Messenger No. 90 (December 1997)

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Telescopes and Instrumentation

1-2 (PDF)
S. D'Odorico
A deep field with the upgraded NTT.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
D'Odorico, S.
2-4 (PDF)
M. Tarenghi
The ESO VLT - progress report.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Tarenghi, M.
5-7 (PDF)
M. Sarazin
A cloudy night again? Blame El Niño!

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Sarazin, M.
A study of the impact of El Niño on the cloud cover above ESO Observatories in Chile.
A. Ardeberg, H. Lindgren, I. Lundström; La Silla and Paranal: a comparison of photometric qualities, Astron. Astrophys., 230, 518, 1990.
VLT Site Selection Working Group; Final Report; November 14, 1990, VLT Report No. 62.
ESO Internal Workshop on Forecasting Observing Conditions, The Messenger 89, Sept. 1997, pp. 5–10.
7-9 (PDF)
G. Mathys
News from the NTT.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Mathys, G.

The La Silla News Page

9-9 (PDF)
C. Lidman
SOFI - current status

ADS BibCode:
The La Silla News Page
Lidman, C.

Telescopes and Instrumentation

9-11 (PDF)
S. Guisard, U. Weilenmann et al.
Image quality of the 3.6-m telescope (Part VI). Now diffraction limited at 10 microns at the f/35 focus.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Guisard, S.; Weilenmann, U.; van Dijsseldonk, A.; Käufl, H. U.; Roucher, J.
[1] A. Moorwood and Anton van Dijsseldonk, 1985, The Messenger, 39, p.1.
[2] H.U. Käufl et al., “TIMMI at the 3.6-m Telescope”, 1992, The Messenger 70, p. 67.
[3] H.U. Käufl et al., “TIMMI ESO’s new 10 mm Camera/Spectrometer”, 1994, Infrared Physics, 35, p. 203.
[4] S. Guisard, “Analysis and Improvement of the Optical Quality of the f/35 focus, Proposition for Further Improvements”, 3.6m + CAT Upgrade 3P6-TRE-ESO-019-003, 28th July 1997.
[5] H.U. Käufl et al., 1997, The Messenger 88, p. 8.
11-11 (PDF)
R. Gredel, S. Guisard et al.
Image quality of the 3.6-m telescope (Part VII). Installation of a spring system in the 3.6-m M1 mirror cell.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Gredel, R.; Guisard, S.; Ihle, G.

VLT Data Flow Operations

12-14 (PDF)
D. Silva, P. Quinn
VLT data flow operations news

ADS BibCode:
VLT Data Flow Operations
Silva, D.; Quinn, P.
Welcome to the first article in a regular series about VLT Data Flow Operations (DFO). DFO encompasses a large range of VLT science operations related activities from proposal preparation support to service observing and archival research. Over the next several issues of The Messenger, the entire gamut of DFO activities will be discussed. Eventually, these articles will evolve into regular updates about DFO status during VLT science operations.

Science with the VLT/VLTI

15-18 (PDF)
F. Paresce, A. Renzini
The search for extrasolar planets at ESO.

ADS BibCode:
Science with the VLT/VLTI
Paresce, F.; Renzini, A.
Final report of the ESO Working Group on the detection of extrasolar planets.

