Messenger No. 48 (June 1987)

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1-2 (PDF)
L. Woltjer
A Time for Change

ADS BibCode:
Woltjer, L.
At its December meeting last year, I informed Council of my wish to terminate my appointment as Director General of ESO following the approval of the VLT proposal, expected later this year. Already at the time of my reappointment three years ago, Council was aware that I did not intend to serve out a full third five-year term, because of the desire to have more time for other activities. Now that the preparatory phase of the VLT has been completed with the formal presentation of the project to Council on 31 March and with approvallikely before the end of the year, 1 January 1988 seems to be the optimal time for a change in the management of ESO
2-6 (PDF)
R. S. Booth, M. J. de Jonge et al.
The Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope

ADS BibCode:
Booth, R. S.; de Jonge, M. J.; Shaver, P. A.
AA(Onsala Rymdobservatorium, Sweden), AB(Institut de Radioastronomie Millimetrique, Grenoble, France), AC(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany)
The Swedish-ESO Submillimeter Telescope (SEST) is designed to achieve a reflector profile accuracy of 50 microns rms giving good (coherent) performance down to wavelengths of less than about 0.8 mm (375 GHz). La Silla is an important site for SEST owing to its southern location and low atmospheric attenuation. SEST control and data analysis are discussed as well as its operations and scientific program.
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A List of ESO Preprints

ADS BibCode:
5-5 (PDF)
Proposals tor SEST Observations

ADS BibCode:
6-10 (PDF)
R. Schoembs, M. Pfeiffer et al.
High speed multicolour photometry of the X-ray burster MXB 1636-53

ADS BibCode:
Schoembs, R.; Pfeiffer, M.; Haefner, R.; Pedersen, H.
AA(Universitaets-Sternwarte, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany), AB(Universitaets-Sternwarte, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany), AC(Universitaets-Sternwarte, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany), AD(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany)
Photometry of MXB 1636-53 required simultaneous measurements at high time resolution in 15 data channels. A graph is given of the count-rates obtained for the comparison star during the first night. A periodogram analysis of the data revealed a possible period of 3.76 h.
Barwig, H., Schoembs, R., Buckenmayer, C.:
1987 Astron. Astrophys., 175, 327.
Lawrence et al.: 1983, The Astrophysical
Journal, 271, 793.
Matsuoka, M. et al.: 1984, The Astrophysical
Journal, 283, 774.
Pedersen el al.: 1982, The Astrophysical
Journal, 263, 325.
Pedersen, H., van Paradijs, J., Lewin, W.:
1981, Nature, 294, 725.
Sztajno, M., van Paradijs, J., Lewin, W. H. G.,
Truemper, J., Stollman, G., Pietsch, W., van
der Klis, M.: 1985, The Astrophysical Journal,
299, 487.
9-9 (PDF)
Two New Slide Sets from ESO

ADS BibCode:
10-13 (PDF)
S. di Serego Alighieri
Line and continuum imaging.

ADS BibCode:
di Serego Alighieri, S.
The study of line emitting objects often requires to image separately the line emission from the continuum one, in order to discriminate the different physical components. This is generally not possible with the broad bands of the standard photometrie systems, like UBVRI. Rather one should use narrower bands selected according to the wavelengths of the emission lines. I discuss here the techniques to obtain pure and calibrated line and continuum images. "Pure" means that the line image is free from the contribution of the continuum and vice versa.. Since narrowband imaging is not a new teehnique, I will restriet myself to the eonsiderable improvements recently offered by the availability of linear and calibratable detectors, of interferenee filter sets and of powerful and versatile image reduction systems. Although I will concentrate here on images of active galaxies obtained with the ESO telescopes and GGD cameras at La Silla and reduced using MIDAS, the following discussion can be applied with small modifications to any class of line emilting objects and to other sites, detectors and reduction systems. I will first give some hints on how to conduct the observations and then discuss the reduction procedure. A technical note containing more detailed information is available from the author for those interested in actually using these techniques.
13-16 (PDF)
D. Bettoni, G. Galletta
Velocity and velocity dispersion fields of NGC 6684 - an SBO galaxy with a ring

