Messenger No. 44 (June 1986)
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ESO observations of bright supernova in Centaurus A.
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An extensive observing campaign is underway at the European Southern Observatory in an attempt to unravel some of the mysteries of massive stellar explosions, known as supernovae. It has been triggered by the sudden appearance of a comparatively bright supernova in the peculiar galaxy NGC 5128, located in the southern constellation Centaurus. This galaxy is one of the strongest radio emitters in the southern sky and is as such designated Centaurus A (Cen A).
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CCD observations of supernova 1986G in Cen A.
ADS BibCode:
Galletta, G.
AA(Astronomical Institute, University of Padova, Italy)
A CCD image of the newly discovered supernova in NGC 5128 was obtained with the Oanish 1.52-m telescope on May 8, 1986. By comparison with previous images of the same area it appears that the supernova is located in a luminous portion of the dust band, similar to a hole in the disk of gas surrounding the galaxy (Fig. 1).
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Low resolution spectroscopy of the supernova 1986G near maximum brightness.
ADS BibCode:
di Serego Alighieri, S.
Being at La Silla shortly after the supernova 1986G was discovered, I had the opportunity to take two spectra before it reached maximum brightness and quasi simultaneously with ultraviolet spectra taken with IUE. My first spectrum (Fig. 1) was taken on May 7 at 03 : 56 UT with the Boiler & Chivens spectrograph and CCD # 5 at the 2.2-m telescope. with aresolution of 10 A. It shows the features typical of type I supernovae - e. g. the broad one at 6120 A. The sodium D doublet at 5890/96 A, which was so nicely resolved in the CASPEC spectra. is visible here in blend.
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Tentative Time-table of Council Sessions and Committee Meetings in 1986
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Oxygen abundances in horizontal branch stars
ADS BibCode:
Nesci, R.
AA(Roma, Universita, Rome, Italy)
Based on observations made between June 11 and June 14, 1985 with the 3.6-m ESO telescope CASPEC spectrograph, oxygen abundances in NGC 6397 and NGC 6752 HB stars were determined to check the results from their red giants. The IR triplet at 7772-7775 A found for HD 86986 is in good agreement with previous findings. The results show oxygen abundances spanning a range of a factor of six in this star sample, with the most oxygen-poor star being relatively iron rich.
Baschek, B., Scholz, M., Sedlmayr, E., 1977,
Astron.Astrophys. 55,375.
Butler, D., Laird, J. B., Eriksson, K., Manduca,
A, 1986, Astron. J. 91, 570.
Dantort, S. C., Lea, S. M., 1981, Astron. J. 86,
Huenemoerder, D. P., de Boer, K. S., Code,
A.D., 1984, Astron. J. 89, 851.
Klochkova, V. G., Panchuk, V. E., 1985, Sov.
Astron. 29, 320.
Kodaira, K., Tanaka, K., 1972, Publ. Astron.
SOG. Japan 24, 355.
Kodaira, K., Davis Philip, AG., 1981, lAU
Coll. No. 68, 153.
Peterson, R. C., 1985, Astrophys. J. 289,320.
Pilachowsky, C.A., Sneden, C., Wallerstein,
G., 1983, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 52,241.
Rodgers, AW., 1972, Mon. Not. R. Astron.
Soc. 146, 71.
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The optical counterpart of OH/IR 17.7-2.0
ADS BibCode:
Le Bertre, T.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany)
Using coordinates obtained in different wavelength ranges, an identification of the optical counterpart of OH/IR 17.7-2.0 is suggested. Positional agreement is found between candidate objects detected in the visible using the ESO-Garching Optronics machine, in the NIR using the 1-m La Silla telescope, and by IRAS. A physical association between candidate object A and the IR source is indicated by 1-m visible and IR photometry obtained in June 1985. Further confirmation is found in the absence of absorption features of the central star, indicating that the underlying star is of spectral type earlier than K5.
Bowers, P.F., Johnston, K.J., and Spencer,
J. H.: 1981, Nature 291, 382.
Herman, J., Baud, B., Habing, H.J., and
Winnberg, A.: 1985, Astron. Astrophys.
de Jong, T.: 1983, Astrophys. J. 274, 252.
Ney, E. P., Merrill, K. M., Becklin, E. E.,
Neugebauer, G., and Wynn-Williams, C.G.:
1975, Astrophys. J. Letters 198, L129.
Norris, R.P., Booth, R.S., Diamond, P.J.,
Graham, D.A., and Nyman, L.-A.: 1984,
lAU Symposium 110, 323.
Sevre, F.: 1984, Personal communication.