Reports from Observers

19-23 (PDF)
D. Minniti, T. R. Bedding et al.
Stellar populations with adaptive optics: four test cases.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Minniti, D.; Bedding, T. R.; Courbin, F.; Sams, B.
AA(IGPP Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) AB(School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia) AC(Institut d’Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium & URA 173 CNRS-DAEC, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France) AD(Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Germany & mediateam, Weidenweg 2c, 85375 Neufahrn, Germany)
The authors have made a first attempt to apply adaptive optics to the study of stellar populations in our Galaxy and beyond. In the cases of NGC 5128 and IC 5152, they failed to detect individual stars. For NGC 300 the authors resolved a small number of K supergiants in the disk. For the Sgr bulge window the colour-magnitude diagram and luminosity function are the deepest yet obtained, reaching the turnoff of the bulge population for the first time in the infrared. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the method.
Bedding, T.R., Minniti, D., Courbin, F., Sams, B., 1997, A&A 326, 936.
Beuzit, J.-L., Brandl, B., Combes, M., et al., 1994, The Messenger 75, 33.
Freedman, W.L., Madore, B.F., Hawley, S.L., et al., 1992, ApJ 396, 80.
Magain, P., Courbin, F., Sohy, S., 1997, The Messenger 88,28.
Minniti, D., 1995, A&A 300, 109.
Minniti, D., Bedding, T.R., 1995. In: Walsh, J.,
Danziger, I.J. (eds.), Science with the VLT, Berlin: ESO Springer, p. 236.
Richer, H.B., Pritchet, C.J., Crabtree, D.R., 1985, ApJ 298, 240.
Rousset, G., Beuzit, J.-L., Hubin, N., et al., 1994. In: Ealey, M.A., Merkle, F. (eds.), Adaptive Optics in Astronomy, Proc. SPIE vol. 2201, p. 1088.
Soria, R., Mould, J.R., Watson, A.M., et al., 1996, ApJ 465, 79.
van den Bergh, S., 1994, AJ 107, 1328.
Walker, A.R., 1995, PASP 107, 683.
Zijlstra, A.A., Minniti, D., Brewer, J., 1996, The Messenger 85, 23.
23-25 (PDF)
E. Molinari, G. Chincarini et al.
The luminosity function of clusters of galaxies: A 496. New clues to cluster formation and evolution.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Molinari, E.; Chincarini, G.; Moretti, A.; de Grandi, S.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy) AB(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy & Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) AC(Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy & Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) AD(MPE, Garching, Germany)
The authors have established that in the cluster A 496 they can clearly distinguish between two populations of galaxies: the first which dominates the core of the cluster and is characterised by elliptical and lenticular galaxies and the second composed by fainter galaxies. This is the first robust result of a composite luminosity function.
Bernstein, G.M., Nichol, R.C., Tyson, J.A., Ulmer, M.P., Wittman, D., 1995 A.J. 110, 1507.
Biviano, A., Durret, F., Gerbal, D., Le Fèvre, O., Lobo, C., Mazure, A., and Slezak, E., 1995, A&A 297, 610.
Molinari, E., Moretti, A., Chincarini, G., De Grandi, S., 1998, in preparation, Moretti, A., 1997, Laurea Thesis, 1997, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Moretti, A., Molinari, E., Chincarini, G., De Grandi, S., 1998, in preparation, Sandage, A., Binggeli, B., & Tammann, G.A., 1985, A.J. 90, 1759.
Zucca, E., Vettolani, G., Zamorani, G., Cappi, A., Merighi, R., Mignoli, M., Stirpe, G., MacGilliwray, H., Collins, C., Balkowski, C., Cayatte, V., Maurogordato, S., Proust, D., Chincarini, G., Guzzo, L., Maccagni, D., Scaramella, R., Blanchard, A. And Ramella, M., 1997, A& A 325, 954.
25-29 (PDF)
J. Guibert
From EROS to DUO, ALADIN, GATT and others: wide-field astronomy.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Guibert, J.
AA(Image Analysis Centre, Observatoire de Paris)
This report illustrates the major role of large-field imaging in all the domains of astrophysics, and presents some recent results. Most of these are based on digitisation and analysis of Schmidt images taken in the course of either sky surveys or specific programmes. Special emphasis is put on the crucial importance of computer storage and processing capabilities, as well as efficient analysis and calibration software, for images up to 2 gigabytes. The resources of the Image Analysis Centre of the Observatoire de Paris, including the MAMA facility, used by a wide national and international community of astronomers, will be briefly presented.
[1] Alard, C., Guibert, J., Bienaymé, O., Valls-Gabaud, D., Robin, A.C., Terzan, A., Bertin, E., 1995, The DUO programme: First Results of a Microlensing Investigation of the Galactic Disk and Bulge conducted with the ESO Schmidt Telescope, The Messenger, 80, 31.
[2] Alard, C., Mao, S., Guibert, J., 1995, Object DUO 2: A New Binary Lens Candidate? A&A 300, L17.