ADS BibCode:
Bettoni, D.; Galletta, G.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico, Padua, Italy), AB(Padova, Universita, Padua, Italy)
NGC 6684 was observed in May 1983 and March 1984 with the 3.6-m telescope of the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile. A progressive NW shift of the bar isophote was observed, revealing a displacement of the bar center with respect to the galaxy nucleus. The mean rotation at PA = 35 deg (near the major axis) and PA = 80 deg shows almost equal velocity values; this is an indication of elliptic orbits.
Bertola, F., Bettoni, D., Rusconi, L., Sedmak,
G., 1984, Astron. J., 89, 356.
Corwin, H. G. Jr., Emerson, D., 1982, Mon.
Not. R. Astron. Soc., 200, 621.
de Vaucouleurs, G., de Vaucouleurs, A., Corwin,
H.G.Jr., 1976 (RC 2). Second Reference
Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (Austin,
University of Texas Press).
Galletta, G., 1983, Astrophys. Space Sc., 92,
Kormendy, J., 1983, Astrophys. J., 275, 529.
Kormendy, J., 1984, Astrophys. J., 286, 132.
Sandage, A., Freeman, K. C., Stokes, N. R.,
1970, Astrophys. J., 160,831.
Williams, T. B., 1981, Astrophys. J., 244,458
16-19 (PDF)
A. Acker, B. Stenholm
IDS spectroscopy of planetary nebulae

ADS BibCode:
Acker, A.; Stenholm, B.
AA(Strasbourg, Observatoire, France), AB(Lund University, Observatory, Sweden)
Observations of planetary nebulae performed with the image dissecting scanner (IDS) of the 1.52-m telescope at La Silla are discussed. The quality of the IDS data is analyzed with attention given to reliability, measurement of blends, and the nonlinearity of the IDS system. Misclassified planetary nebulae are identified and some physical properties of planetary nebulae are determined.
Acker, A., Lundstroem, 1., Stenholm, B.: 1987,
Astron. Astrophys., submitted.
Acker, A., Chopinet, M., Pottasch, S. R.,
Stenholm, B.: 1987, Astron. Astrophys.,
Gutierrez-Moreno, A., Moreno, H., Cortes,
G.: 1985, PAS.P. 97, 397.
Lundstroem, I., Stenholm, S.: 1984, The
Messenger, 37,35.
Rosa, M.: 1985, The Messenger, 39, 15.
Stenholm, B.: 1986, Report VIII, Journee de
Strasbourg "Les nebuleuses planetaires" ,
Publ. Observatoire de Strasbourg p. 25.
Stenholm, B., Acker, A.: 1987, Astron. Astrophys.
Suppl. Sero 68, 51.
Stenholm, B., Acker, A.: 1987, Proc. of the
workshop on planetary nebulae in Frascati,
Sept. 1986 (in press).
Wampler, E.J.: 1985, TheMessenger, 41, 11.
19-20 (PDF)
ESO Exhibition in Brussels Visitied by King Baudouin

ADS BibCode:
20-22 (PDF)
S. Cristiani
OPTOPUS observations of quasar candidates.

ADS BibCode:
Cristiani, S.
AA(ESO, and Istituto di Astronomia della Universita di Padova)
OPTOPUS is a fiber-optic instrument for multiple-object spectroscopy with the Boiler & Chivens spectrograph and a CCD detector at the 3.6-m telescope. The system has been described in detail by the Optical Instrumentation Group (1985, The Messenger 41,25). Its application for observing Halley's comet has been reported by Lund and Surdej (1986, The Messenger 43, 1). Here another "classical" use of multiple-object spectroscopy is presented: followup observations of quasar candidates.
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A. Heck, D. Egret
SIMBAD, the CDS Database

ADS BibCode:
Heck, A.; Egret, D.
AA(Observatoire Astronomique, Strasbourg, France) AB(Observatoire Astronomique, Strasbourg, France)
Preparing an Observing Proposal ... ... has become an increasingly challenging exercise. With an ever higher pressure on space experiments and on large ground-based telescopes (and in particular those of ESO), it has become imperative to present extremely well-prepared documents to selection committees to get the observing time sought for.
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A List of ESO Preprints

ADS BibCode:
25-28 (PDF)
R. Prange, A. Vidal-Madjar et al.
A study of the neutral and ionized Io Tori

