Messenger No. 59 (March 1990)

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1-5 (PDF)
ESO celebrates its New Technology Telescope.

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In the presence of a distinguished audience of ministers and high-ranking officials, as well as representatives of European industry and scientists from the member states, the European Southern Observatory officially inaugurated its revolutionary 3.5-metre New Technology Telescope (NTT) on February 6, 1990.
6-13 (PDF)
H. Van der Laan
Official Speeches at the NTT Inaguration

ADS BibCode:
Van der Laan, H.
AA(ESO's Director General)
To welcome all of you, in ESO Headquarters and on our La Silla Observatory in Chile, to this festive dedication of our New Technology Telescope, is a pleasure and a privilege. This is one event on two continents. ESQ's two major sites connected by several electronic communication links. ESO's guests and ESO staff present and participating on a wintry afternoon in Bavaria and on a sunny summer morning at 2400 m, high in the beauty of the Atacama desert. We hope that technology will not fail us now, but if it does and we cannot hear and see each other. then still it will be a celebration, in two simultaneous parts, by people linked by their engagement for astronomical exploration.
13-13 (PDF)
First Announcement - ESO/EIPC Workshop on SN 1987A and other Supernovae 17-22 September 1990

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14-19 (PDF)
NTT Image Gallery

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19-20 (PDF)
New ESO Scientific Preprints

ADS BibCode:
680. I.J. Danziger el al.: Molecules, Dust and lonic Abundances in SN 1987 A. L. B. Lucy el al.: Dust Condensation in the Ejecta of SN 1987 A, II. P. Bouchet el al.: The ESO Infrared Data Set. To be published in Supemovae, Proceedings of the 10^th Santa Cruz Summer Workshop In Astronomy and Astrophysics. held at UC Sanla Cruz, July 10-21, 1989, ed. by S.E. Woosley (Springer-Verlag. New York).
19-19 (PDF)
H. van der Laan
Professor Pierre Charvin, January 24, 1990

ADS BibCode:
van der Laan, H.
AA(Director General)
On January 25, 1990 we at ESO were shocked and saddened by the message of Pierre Gharvin's death. President of the Observatoire de Paris and astronomy leader in France, Prof. Charvin always showed a deep interest in ESO affaifs and contributed through the years to the development or ESO's relations with astronomical institutes in his country.
20-21 (PDF)
C. Madsen
BBC Makes ESO Film

ADS BibCode:
Madsen, C.
BBC Makes ESO Film
21-22 (PDF)
Caltech and ESO Join forces to Produce Sky Atlas

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The California Instilute of Technology (Caltech) of Pasadena, California, U.S.A., and the European Southern Observatory have concluded an agreement by which ESO will undertake the responsibility of producing high-qualily copies of photographic sky survey plates obtained will the Palomar 48-inch Oschin Telescope and to distribute the resulting photographic atlas.
21-21 (PDF)
First Announcement - A workshop organized by ESO on Rapid Variability of OB-Stars: Nature and Diagnostic Value

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22-24 (PDF)
L. Zago
Near-ground seeing on an interferometric platform.

ADS BibCode:
Zago, L.
The ideal location for an optical telescope, short of being in orbit, would be being magically suspended in the air, out of all ground-induced turbulence. Most observatories try the next best, a location on a steep peak or ridge, in the generally correct assumption that the abrupt rising of the mountain does not give the air flow the time and space to bring ground-induced turbulence on the telescope.
24-26 (PDF)
Visiting Astronomers (April-October 1990)

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25-25 (PDF)
Announcement - 12th European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) European Astronomers Look to the Future

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27-34 (PDF)
A. Blaauw
ESO's early history, 1953-1975. VI - Further developments in Chile; 25 March 1969; The first phase dedicated; The introduction of national telescopes

