Messenger No. 91 (March 1998)

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1-8 (PDF)
R. Giacconi
The role of ESO in European astronomy.

ADS BibCode:
Giacconi, R.
AA(Director General, ESO)
The evolution of ESO is briefly traced through its technical and managerial developments to today. Highlights of ESO activities in support of astronomical research by the member state community are given to emphasise the unique role of the Organisation in European astronomy, and the effectiveness with which it has carried out its mission, including the development of VLT/VLTI.

Telescopes and Instrumentation

9-13 (PDF)
A. Moorwood, J.-G. Cuby et al.
SOFI sees first light at the NTT.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Moorwood, A.; Cuby, J.-G.; Lidman, C.
SOFI, ESO's new 1 - 2.5 μm infrared imager/spectrometer, was installed at the NTT on La Silla in early December 1997 and saw first light as planned on the 6th. The acronym stands for Son OF ISAAC, the larger and more complex infrared instrument being built by ESO for the VLT. In addition to significantly enhancing the infrared observing capabilities on La Silla, SOFI has also provided valuable experience within the 'VLT environment' now existing at the upgraded NTT telescope.
14-15 (PDF)
S. D'Odorico
The new direct CCD imaging camera at the NTT.

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
D'Odorico, S.
SUSI2 gets the first FIERA CCD controller and a mosaic of two 2k×4k, 15 μm pixel, thinned, anti-reflection coated EEV chips.
16-17 (PDF)
J.-G. Cuby, R. Gilmozzi
VIMOS and NIRMOS: Status Report

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Cuby, J.-G.; Gilmozzi, R.
At its meeting in Milan in October 1996, the STC recommended the procurement of 2 instruments for imaging and massive multi-object spectroscopy, VIMOS and NIRMOS, as conceptually designed by the VIRMOS consortium. The STC further recommended that ESO reduce the overall development time to ensure that these new instruments are competitive, with respect to e.g. DEIMOS on the Keck telescope and GMOS on the Gemini Telescope.
17-21 (PDF)
P. O. Lagage, Y. Rio et al.
VISIR at PDR (Preliminary Design Review).

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Lagage, P. O.; Rio, Y.; Pel, J.-W.; Tolsma, H.
AA(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/Service d’Astrophysique, CE Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) AB(CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/Service d’Astrophysique, CE Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France) AC(NFRA, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands) AD(NFRA, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands)
VISIR is the VLT Imager and Spectrometer for the mid InfraRed. A summary of the results of the preliminary design studies is given.
[1] P.O. Lagage et al., 1995, The Messenger,
80, p. 13.
[2] H.U. Käufl, 1997, The Messenger, 88, p. 8.
[3] P.O. Lagage and E. Pantin, 1994, The
Messenger, 75, p. 24.
[4] D. Silva and P. Quinn, 1997, The Messenger,
90, p. 12.
[5] M. Meyer et al., 1996, The Messenger, 86,
p. 14.
[6] A. Moorwood et al., 1992, The Messenger,
72, p. 10.
21-23 (PDF)
G. Mathys
News from the NTT

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Mathys, G.
The relatively quiet situation that had prevailed at the NTT since the return into operations (see the News from the NTT of The Messenger No. 90) has come to an abrupt end beginning of December. Since then, the NTT has been the scene of a quick succession of events, which will be reported below in chronological order of occurrence.
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R. Gredel, C. Lidman
The La Silla News Page

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Gredel, R.; Lidman, C.
The editors of the La SillaNews Page would like to welcome readers of the nineth edition of a page devoted to reporting on technical updates and observational achievements at La Silla. We would like this page to inform the astronomical community of changes made to telescopes, instruments, operations, and of instrumental performances that cannot be reported conveniently elsewhere. Contributions and inquiries to this page from the community are most welcome.
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S. Guisard
Image Quality of the 3.6-m Telescope (Part VIII) New Seeing Record of 0.47"

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Guisard, S.
The bad behaviour of the lateral pneumatic support of the main mirror (M1) has already been put forward several times to explain the bad image quality of the telescope at large zenith distance. In order to check this assumption, several adjustments were done on the primary mirror support during the technical time last December. We decided to start by recentring the mirror axis on the rotator axis. This was done successfully and we found that the old position of the mirror was about 2 mm away from the rotator axis position. All the lateral pads supports were modified, and it is now possible to adjust them radially to match the new mirror position.
24-25 (PDF)
R. Gredel, P. Leisy
EFOSC2 and VLT Autoguider Commissioned at the 3.6-m Telescope

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Gredel, R.; Leisy, P.
During three weeks of technical time in December 1997, EFOSC2 and the VLT autoguider were commissioned at the 3.6-m telescope. EFOSC2 is no longer offered at the 2.2-m telescope and replaces EFOSC1 on a permanent basis.
25-25 (PDF)
Signing of Contract for the Delivery of the Delay Line of the VLTI

ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
At a ceremony in Leiden, the Netherlands, on March 12, a contract was signed between Fokker Space B.V. and ESO for the delivery of the Delay Line of the VLTI.

The Large Southern Array

26-28 (PDF)
P. A. Shaver, R. S. Booth
The Large Southern Array.