ADS BibCode:
Prange, R.; Vidal-Madjar, A.; Gerard, J. C.
AA(CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire, Verrieres-le-Buisson, France), AB(CNRS, Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris, France), AC(Liege, Universite de l'Etat, Cointe-Ougree, Belgium)
Images of Io were obtained with the 2.2-m telescope at La Silla in the imaging code coupled with a CCD detector. The strong emission from Io's continuum was significantly decreased through the use of an occulting mask in the telescope focal plane. It was found that a spectral resolution of 5 A or better was desirable.
Bagenal, F., and Suliivan, J. D., 1981, J. Geophys.
Res. 86,8447.
Ballester, G. E., Moos, H. W., Strobel, D. F.,
Summers, M. E., Feldman, P.D., Skinner,
T. E., Bertaux, J. L., Festou, M. C., Lieske,
J., 1986, Am. Astr. Soc. 18,774.
Brown, RA, 1974, in Exploration of the
Planetary System, Woszczyck and Iwaniszewska,
Ed. p. 527.
Brown, R.A., Pilcher, C. B., Strobel, D. F.,
19~3, in Physics of the Jovian Magnetosphere,
A.J. Dessler, Ed. Cambridge University
Press, p.197.
Chrisey, D. B., Johnson, R. E., McGrawth,
M.A., Phipps, J.A., and Boring, J.M.,
1986, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 18,775.
Durrance, S. T., Feldman, P. D., and Weaver,
H.A., 1983, Astroph. J., 267, L 125-129.
Gradie, J., 1985, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 17,
Hapke, B., 1986, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 18,
Kupo, I., Mekler, Y., and Eviatar, A., 1976,
Astroph. J. Lett., 205, L 51-53.
Matson, D. L., Goldberg, BA, Johnson, T. V.,
Carlson, R.W., 1978, Science 199, 531.
McEwen, A.S., Soderblom, L.A., Johnson,
T.V., 1986, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc. 18,774.
Paresce, F., and Burrows, C., 1987, The
Messenger, 47, 43.
Pilcher, C. B., Fertel, J. H., and Morgan, J. S.,
1985, Astroph. J., 291, 377.
Schneider, N. M., Welis, W. K., Hunten, D. M.,
Trafton, L.M., 1986, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc.,
Smyth, W. H., and Shemanski, D. E., 1983,
Astroph. J., 271, 865.
Summers, M. E., Strobel, D. F., Yung, Y. L.,
1985, Bull. Am. Astr. Soc., 17, 692.
Thorne, R. M., 1981, Geophys. Res. Lett., 8,
Trafton, L., 1975, Nature, 258, 690.
Trafton, L., 1980, Icarus, 44,318.
Vidal-Madjar et al., 1982, Magelian Report on
the Phase A Study, ESA Report SCI (82) 4,
November 1982.
28-28 (PDF)
Io's Tori and their role in the Jovian magnetosphere/atmosphere dynamics

ADS BibCode:
29-31 (PDF)
H. Barwig, R. Schoembs
MCCP - Photometry through clouds!?

ADS BibCode:
Barwig, H.; Schoembs, R.
AA(Universitaets-Sternwarte, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany), AB(Universitaets-Sternwarte, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany)
The multichannel multicolor photometer (MCCP) consists of three separate fiber optic input channels, each splitting the light into five colors via highly efficient prism spectrographs. The MCCP permits simultaneous high-resolution measurement of three sources in five colors. Photometruc data obtained at La Silla are presented. The MCCP has been successfully applied to the investigation of optical pulses from the X-ray burster MXB 1636 + 53.
Barwig, H., Schoembs, R., Buckenmayer, C.:
1987, Astron. Astrophys. 175,327.
Schoembs, R., Dreier, H., Barwig, H.: 1987a,
Astron. Astrophys., in press.
Schoembs, R., Pfeiffer, M., Haefner, R.,
Pedersen, H.: 1987 b, The Messenger, 48,
32-33 (PDF)
ESO VLT Delegation Visits 6-m Telescope

ADS BibCode:
33-33 (PDF)
Major Film about Astronomy to be Produced

ADS BibCode:
34-37 (PDF)
G. Meylan, S. Djorgovski et al.
Discovery of a binary quasar

ADS BibCode:
Meylan, G.; Djorgovski, S.; Perley, R.; McCarthy, P.
AA(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany), AB(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA), AC(National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, VA), AD(California, University, Berkeley)
The paper reports the discovery of a pair of quasars with a redshift of 1.345, separated by 4.2 arcsec in projection, apparently associated with the radio source PKS 1145-071. The imaging CCD, spectroscopic, and radio observations are presented. The possibility that this pair is situated towards a high-redshift galaxy cluster is discussed.
Bahcall, J., Bahcall, N., and Schneider, D.
1986, Nature 323,515.
Bolton, J., Shimmins, A., and Wall, J. 1975,
Austr. J. Phys. Suppl. 34, 1.
Djorgovski, S., Perley, R., Meylan, G., and
MeCarthy, P. 1987, Astrophys. J. Lett.
Preston, R., Morabito, D., Williams, J., Faulkner,
J., Jauncey, D., and Nieolson, G.
1985, Astron. J. 90, 1599.
Radivich, M., and Kraus, J. 1972, Astron. J.
Stockton, A. 1986, Astrophys. Space Sei.
118, 487.
Ulrich, M.-H. 1986, in proc. 01 Second ESO/
CERN Symposium, G. Setti and L. van
Hove, eds., p. 87.
Wilkes, B. 1986, Monthly Notices Royal Astron.
Soc. 218, 331.
37-40 (PDF)
M. Spite, F. Spite
Preliminary abundances in three cool supergiants of the SMC