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Infrared observations of Comet Halley near perihelion
ADS BibCode:
Le Bertre, T.; Bouchet, P.; Chalabaev, A.; Danks, A. C.; Encrenaz, T.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AB(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AC(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AD(Michigan State University, East Lansing), AE(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France)
The progress of Comet Halley near perihelion was monitored in the IR between December 24, 1985 and March 3, 1986 using the 1-m La Silla ESO telescope. The broad band flux distribution is similar to those found in comets Bennett, Kohoutek, and Bradfield. The detected rapid variations in mass-loss rate are probably due in part to the elongated shape of the nucleus, and in part to inhomogeneities in the composition of the nucleus.
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ESO Exhibition at the Amateur Astronomy Fair at Laupheim
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ESO Exhibition at the Amateur Astronomy Fair at Laupheim
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ESO Press Releases
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ESO Book to Appear in 1987
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ESO Book to Appear in 1987
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Spatial distribution of constituents in the coma of Comet Halley, an observing programme at the ESO 1-m telescope
ADS BibCode:
Jockers, K.; Geyer, E. H.; Haenel, A.
AA(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie, Katlenburg-Lindau, West Germany), AB(Observatorium Hoher List, Daun, West Germany), AC(Observatorium Hoher List, Daun, West Germany)
Based on 1-m ESO telescope observations of Comet Halley obtained over March 10-16 and April 4-11, 1986, cometary ions and their kinematical behavior are studied to elucidate the cometary nucleus chemical composition. A strong signal at the wavelength of CO2(+) and a regular pattern of ion streamers (missing from the continuum picture) are noted. A neutral gas coma is visible in the CO(+) and N2(+) pictures (attributed to C3 and CH, respectively).
Geyer, E.H., Hoffmann, M., Nelles, B.: 1979,
Astron. Astrophys. 80, 248.
Geyer, E.H., Nelles, B.: 1985, Astron. Astrophys.
Lund, G., Surdej, J.: 1986, Messenger 43, 1.
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Staff Movements
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Optical spectroscopy of the coma of Comet Halley at ESO
ADS BibCode:
Falciani, R.; Smaldone, L. A.; Tozzi, G. P.
AA(Osservatorio Astrofisico, Florence; Napoli, Universita, Naples, Italy), AB(Napoli, Universita, Naples, Italy), AC(Osservatorio Astrofisico, Florence, Italy)
Using optical spectra (3550-6800 A) obtained with the 1.5-m University of Bologna telescope for the preperihelion phase, and with the 1.52-m ESO telescope for the postperihelion phase, the coma of Comet Halley is studied. A total of 25 spectra were obtained with different slit orientations and exposure times. The observed extension of the scattered solar radiation implies a very extended dust component.
Feldman, P.D.: 1983, Seience, 219, 347.
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Halley through the polaroids.
ADS BibCode:
Haefner, R.; Metz, K.
AA(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AB(Universitäts-Sternwarte München)
According to ancient tales a comet brings severe misfortune to people. This was again confirmed by the appearance of Comet Halley (see photo on page 18). We had in mind to perform linear and circular narrow band polarimetrie measurements of this eomet using the new ESO polarimeter. However, mostly due to a damage of the polarization opties which happened last year on transport from Europe to La Silla, this instrument was not available for the scheduled observations in March 1986.
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Images of Comet Halley - A Slide Set
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IRSPEC: ESO's new infrared spectrometer.
ADS BibCode:
Moorwood, A.; Biereichel, P.; Finger, G.; Lizon, J.-L.; Meyer, M.; Nees, W.; Paureau, J.
IRSPEC is a cryogenically cooled grating spectrometer equipped with an array detector for spectroscopy at R = 1,000-2,500 between 1 um and 5 um. It was successfully installed at the 3.6-m telescope in November 1985, underwent further testing in February 1986 and will be available for Visiting Astronomers from October 1986 as announced in the Messenger No. 42 and in the Announcement for Applications in Period 38. In this article we describe the instrument, discuss its performance with reference to some of the test spectra obtained and comment on its possible evolution.
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NTT Mirror Leaves Factory
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List of ESO Preprints (March - May 1986)
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425. M. Azzopardi, J. Lequeux and B. E. Westerlund: New Carbon Stars in Spheroidal Galaxies: 11. Draco, Ursa Minor and New Data on Sculptor, Carina and Leo I. Astronomy and Astrophysics. March 1986.
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ESO Image Processing Group: MIDAS Memo
ADS BibCode:
In this summer release of MIDAS a great step towards hardware independence has been achieved: First, the AGL library from ASTRONET is now used by all graphics applications in MIDAS. The metafile oriented AGL package already supports a lot of different graphic devices and backend drivers for other devices may be added easily. Second, all image display applications of MIDAS are now based upon a proto-type of the 101' interfaces. An actual implementation of the 101 interfaces has been done at ESO for the OeAnza IP 8500 and also at Trieste for an EIDOBRAIN 7001. The concept of these 101 routines was successfully tested in Trieste. We implemented MIDAS on the EIOOBRAIN machine by simply replacing the OeAnza IDI interfaces with the IDI interfaces of the Trieste group!