ADS BibCode:
Blaauw, A.
AA(Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit, Netherlands)
On March 25. 1969, an audience of more than 300 people: members of the ESQ Council, Government officials. representatives of AURA. CARSO, IAU and CERN. other guests and staff members of ESO were assembled in the large dome on La 5illa which years later would house the Schmidt telescope. They celebrated the completion of the first phase of the construction programme. Three years and one day earlier, the road to the summit had been dedicated and an extensive building programme then lay ahead. Now, the Observalory entered its full operational phase with the middle-size telescopes.
Abbreviations used:
EC = ESO Committee, the committee that
preceded the ESO Council.
EHA = ESO Historical Archives. See the description
in the Messenger No. 54 of December
EHPA = ESO Historical Photographs Archive.
FHA = Files belonging to the Office of the
Head of Administration of ESO.
[1] EHA-I.A.2.14.
(2] Frank Middelburg became an ESO employee
in 1967. By the time of his untimely
death in the year 1985 he had
become a specialist in the fields of image
processing and software systems.
See the obituary by A. Ardeberg in the
Messenger No. 42 of December 1985.
(3] See the ESO Annual Report for 1968.
[4] A copy of this report occurs in the Oort
Archives of the Leiden University Library;
a duplicate from this has been put
in EHA-I.A.1.18.
(5] EHA-1. A.1.22.
(6] Cou. Doc. Chi-7 in EHA-I.A.2.14. and
minutes of the 2nd Cou Meeting.
(7] Cou. Doc. Chi-12 and 14 in EHA1.
A.2.14. and letters of Heckmann to
Oort of 4 and 13 Oet. 1964 in EHA1.
[8] ESO Basic Texts, Seetion B4.
(9] See the sketches included in the Annual
Report 1965.
[10] See, for instance, Ann. Rep. 1968, p. 10.
The realization of this teleseope beeame
part of the task of the ESO TP-Division.
[11] See FHA File 2.9.2. The last one of the
signatures was on Sept. 11, 1969, by the
Chancellor of the Uno of Bochum.
[12] See FHA File 2.9.3.
[13] See Doe. Cou-205 of Nov. 7, 1975 in
FHA File 2.9.3.
[14] See Couneil Minutes Deeember 1968.
[15] "Problemes poses cl I'ESO par I'implantation
sur ses terrains d'lnstruments
[16] See Minutes 13th Cou Meeting, p. 12.
[17] Cou-doc No. 55 of May 30, 1969 in FHA
[18] Details of the programme of the Council
visit are in EHA-1. A.2.16. See also B. E.
Westerlund's report in Sky and Telescope,
Vol. 37, No. 6 of June 1969.
(19] A. B. Muller, ed., The Magellanic Clouds,
Astrophysics and Spaee Library,
Vol. 23, Reidel Dordreeht 1971.
34-40 (PDF)
P. Bouchet
'The 1001 nights of SN 1987A'.