ADS BibCode:
Spite, M.; Spite, F.
AA(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France), AB(Paris, Observatoire, Meudon, France)
Preliminary results for three field stars observed in the SMC are presented. The curve of growth of iron in the star AZVI 197 is shown. It is found that the metallicities of all the young supergiants in the SMC coincide, within determination errors, with the 'metallicities' (i.e., oxygen abundances) of young gaseous objects such as H II regions and planetary nebulae.
AZV = AZVI = AzV = Azv = AZ see Azzopardi
and Vigneau, 1982.
Azzopardi, M., Vigneau, J.: 1982, A & A
Suppl. 50, 291.
Saranne, A.: 1976, Advanees in Eleetranies
and Eleetran Physies 40 S, Proceedings 01
the 6th Symposium on Photoelectronic Image
Devices, eds. S. L. Morgan, R. W.
Airey, D. McMullan, p. 641.
Denneieid, M.: 1985, private communication.
D'Odorico, S., Enard, 0., Lizon, J. L., Ljung,
S., Nees, W., Ponz, 0., Ruffi, G., Tanne,
J. F.: 1983, The Messenger 37, 24.
D'Odorico, S., Gratton, R. G., Ponz, 0.: 1985,
A & A 142, 232.
Dulour, R.J., 1984, see Van den Sergh, S.
and De Boer, 1983, p. 353.
Foy, R.: 1981, A & A 103, 135.
Gustafsson, B., Bell, R. 2A., Eriksson, K.,
Nordlund, A.: 1975, A & A 42, 407.
Lequeux, J.: 1983, see Van den Bergh, S. and
De Boer, 1983, p. 67.
Peimbert, M.: 1983, see Van den Bergh, S.
and De Boer, 1983, p. 363.
Przybylski, A.: 1968, M.N.R.A.S. 139,313.
Przybylski, A.: 1972, M.N.R.A.S. 159, 155.
Spite, F.: 1986, ESO-OHP Workshop, J. P.
Baluteau and S. D'Odorico eds. Garching,
Spite, F., Francois, P., Spite, M.: 1985, The
Messenger No. 42,14.
Spite, M., Cayrel, R., Francois, P., Richtler,
T., Spite, F.: 1986, A & A 168, 197.
Thevenin, F., Foy, R.: 1986, A & A 155, 145.
Van den Bergh, S., De Boer, K.: 1983, eds. of
the IAU Sympos. 108: Structure and Evolution
of the Magellanic Clouds, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Wolf, B.: 1972, A & A 20, 275 (LMC).
Wolf, B.: 1973, A & A 28, 335 (SMC).
40-43 (PDF)
A. Cappi, G. Chincarini et al.
Distant clusters of galaxies

ADS BibCode:
Cappi, A.; Chincarini, G.; Conconi, P.; Manoussoyanaki, I.; Vettolani, G.
AA(Milano, Universita; Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milan, Italy), AB(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milan, Italy), AC(CNR, Istituto di Fisica Cosmica e Technologie Relative, Milan, Italy), AD(CNR, Istituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna, Italy)
A galactic cluster was observed at z = 0.69 with the 3.6-m ESO telescope at La Silla. A graph is given of the ' background ' galaxies and total number of cluster galaxies expected in a 10 x 10 arcmin field. The probability of cluster detection was computed as a function of the signal to noise (and therefore as a function of z) both analytically and using 3,000 simulations for clusters varying in terms of richness and population. It was found that the evolution of galaxies enhances the cluster visibility.
43-44 (PDF)
G. Soucail
The giant luminous arc in the centre of the A 370 cluster of galaxies

ADS BibCode:
Soucail, G.
AA(Pic-du-Midi et Toulouse, Observatoires, Toulouse, France)
The spectrum of the eastern end of the arc in A 370 was obtained, and after data reduction, it was maintained that the light probably comes from a galaxy at a redshift of 0.59. It is believed that an exceptional configuration of gravitational lensing was observed, with the whole cluster as the deflector and a galaxy at z = 0.59 as the source. If the system/source deflector is perfectly aligned, the theory predicts the formation of a circular ring; if the source lies at 1 arcsec from the cluster center, the formation of two symmetric arcs can be predicted.
(1) Paczinski, S.: 1987, Nature 325,572.
(2) Soucail, G., Fort, S., Mellier, Y., Picat,
J.P.: 1987, Astron. Astrophys. 172, L 14.
(3) Zwicky, F.: 1937, Phys. Rev. 51, 290.
(4) Soucail, G., Mellier, Y., Fort, S., Hammer,
F., Mathez, G.: 1987, submitted to Nature
44-44 (PDF)
Latest News about SN 1987 A

ADS BibCode:
45-45 (PDF)
M. Tarenghi
Comet Wilson Photographed from La Silla

ADS BibCode:
Tarenghi, M.
45-47 (PDF)
R. M. West
The strange supernova 1987A passes maximum.

