Messenger No. 86 (December 1996)
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Report by the Director General
Telescopes and Instrumentation
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VLT status report.
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Telescopes and Instrumentation
Tarenghi, M.
5-8 (PDF)
The secondary mirror units of the VLT: design overview and manufacturing status.
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Telescopes and Instrumentation
Stanghellini, S.
9-11 (PDF)
All VLT Primary Mirror Blanks Delivered
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Telescopes and Instrumentation
Dierickx, P.
11-13 (PDF)
ISAAC takes shape.
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Telescopes and Instrumentation
Lizon, J.-L.
AA(Integration Group, Instrumentation Division, ESO, Garching)
14-17 (PDF)
The ESO infrared detector high-speed array control and processing electronics IRACE.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Meyer, M.; Finger, G.; Mehrgan, H.; Stegmeier, J.; Moorwood, A. F. M.
The ESO Infrared Detector High Speed Arry Control and Processing Electronics, IRACE, is designed as a modular system which supports readout and data processing of arrays with four, and eventually more, output channels. The authors present here the principles of the system operation, the achieved readout and on-line processing speeds and present first measurement results with a 1024×1024 pixel IR array.
News from the NTT
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News from the NTT
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News from the NTT
Spyromilio, J.
The La Silla News Page
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A New CCD for EFOSC2 at the ESO-MPI 2.2-m
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The La Silla News Page
Augusteijn, T.
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Overhaul and Attempted Upgrade of DFOSC CCD
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The La Silla News Page
Storm, J.
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About the Spectroscopic Stability of EFOSC1
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The La Silla News Page
Benetti, S.
This report discusses the long-term spectrophotometric stability of EFOSC1.
21-23 (PDF)
The image quality of the 3.6-m telescope (Part IV). Better than 0.6″
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The La Silla News Page
Guisard, S.
The author explains how the image quality at zenith could be brought from 1.2″- 1.3″to less than 0.6″during test time over the last twelve months.
S. Guisard, “The Image Quality of the 3.6-m Telescope: Part II”, The Messenger No. 83, March 1996.
S. Guisard, “The Image Quality of the 3.6-m Telescope: Part III”, The Messenger No. 85, September 1996.
J. Fluxa, G. Ihle, S. Guisard “Report on the Technical Time in June 1996”, The Messenger No. 85, September 1996.
S. Guisard, “Report on the night test, 29th and 30th August 1996”, 3.6-m+CAT Upgrade 3P6-PLA-032-008, September 1996.
Science with the VLT/VLTI
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Science with the VLT: high-resolution infrared spectroscopy.
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Science with the VLT/VLTI
Wiedemann, G.
Concerns high-resolution spectroscopy in the infrared, science priorities, observational capabilities at the VLT.
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Hatzes, A. 1996, Report to ESO Working Group on Extrasolar Planets.
Hatzes, A.P. & Cochran, W.D. 1992, in Proceedings of ESO Workshop on High Resolution Spectroscopy with the VLT (ed. M.- H. Ulrich).
Heasley, J.N., Ridgway, S.T., Carbon, D.F., Milkey, R.W. & Hall, D.N.B. 1978, Ap.J. 219,970.
Hewagama, T., L.D. Deming, D.E. Jennings, V. Osherovich, G. Wiedemann, D. Zipoy, D.L. Mickey, & H. Garcia 1993, Ap.J. Suppl, 86.
Hinkle, K.H , Wallace L. & Livingston, W. 1995, Arcturus Atlas, Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco.
Jennings, D.E., Deming, L. D., Wiedemann, G. & Keady, J. J., 1986, ApJ. 310, L39.
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Moorwood, A.F.M. & Wiedemann, G. 1992, in Proceedings of ESO Workshop on High Resolution Spectroscopy with the VLT (ed. M.-H. Ulrich).
Ridgway, S. & Hinkle, K 1992, in Proceedings of ESO Workshop on High Resolution Spectroscopy with the VLT (ed. M.-H. Ulrich).
Saar, S.H. & Linsky, J.L. 1985 Ap.J. 299, L47.
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Wynn-Williams C.G. & Becklin, E.E. 1987 (eds.) Infrared Astronomy with Arrays, eds.,Univ. of Hawaii, Hilo.