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Remote control of 2.2-m telescope from Garching
ADS BibCode:
Raffi, G.; Ziebell, M.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany), AB(European Southern Observatory, Garching, West Germany)
A successful Remote Control (RC) test of the 2.2-m La Silla telescope was performed with CCD detectors during the March 23-29, 1986 period from Garching via a telephone link operated at 9600 baud. Telephone communication and analog image and video frame transmission, in addition to digital data transmission, were possible using a manual switching procedure. Transmission times for a full CCD frame took about 10 minutes, with 7-minute data transfer times for images, and 2.5-minute times for spectroscopic data.
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Computer aided design of printed circuit boards at ESO.
ADS BibCode:
Kasten, H.
Whenever a new ESO instrument is made available to visitors, they receive a weil functioning device which has been tested over and over again. The astronomer of course expects this, and when he sits in front of the computer terminal, happily monitoring this or that celestial object, he is unlikely to think of the amount of work that has been performed before. He is rarely aware of the densely packed electronics racks in the other room and even less of the rows and rows of "cards" within them.
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GRADO-CV-Configuration at ESO
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ESO Publications and Picture Catalogue Now Available
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Extinction variations at La Silla.
ADS BibCode:
Rufener, F.
AA(Geneva Observatory)
The observations made in the sevencolour photoelectric photometry of Geneva Observatory are carried out in a very systematic mannner with equipment which allows a precise and stable definition of the passbands. Ouring these last ten years, the Geneva observers have had permanent access to a small telescope installed at La Silla (altitude: 2,400 m; latitude: -29°). These circumstances have allowed us to undertake several programmes which we have already presented here (The Messenger No. 31, 1983). Retrospectively, this series of observations has been reexamined with the aim of extracting a precise appreciation of the atmospheric extinction in each passband as weil as its evolution with time. Actually, during 4 nights out of 5 we do not measure the value of the atmospheric extinction: the reduction to outside the atmosphere of the measurements is then made by using the mean extinction values. Simplifying the problem, we can summarize the computation of the magnitudes outside the atmosphere by the following formula.
Allen, C. W., 1976, Astrophysical Quantities,
third ed. Athlone Press, London.
Gast, P.R., 1960, in Handbook of Geophysics,
U. S. Air Force, Cambridge Research
Center. Mac. Millan Cp. New York.
Guiterrez-Moreno, A., et al., 1982, Publ. Astr.
Soc. Pac. 94, 722.
Keen, R.A., 1983, Science 222,1011.
Lamb, H.H., 1970, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
London 266, 425.
Moreno, H., Stock, J., 1964, Publ. Astr. Soc.
Pac. 76,55.
Penndorf, R., 1957, Jour. Opt. Soc. Amer. 47,
Robock, A., 1983, Nature 301,373.
Rufener, F., 1964, Publ. Obs. Geneve, A, 66,
Rufener, F., 1984, Reduction to outside the
atmosphere and statistical tests used in
Geneva photometry. In "NASA sponsored
Workshop on improvements in photometry",
San Diego State University. NASA
Conference Publication 2350, 108.
Siedentopf, H., 1948, Naturwiss. 35, 289
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Seeing at La Silla: LASSCA 86.
ADS BibCode:
Sarazin, M.
At the end of January 1986, a team of ten observers gathered at the observatory for a two week experiment of a new kind. Their aim was not to explore remote and fascinating stellar objects. They wanted to track a lifelong enemy, and also inevitable companion of every astronomer: the seeing.
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Very Large Telescope: recent developments.
ADS BibCode:
Enard, D.
Readers may feel badly informed about the development of the Very Large Teleseope projeet, sinee no artieie appeared in the Messenger after Oeeember 1983 - a time when the VLT eoneept was still wide open. Sinee then, a eoneept - the linear array - has been presented at the lAU Conferenee in April 1984 at Garehing. The internal study group was firmly established and began a thorough investigation of the array eoneept towards the end of 1984. Quite a number of studies - most of them feasibility studies of eritieal aspeets have been performed and a synthesis report of this initial phase, roughly equivalent to the phase A of spaee projeets, has reeently been issued.
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Libro de ESO aparecera en 1987
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Libro de ESO aparecera en 1987
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Catalogo de ESO de publicaciones y fotografias disponible
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Catalogo de ESO de publicaciones y fotografias disponible
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Exhibiciones ESO