[3] Alard, C., 1996, Evidence for the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy at low Galactic Latitudes, Astrophys.J. 458, L17.
[4] Alard, C., Terzan, A., Guibert, J., 1996, Light Curves and Periods of Mira variables, A&A, Suppl. 120, 275.
[5] Alard, C., Guibert, J. 1997, The DUO Single Lens Candidates, A&A, in press.
[6] Alonso, O., Zamorano, J., Rego, M., Gallego, J., 1995, Automatic Selection of new Ha emission line Galaxies using MAMA, A&A, Suppl. 113, 339.
[7] Andreon, S. et al., 1995, Morphological classification and structural parameters for early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster, A&A. Suppl. 116, 429.
[8] Andreon, S., 1996, The Morphological Segregation of galaxies in Clusters. II The properties of galaxies in the Coma Cluster, A&A 314, 763.
[9] Ansari, R. et al., 1995, Variability of the EROS 2 microlensing candidate, A&A 299, L21–L24.
[10] Aubourg, E. et al., 1993, Evidence for Gravitational Microlensing by Dark Objects of the Galactic Halo, Nature, 365, 623-625.
[11] Bertin, E., Arnouts, S., 1996, SExtractor: Software for source extraction, A&A, Suppl., 117, 393.
[12] Bertin, E., Dennefeld, M., 1997, Galaxy evolution at low redshift? I. Optical counts, A&A 317, 43.
[13] Bonnarel, F. et al., 1994, Aladin: towards an Interactive Atlas of the Digitized Sky, in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III, proceedings of the conference held in Victoria, B.C., Canada.
[14] Chevalier, C., Ilovaisky, S.A., 1990, Optical Studies of Transient Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries III. Photometry of GS2000+25 during decay and quiescence, A&A, 238, 163.
[15] Durret, F. et al., 1996, Redshift and Photometric Survey of the X-Ray Cluster of galaxies Abell 85, The Messenger 84, 20.
[16] Feigelson, E.D., Casanova, S., Montmerle, T., Guibert, J. 1993, ROSAT X-ray Study of the Chameleon I Dark Cloud. I. The Stellar Population, Astrophys. J., 416, 623-646.
[17] Gosset, E. et al., 1997, Surveys of ultraviolet-excess quasar candidates in large fields: The area around NGC 450, A&A Suppl. 123, 529.
[18] Grison, P. et al., 1994, EROS catalogue of eclipsing binary stars in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud, A&A Suppl., 109, 447.
[19] Haywood, M., 1994, The model of stellar evolution of the Galactic Disc: The IMP at low masses, A&A 282, 44.
[20] Haywood, M., Robin, A.C., Crézé, M., 1997, The evolution of the Milky Way Disc. II. Constraints from star counts at the Galactic poles, A&A 320, 428.
[21] Kharchenko, N. and Schilbach, E., 1996, Program MEGA: Stellar Counts and Galactic Models, Baltic Astronomy 5, 337.
[22] Kitamoto, S., Tsunemi, H., Pedersen, H., Ilovaisky, S.A., van der Klis, M., 1990, Outburst, Identification and X-Ray Light Curve of GS1354-64 (MX1353-64?, Cen X-22?), Astrophys. J., 361, 590.
[23] Kovalevsky, J. et al., 1997, The Hipparcos catalogue as a realisation of the extragalactic reference system, A&A 323, 620.
[24] Leisy, P., Dennefeld, M., Alard, C., Guibert,J., 1997, Accurate positions and finding charts of known planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud, A&A Suppl. 121, 407.
[25] Le Sidaner, P. and Le Bertre, T. 1993, Optical and infrared observations of two oxygen-rich miras. Dust shell modelling as a function of phase, A&A, 278, 167.
[26] Meusinger, H., Schilbach, E., Souchay, J., 1996, The mass function of the Pleiades down to 0.3 solar mass, A&A, 312, 833.
[27] Moreau, O., Reboul, H., 1995, Systematic search for UV-excess quasar candidates in 40 square degrees at the North Galactic Pole, A&A Suppl. 111, 169.
[28] Ojha, D.K., Mohan, V., Bienaymé, O., Robin, A.C., Crézé, M., 1996, Structure and Kinematical properties of the Galaxy at Intermediate Galactic Latitude, A&A 311, 456.
[29] Pakull, M.W. et al., 1993, Optical UV counterpart of the Supersoft Transient X-Ray Source RXJ0513.9- in the LMC, A&A, 278, L39-L42.
[30] Quintana, H., Ramirez, A., Melnick, J., Raychaudhury, S., Slezak, E. 1995, The Shapley Supercluster I. Spectroscopic observations in the central region, AJ 110, 463.
[31 Robichon, N. et al., 1995, Schmidt plate astrometric reductions using intermediate Hipparcos and Tycho data, A&A 304, 132.
[32] Robin, A.C., Haywood, M., Crézé, M., Ojha, D.K., Bienaymé, O., 1995, The Thick Disk of the Galaxy: Sequel of a Merging Event, A&A 305, 125.
[33] Schilbach, E., Robichon, N., Souchay, J., Guibert, J., 1995, Membership probabilities in the Pleiades Field, A&A 299, 696.
[34] Soubiran, C., 1992, Milliarcsec Proper Motions Measurements with MAMA, A&A, 259, 394-403.
[35] Surace, C., Comte, G., 1994, A search for Active Star forming Galaxies with the ESO 1 meter Schmidt Telescope, A&A, 281, 653.
[36] Terzan, A., Bernard, A., Guibert, J., 1997, A Photometric Study of the Bright Cloud B in Sagittarius. VIII. 1061 New variable Stars, A&A Suppl., in press.
30-34 (PDF)
D. J. Lennon, S. Mao et al.
Real-time spectroscopy of gravitational microlensing events - probing the evolution of the Galactic bulge.