ADS BibCode:
Bouchet, P.
Report on the Fourth Joint ESO/CTIO Colloquium, held at La Silla, 20 Nov 1989.
Arnett, W.D., Bahcall, J. N., Kirshner, R P.,
and Woosley, S.E., 1989: Ann. Rev. Astron.
and Astrophys. 27, 1.
Balick, B., 1987: AJ., 94, 671.
Balick, B. and Preston, H.L., 1987, AJ., 94,
Bartei, 1990: Proceedings of Santa Cruz
Workshop, S. Woosley ed.
Branch, 1977: Mon. Not. R.A S., 179, 401.
Chevalier, RA, 1987: in Proc. ESO Workshop
on the SN 1987A, ed. I.J. Oanziger
(Munieh: ESO Garehing), p. 481.
Clayton, D.D., 1982: Q.J. Roy. Astron. Soc.,
Danziger, I.J., Gouiffes, C., Bouchet, P.,
Lucy, L.B., 1989: I.A.U. Circ. 4746.
Danziger, I.J., Lucy, L.B., Bouchet, P.,
Gouiffes, C., 1990; Proceedings of Santa
Cruz Workshop, S. Woosley ed.
Dickei, J. R. and Jones, E. M., 1985: Ap. J.,
Fransson, C., Cassatella, A, Gilmozzi, R,
Kirshner, R.P., Panagia, N., Sonneborn, G.
and Wamsteker, W., 1989: Ap. J., 336,
Gerola, H., Seiden, P.E., 1978: Astrophys. J.,
223, 129.
Herbst, W., 1977: in "Supernovae", Proc. of a
special IAU session on supernovae, held
on September 1976, at Grenoble, France;
ed. D. N. Schramm; Astrophysics and
Space Science Library, Vol. 66, D. Reidel
Publishing Company.
Hillebrandt and Höflich, 1990: Preprint Max-Planck-
Institut für Physik und Astrophysik,
MPA 458, May 1989; to appear in Progress
in Physics.
(keuchi, S., 1981: In "Fundamental Problems
in the Theory of Stellar Evolution", IAU
Symposium 93, p. 103; O. Sugimoto, O. Q.
Lamb and D. N. Schramm eds.; D. Reidel
Publishing Company.
Klein, 1990: Proceedings of Santa Cruz
Workshop, S. Woosley ed.
Lee, Pappanasstassiou and Wasserburg,
1976: Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 8, 457.
Lucy, L. B., 1988: in "Supernova 1987 A in the
LMC"; Proceedings of the 4th George Mason
Astrophysics Workshop, eds., M.
Kafatos and A Michalitsianos.
Lucy, L. B., Danziger, I. J., Gouiffes, C., and
Bouchet, P., 1989: in IAU Colloquium 120,
"Structure and Dynamics of Interstellar
Medium"; Eds. G. Tenorio-Tagle, M. Moles
and J. Melnick (Springer-Verlag).
Lucy, L.B., Danziger, I.J., Gouiffes, C., and
Bouchet, P., 1990: Proceedings of Santa
Cruz Workshop, S. Woosley ed.
Mueller, M.W., Amett, W.D., 1976: Astrophys.
J., 210, 670.
Öpik, 1953: The Irish Astron. Journal, 2, 219.
Ostriker, J.P., Cowie, L.L., 1981: Astrophys.
J. (Lett.), 243, L127.
Suntzeff and Bouchet, 1990: Astron. J., to
appear in February 1990.
Wampler, E.J. and Richichi, A, 1989: Astr.
Ap., 217, L21.
Wamsteker, W., Gilmozzi, R, Cassatella, A,
and Panagia, N., 1987: IAU Cir., No. 4410.
Weaver, T.A, Woosley, S. E., 1980: in
"Supernova Spectra", AlP Cont. proc. 63,
p. 15; ed. R Meyerott, New York, AIP.
40-41 (PDF)
P. Bouchet, I. J. Danziger et al.
The Bolometric Light Curve of SN 1987 A

ADS BibCode:
Bouchet, P.; Danziger, I. J.; Lucy, L. B.
The Bolometric Light Curve of SN 1987 A
41-45 (PDF)
A. Terzan
A photometric study of the bright cloud B in Sagittarius

ADS BibCode:
Terzan, A.
AA(Lyon, Observatoire, Saint-Genis-Laval, France)
U, B, V, and R plates for a 10 deg x 10 deg area centered on star 45 Oph are analyzed. The detection and measurement of the data are described. The variable stars detected in this area are studied. Consideration is given to planetary nebulae, galaxies in a direction near the galactic center, and open and globular stellar clusters. The data reveal 621 red variable stars in field O; 1592 red variable stars in field A and D; and 1238 red variable stars in field B. It is noted that the observations are useful for the study of objects populating the galactic bulge.
Acker, A, 1990, private communication.
Arp, H., 1965, Ap. J. 141, p. 43-72.
Clube, S.V.M., 1966, Roy. Obs. GreenwichCape
Bull. No. 111, 345.
Djorgovski, S., 1987, Ap. J. 317, L13-L14.
Fox, M. W. and Wood, P. R., 1982, Ap. J.259,
Grindlay, J.E., 1978, Ap. J. Lett. 224, L107.
Lloyd Evans, R., 1976, M.N.R.A.S. 174,
Makishima, K. and al. 1981, Ap. J. Lett. 247,
Nassau, J.J. and Blanco, V.M., 1958, Ap. J.
Saurer, W. and Weinberger, R., 1987, A & A
Suppt. Series, 69, p. 527-531.
Terzan, A, 1965, Ann. d'Astrophys. 28,
No. 6.
Terzan, A, 1966, J. des Observateurs, 49,
No. 6.
Terzan, A, 1977, The Messenger, 10, 1.
Terzan, A., Bernard, A and Ju, K.H., 1978a,
C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris 287, Serie B, 157.
Terzan, A, Bernard, A and Ju, K.H., 1978b,
C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 287, Serie B, 235.
Terzan, A and Ju, K.H., 1980, The
Messenger 20, 6.
Terzan, A and Bernard, A, 1981, A & A,
Suppt. Series 46, p. 49-56.
Terzan, A., Bijaoui, A, Ju, K. H. and Ounnas,
Ch., 1982, A & A, Suppt. Series, 49,
Terzan, A, 1985, The Messenger, 42, 4.
Terzan, A. and Turati, Ch., 1985, Mem. 56, No. 1, p. 205-211.
Terzan, A and Ounnas, Ch. 1988, A & A,
Suppt. Series, 76, p. 205-253.
Terzan, A, 1990, in preparation.
Wood, P. R. and Bessel, M. S., 1983, Ap. J.,
265, p. 748-759.
46-46 (PDF)
Editorial Note