Reports from Observers
31-36 (PDF)
Star formation in NGC 6611 with ADONIS and Hubble.
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Reports from Observers
Currie, D.; Kissell, K.; Shaya, E.; Avizonis, P.; Dowling, D.; Bonaccini, D.
AA(University of Maryland) AB(University of Maryland) AC(University of Maryland) AD(University of Maryland) AE(University of Maryland) AF(ESO)
New details of the star-formation process have been revealed by a co-ordinated use of the ADONIS system on the 3.6-metre telescope at La Silla, in combination with data from the WFPC2 Camera of the Hubble Space Telescope. The authors illustrate some of the unique capabilities of the ADONIS system for high-resolution near-infrared observations of the stellar formation process.
André, P. Low-Mass Protostars and Protostellar Stages. Astrophysics and Space Science, vol. 24, p. 29, 1995.
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Hillenbrand, Lynne A., Massey, Philip, Strom, Stephen E. and Merrill, K. Michael. NGC 6611: A Cluster Caught in the Act. The Astronomical Journal, vol. 106, no. 5, p. 1906–1946, 1993.
Walker, H. J. and Wolstencroft, R.D. Cool Circumstellar Matter around Nearby Main-Sequence Stars. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 100, p. 1509–1521, 1988.
Hester, J. Jeff, Scowen, Paul A., Sankrit, Ravi, Lauer, Tod R., Ajhar, Edward A., Baum, William A., Code, Arthur, Currie, Douglas G., Danielson, G. Edward, Ewald, Shawn P., Faber, Sandra M., Grillmair, Carl J., Groth, Edward J., Holtzman, Jon A., Hunter, Deidre A., Kristian, Jerome, Light, Robert M., Lynds, C. Roger, Monet, David G., O’Neil, Earl J. Jr., Shaya, Edward J., Seidelmann, Kenneth P. and Wesphal, James A. “Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Imaging of M16: Photo-evaporation and Emerging Young Stellar Objects.” The Astronomical Journal, Volume 111, No. 6, 1996.
Currie, Douglas G., Avizonis, Petras V., Dowling, Daniel M., Kissell, Kenneth E., O’Leary, Dianne P., Nagy, James G., and Fugate, Robert Q. “Approaches for Image Processing Supporting Adaptive Optics”. 1996. In Proceedings (edited by M. Cullum), Topical Meeting on Adaptive Optics, October 2–6, 1995, Garching bei München, Germany, by the European Southern Observatory, p. 299–304.
Christou, J.C., Ellerbroek, B., Fugate, B.Q., Bonaccini, D. and Stanga, R. “Rayleigh Beacon Adaptive Optics Imaging of ADS 9731: Measurements of the Isoplanatic Field of View” , 1995, ApJ, 450, 369–379.
Other Astronomical News
37-39 (PDF)
On the shape of the point spread function at the NTT+SUSI.
ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News
Falomo, R.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy)
A good knowledge of the point spread function (PSF) shape and of its possible variations within the field and with time is crucial when observations at the limit of the instrument capabilities are considered. In this note a quantitative estimate of the difference in instrument performances as a function of PSF changes, based on observations collected at the NTT, is reported.
Bahcall et al., 1997 Ap.J, in press.
King, I, 1971, PASP, 83, 199.
Krist, J. 1996, The TinyTim User’s Manual.
Racine, R., 1996, PASP, 108,699.
39-40 (PDF)
Quasar hosts. A workshop jointly organized by ESO and IAC, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 24 - 27 Sep 1996.
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Other Astronomical News
Crane, P.; Perez-Fournon, I.
40-42 (PDF)
ESO Libraries: Enhanced Services on the WWW
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Other Astronomical News
Grothkopf, U.
Shobbrook, R.M. and R.R. Shobbrook: The Astronomy Thesaurus. Version 1.1. Comp. for the International Astronomical Union, Commission 5. Epping: Anglo-Australian Observatory, 1993.
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In memorian Gerhard Bachmann
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New ESO Preprints
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Personnel movements
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ESO Astrophysics Symposia
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The ESO Director General Receives Award
43-43 (PDF)
Written-Off Computer Equipment Available at ESO Headquarters
Messenger Index
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Messenger Index 1995–1996 (Nos. 79–86)
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