the poster as an interactive item and introduction for people to watch. If you wish to submit such a file, please follow the guidelines for pre-recorded talks below. These talks are for the conference only and will not be shared on Zenodo.
• Please submit the Speaker-Permission file signed and returned, in case you want this poster to be published on Zenodo. Without it, we cannot share the file on that platform.