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Lennon, D. J.; Mao, S.; Reetz, J.; Gehren, T.; Yan, L.; Renzini, A.
AA(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AB(Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik) AC(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AD(Universitäts-Sternwarte München) AE(ESO) AF(ESO)
Over several observing seasons, and with the help of gravitational microlensing surveys, the authors aim is to perform a systematic spectroscopic investigation of bulge sources. They expect that the results from this campaign will provide a fundamental insight into the formation and evolution of the bulge of the Galaxy. In the rest of this article the authors describe their first steps on this road, and summarise the current status of the project.
[1] Paczynski, B. 1986, ApJ, 301, 503.
[2] Paczynski, B. 1996, ARA&A, 34, 419.
[3] Alcock, C. et al., 1993, Nature, 365, 621.
[4] Alcock, C. et al., 1997, ApJ, 479, 119.
[5] Udalski et al., 1993, AcA, 43, 289.
[6] Aubourg et al., 1993, Nature, 365, 623.
[7] Alard et al., 1995, The Messenger, 80, 31.
[8] Alcock, C. et al., 1997, ApJ, 463, L67.
[9] Albrow et al. 1997, in IAP Colloquium on Variable stars and the Astrophysical Returns of Microlensing Surveys, in press.
[10] Benetti, S., Pasquini, L., West, R.M. 1995, A&A, 294, L37.
[11] Lennon, D.J., Mao, S., Fuhrmann, K., Gehren, T., 1996, ApJ, 471, 23L.
[12] Mao, S., & Paczynski, B., 1991, ApJ, 374, 37.
[13] Alcock et al. 1996 (MACHO collaboration), IAU Circular 6361.
[14] Alcock, C. et al., 1997, ApJ, in press.
[15] Kurucz, ILL. et al., 1984, Solar Flux Atlas from 296 to 1300 nm, Kitt Peak National Obs., Tucson.
[16] Kurucz, R.L., 1992, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof., 23, 45.
[17] Fuhrmann, K. et al., 1997 A&A, 323, 909.
34-34 (PDF)
S. Stanghellini
The First M2 Unit and Beryllium Mirror Delivered to ESO

ADS BibCode:
Reports from Observers
Stanghellini, S.

Other Astronomical News

35-35 (PDF)
Book Review: Reflecting Telescope Optics I (R.N. Wilson)

ADS BibCode:
Other Astronomical News


36-37 (PDF)

ADS BibCode:
6th ESO/OHP Summer School in Astrophysical Observations, Personnel Movements, List of Scientific Preprints (October–November 1997), ESO Director General Receives Honoris Causa Degree, Vacancy Notice: 20 Positions for Scientists and Engineers

Messenger Index

38-40 (PDF)
Messenger Index 1997(Nos. 87–90)

ADS BibCode:
Messenger Index