ADS BibCode:
"Discovery of a Low Mass B[e] Supergiant in the SMC" by M. Heydari-Malayeri, ESO (The Messenger 58, 37)
46-47 (PDF)
T. Le Bertre
First evidence of DIB (diffuse interstellar bands) carriers in the circumstellar shell of a carbon star.

ADS BibCode:
Le Bertre, T.
The origin of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) represents one of the longest standing unsolved problems in astronomy. Although it is weil estabIished that they originate in the interstellar medium, no convincing identification of the responsible agent(s) has yet been made. They could be produced by large molecules, e. g. the fashionable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), or by atoms adsorbed on interstellar grains. A search for DIB features in stars with circumstellar dust shells (CDSs), carried out twenty years ago, was unsuccessful. It was therefore inferred that the DIB agents are not present in the circumstellar environments of late-type stars. Since then sky surveys have been made in the infrared range and have revealed the existence of numerous red long-period variables, very often enshrouded inside dense CDSs; most of these objects are miras evolving through the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). There is growing evidence that these sources are among the main contributors to the replenishment of the interstellar medium. In these conditions the absence of DIBs in the spectra of late-type stars appears puzzling. With the new instruments and better detectors available today, it seems worth to readdress observationally this problem.
[1] Le Bertre, T.: 1990, Observational study
of es776, submitted to Astron. Astrophys.
(ESO preprint No. 691).
[2] Jarvis, B., Hutsemekers, D.: 1989, The
Messenger 56, 65.
[3] Herbig, G. H.: 1975, Astrophys. J. 196,
[4] Le Bertre, T.: 1988, The Messenger 53,
[5] Krelowski, J., Walker, G.A.H.: 1987, Astrophys. J. 312, 680.
[6] Benvenuti, P., Porceddu, I.: 1990, Astron.
As~ophys. 223, 329.
47-49 (PDF)
G. Meylan, S. Djorgovski et al.
PHL 1222 - an interacting quasar pair?