ADS BibCode:
West, R. M.
The bright Supernova 1987 A in the Large Magellanic Cloud, about which initial reports were included in the Messenger No. 47, appears to be different fram all others observed so far.
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M. Tarenghi
Recent NTT Pictures

ADS BibCode:
Tarenghi, M.
Substantial progress has been made in the preassembly of the NTT telescope at INNSE at Brescia.
49-50 (PDF)
A. F. M. Moorwood, I. J. Danziger et al.
Infrared spectroscopy of supernova remnants.

ADS BibCode:
Moorwood, A. F. M.; Danziger, I. J.; Oliva, E.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(Arcetri Observatory)
Leibowitz, E. M., and Danziger, I.J.: 1983,
Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 204, 273.
Moorwood, A. F. M., Biereichei, P., Finger, G.,
Lizon, J.-L., Meyer, M., Nees, W., and
Paureau, J.: 1986, The Messenger, 44, 19.
Seward, F. 0., Harnden, Jr., F. R., Murdin, P.,
and Clark, D. H.: 1983 Astrophys. J., 267,
Treffers, R.R.: 1979,Astrophys. J., 233, L 17.
50-51 (PDF)
A. van Dijsseldonk, A. Moorwood et al.
F/35 Infrared Photometer at the 2.2-m Telescope

ADS BibCode:
van Dijsseldonk, A.; Moorwood, A.; Lemke, D.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(MPIA, Heidelberg)
An infrared system consisting of an infrared photometer/adaptor, detector units and an F/35 chopping secondary mirror was installed and tested on the 2.2-m telescope in March 1987 in a collaboration with Heidelberg's MaxPlanck- Institut für Astronomie.
51-53 (PDF)
F. Maaswinkel, S. D'Odorico et al.
Progress report on DISCO: a project for image stabilization at the 2.2-m telescope.

ADS BibCode:
Maaswinkel, F.; D'Odorico, S.; Huster, G.; Bortoletto, F.
AA(ESO) AB(ESO) AC(ESO) AD(Istituto di Astronomia, Universita di Padova, Italy)
(1) Roddier, F., Progress in Optics, XIX, ed.
E. Wolf (North-Holland, Amsterdam),
(2) Merill, K.M., Favot, G., Forbes, F. and
Morse, 0., S.P.IE, 628, 125, 1986.
(3) Aime, C., Petrov, R.G., Martin, F., Ricort,
G. and Borgnino, J., S.P.IE, 556, 297,
(4) Thompson, LA and Ryerson, H.R.
S.P.IE, 445, 560, 1984.
53-54 (PDF)
ESO Image Processing Group: MIDAS Memo

ADS BibCode:
54-54 (PDF)
Staff Movements

ADS BibCode:
54-54 (PDF)
New ESO Posters and New Edition of ESO Publications and Picture Catalogue Available

ADS BibCode:
54-54 (PDF)
The Chilean Consul General Visits ESO

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55-55 (PDF)
Dos nuevas series de diapositivas de la ESO

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55-55 (PDF)
L. Woltjer
Tiempo para un cambio

ADS BibCode:
Woltjer, L.
AA(ESO Director General)
En la reunion celebrada en diciembre dei ano pasado informe al Consejo de mi deseo de terminar mi contrato como Director General de la ESO una vez que fuera aprobado el proyecto dei VLT, que se espera sucedera hacia fines de este aAo. Cuando fue renovada mi designacion hace tres aAos, el Consejo conocia mi intencion de no completar los cinco aAos dei contrato debido a mi deseo de disponer de mas tiempo para otras actividades. Ahora, una vez terminada la fase preparatoria para el VLT, Y habiendose presentado el proyecto formalmente al Consejo el dia 31 de marzo, y esperando su muy probable aprobacion antes dei termino de este ano, me parece que el 10 de enero de 1988 presenta una excelente fecha para que se produzca un cambio en la administracion de la ESO.
56-56 (PDF)
EI Telescopio Sueco-ESO Submilimetrico

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