ADS BibCode:
Meylan, G.; Djorgovski, S.; Weir, N.; Shaver, P.
AA(Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD), AB(Palomar Observatory, Pasadena, CA), AC(Palomar Observatory, Pasadena, CA), AD(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany)
The system PHL 1222 = UM 144 = QSO 0151 +048, which is composed of a close pair of quasars with redshift equal to 1.91, is studied. The distance between the quasar image and its brightest companion is 3.3 arcsec. The characteristics of PHL 1222 that imply it is an interacting quasar pair are discussed. The total mass of the system is estimated as 1. 7 x 10 to the 11th solar masses.
Burbidge, E. M. 1968, Astrophys. J. (Letters),
154, L109.
Crampton, D., and Cowley, A.P. 1987,
B.A.A.S., 19,700.
Djorgovski, S., Spinrad, H., McCarthy, P.,
and Strauss, M.A. 1985, Astrophys. J.
(Letters), 299, L1.
Djorgovski, S., Strauss, M.A., Perley, R.A.,
Spinrad, H., and McCarthy, P. 1987a, Astron.
J., 93, 1318.
Djorgovski, S., Perley, R., Meylan, G., and
McCarthy, P. 1987b, Astrophys. J., 321,
Djorgovski, S., and Meylan, G. 1989, in Moran,
J. et al. (eds.), Gravitationaf Lenses,
Lecture Notes in Physics, bf 330, p. 173,
Berlin: Springer.
Foltz, C. B., Chaffee, F. H., Weymann, R.J.,
and Anderson, S.F. 1988, in Blades, J.C.,
et al. (eds.), aso Absorption Lines; STScl
Series No. 2, p. 53, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Fricke, K.J., and Kollatschny, W. 1989, in
Osterbrock, D., and Miller, J. (eds.), Active
Gafactic Nucfei, lAU Symp. No. 134,
p. 425, Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Hernquist, L. 1989, Nature, 340, 687.
Meylan, G., and Djorgovski, S., 1989, Astrophys.
J. (Letters), 338, L 1.
Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S., and Shaver, P.
1989, B.A.A.S., 21,1132.
Meylan, G., Djorgovski, S., Weir, W. N., and
Shaver, P. 1990, in Fort, B. and Soucail, G.
(eds.), Gravitationaf Lenses, in press.
Sramek, R.A., and Weedman, D. W. 1980,
Astrophys. J., 238, 435.
Surdej, J., et al. 1989, The Messenger, 55, 8.
49-49 (PDF)
B. Jarvis
Addendum - Narrow Band Imaging of M87 with the NTT

ADS BibCode:
Jarvis, B.
Arp, H.C., 1967, Ap. J. Lett,1, 1.
Ford, H.C., Butcher, H., 1979, Ap. J. Suppf.,
41, 147.
van den Bergh, 1987, IAU Symposium No.
Walker, M.F., 1968, Ap. J. Lett., 2, 65.
50-51 (PDF)
H. Debehogne
Twenty-three missions at ESO-La Silla. Research based on discoveries and rediscoveries of about 1400 planets with the GPO.

ADS BibCode:
Debehogne, H.
AA(Observatoire Royal de Belgique)
The science of minor planets is modern research. It influences both astrometry and celestial mechanics, and also related sciences, such as mathematics, physics, astronautics.
Debehogne, H.: 1970, Astron. Astrophys., 8,
2, 1989.
Debehogne, H.: 1972, Astron. Astrophys.
Suppl., 5, 1985.
Debehogne, H.: 1977, Bull. Ac. Roy. Belg. CI.
S., 2, 5, 43.
Debehogne, H.: 1986, Acta Astronomica, 36,
Debehogne, H.: 1988, Astron. Astrophys.,
Stracke, G.: 1929, Bahnbestimmung der
Planeten und Kometen. Springer, Berlin.
51-51 (PDF)
Staff Movements

ADS BibCode:
52-53 (PDF)
B. Jarvis, P. Seitzer
Resolving the Fornax globular clusters with the NTT.

ADS BibCode:
Jarvis, B.; Seitzer, P.
AA(European Southern Observatory) AB(Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, U.S.A.)
We have obtained high spatial-resolution CCD images in a night 01 excellent seeing of two of the five globular clusters (Clusters No. 2 and No. 3) in the Fornax dwarf-spheroidal galaxy using the NTT with Ihe aim of extending their colourmagnitude (C-M) diagrams into their cores. The images, shown in Figures 1 and 2, were obtained with a high resolution RCA CCD (O.129" pixel^-1) using EFOSC2. The average seeing (FWHM) for Cluster 3 was O".46 while that of Cluster 2 was 0".58 in the Johnson V band. B band images were also taken. All exposures were of five minutes duration.
Buonanno. R., Corsi, C. E., Fusi Pecci. F.,
Hardy. E., and Zinn. R., 1985, Astron. Astrophys., 152, 65.
53-54 (PDF)
Preparing for Coment Austin

ADS BibCode:
Professional and amateur astronomers all over the world are excited about the prospects of seeing a really bright comet during the coming months. A newly discovered comet, known by the name of the amateur who first saw it, is now getting brighter each day. Observations are made almost every night at the ESO La Silla Observatory and elsewhere in order to follow the development of the comet and also to try to predict the maximum brightness which the comet will reach by mid-April this year.
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R. M. West
A Dust Jet from Comet Austin

ADS BibCode:
West, R. M.
On January 23, the ESO NTT was used during a short period of mediocre seeing (1.2 arcsec) to image Comet Austin. The direct, isophotal picture is shown on page 19 in this Messenger (where the image data are also given).
55-56 (PDF)
J. Manfroid, P. Bouchet et al.
Photometry of comet Austin.

ADS BibCode:
Manfroid, J.; Bouchet, P.; Gouiffes, C.
AA(Institut d'Astrophysique, Cointe-Ougree, Belgium) AB(ESO) AC(ESO)
Strömgren photometry of Gomet Austin (1989 c 1) has been obtained at La Silla with the ESO-SAT 50-cm telescope, between February 12 and February 25, 1990. Two diaphragms were selected, 35 arcsec and 240 arcsec, in an attempt to distinguish between the nucleus and the coma.
56-56 (PDF)
Comet Austin Develops an Ion Tail

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The upper photo is a reproduction of a photographic plate, exposed 6 minutes with the ESO Schmidt telescope at La Silla in the evening of February 24. 1990 (Feb. 25.0 Universal Time).
57-59 (PDF)
H. Dekker, P. Molaro
Status report on EMMI: results from the testing in Garching.

ADS BibCode:
Dekker, H.; Molaro, P.
In the Messenger No. 57 of September 1989 a status report on EMMI was given at the start of the integration and test period. This period has now been concluded; at the time these lines are written the instrument is about to be packed and shipped to La Silla. The integration of the instrument in the ND Nasmyth room B will take place this spring. Installation at the telescope will take place as soon as the second adaptorlrotator of the ND is fully tested at the end of June and a first period of tests on the adapter is scheduled for July. We describe here some of the results obtained during the tests in Garching.
Moore. C.f., Mlr1naert. M.G.J., Houtgast, J.:
1966. National Bureau of Standards Monograph, 61.
59-60 (PDF)
S. D'Odorico
The Thomson 1024^2 pixel CCD at the New Technology Telescope.

ADS BibCode:
D'Odorico, S.
Many of Ihe guests who admired on the recenl inauguration Ihe impressive images taken with the NTT telescope (see lhe leading article in this issue 01 the Messenger and Fig. 1) were probably not aware that one of Ihe most important components in lhe chain that produced those results is a 19 x 19 mm silicon device, a 20 detector usually known as a charge-coupled device or in short a eeo, and its associated electronics.
60-60 (PDF)
First Announeement High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry II

ADS BibCode:
61-63 (PDF)
R. Albrecht, F. Pasian et al.
The European Science Data Archive for the Hubble Space Telescope.

ADS BibCode:
Albrecht, R.; Pasian, F.; Ochsenbein, F.; Pirenne, B.; Richmond, A.; Russo, G.; Vuerli, C.
AA(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO AND Affiliated with Astronomy Division, Space Science Department, ESA) AB(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO AND On leave from Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy) AC(European Southern Observatory) AD(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO) AE(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO AND Now at Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA) AF(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO AND Now at Dipartimento Scienze Fisiche, University Naples, Italy) AG(Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, ESO AND On leave from Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy)
In the framework of the cooperation between NASA and ESA on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) project the archiving of the science data have always been ranked high in priority. Not only will it be very difficult to apply for and obtain observing time on HST (as those who participated in the first round of observing proposal submission can confirm), the utilization and optimum exploitation of these very expensive data sets can only be achieved through archival research. This has been demonstrated through the very successful de-archival programmes operated by the IUE data archive.
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First Announcement Progress in Telescope and Instrumentation Technologies

ADS BibCode:
63-64 (PDF)
ESO Image Processing Group: MIDAS Memo

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Since December 1989 the Portable MIOAS !las finally become the defau1t version within ESO on the VAX/VMS machines. This led to a heavy workload of fixing bugs and ironing out problems all over the system. We now have a much more stable system and many mlnor improvemenls and additions have been included. No major new applicatlonS have been added In the meantlme, except seme new atgonthms In the LONGSLIT package.