ADS BibCode:
The Large Southern Array
Shaver, P. A.; Booth, R. S.
AA(1European Southern Observatory) AB(Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden)
There is great interest around the world in the possibility of a large millimetre and submillimetre wavelength array in the southern hemisphere. For Europe such a facility will be of particular importance because of the strong synergy with the VLT.

SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers

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L.-Å. Nyman, A. Tieftrunk
SEST Upgrades

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Nyman, L.-Å.; Tieftrunk, A.
The Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) has been in operation successfully for close to 10 years, the first scheduled observations having taken place in April 1988. It has served not only the Swedish-ESO community, but 10% of the Swedish observing time has been used by Finnish astronomers and, recently, Australia has signed an agreement with Sweden, also for 10% of Swedish observing time. The SEST receivers have been upgraded on a regular basis during the past decade, but the original control system is still in place. However, during the past couple of years an in-house project to replace this control system as well as the old computers has been in progress, while continuing normal observations. The project is being carried out by the SEST engineers with assistance from the staff at Onsala Space Observatory and will be completed during 1998. This article will describe the present instrumentation, the new control system and give a brief overview of the plans for the SEST during the coming years.
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F. Combes, T. Wiklind
Molecular lines in absorption at high redshift.

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Combes, F.; Wiklind, T.
AA(Observatoire de Paris, DEMIRM, Paris, France) AB(Onsala Space Observatory, Onsala, Sweden)
Molecular absorption lines at high redshift (0.2 to 1) were discovered a few years ago, and they revealed a very precious tool for many purposes. The excitation temperatures of molecules are often close to that of the cosmic background radiation, and can serve to measure it as a function of redshift.
Carilli, C.L., Perlman E.S., Stocke J.T. 1992,
ApJ 400, L13.
Carilli, C.L., Rupen, M.P., Yanny, B. 1993,
ApJ 412, L59.
Carilli, C.L., Menten K.M., Reid M.J., Rupen,
M.P., Yun M.S.: 1998, ApJ, in press.
Cernicharo, J., et al. 1997, A&A 323, L25.
Combes, F., Wiklind T. 1995, A&A 303, L61.
Combes F., Wiklind T., 1996, in Cold Gas at
High Redshift, eds. M.N. Bremer, P. van
der Werf, H.J.A. Röttgering, C.L. Carilli,
Kluwer Academic Pub., p. 215.
Combes, F., Wiklind T. 1997, ApJ 486, L59.
Combes F., Wiklind T., Nakai N.: 1997, A&A
327, L17.
Cowie L.L., Songaila A.: 1995, ApJ 453, 596.
Damour T., Dyson F.: 1997, Nucl. Phys. B. in
press (hep-ph/9606486).
Drinkwater M.J., Webb J.K., Barrow J.D.,
Flambaun V.V.: 1997, in “Structure and Evolution
of the IGM from QSO Absorption
Line Systems” IAP, Paris, ed. P. Petitjean &
S. Charlot, in press.
Greaves J.S., Nyman L.-Å., 1996, A&A 305,
Lucas R., Liszt H., 1996, A&A 307, 237.
Menten K.M., Reld M.J.: 1996, ApJ 465, L99.
Potekhin A.Y., Varshalovich D.A.: 1994,
A&AS 104, 89.
Subrahmanyan R., Narasimba D., Rao A.P.,
Swarup G.: 1990, MNRAS 246, 263.
Varshalovich D.A., Panchuk V.E., Ivanchik
A.V.: 1996, Astron. Lett. 22, 6.
Wiklind, T., Combes, F. 1994, A&A 286, L9.
Wiklind, T., Combes, F. 1995, A&A 299, 382.
Wiklind, T., Combes, F. 1996a, Nature, 379,
139 – 1996b, A&A 315, 86.
Wiklind, T., Combes, F. 1997a, A&A 324, 51 –
1997b, A&A 328, 48.
35-37 (PDF)
P. Andreani
Using SEST to probe the geometry of the universe.

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Andreani, P.
AA(Dipartimento di Astronomia, Università di Padova, Italy)
Many very interesting results in the field of observational Cosmology have been obtained in the past with the 15-m Swedish ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) at La Silla (see the ESO/ STC-148 Report on Submillimetre Astronomy at ESO). The technical upgrades and improvements foreseen for SEST will undoubtedly boost projects in this field which, after a very successful start a few years ago, suffered a loss of competition with respect to other available sub-mm/mm facilities (i.e. IRAM, JCMT).
Andreani P., Dall’Oglio G., L. Martinis,
Böhringer H., Shaver P., Lemke R., Pizzo
L., Nyman L.-Å. Booth R., Whyborn N
1996a, in Proceedings of the XVIth Moriond
Astrophysics Meeting, Les Arcs,
France, March 1996a, eds. Bouchet F.R.,
Gispert R., Guiderdoni B., p. 371.
Andreani P. Pizzo L. Dall’Oglio G., Whyborn
N., Böhringer H. Shaver P., Lemke R.,
Otàrola A., Nyman L.-Å. Booth R. 1996b,
ApJ 459, L49
Andreani P., Böhringer H., Dall’Oglio G., Martinis
L., Shaver P., Lemke R., Nyman L.-Å.,
Booth R., Pizzo L., Whyborn N. Tanaka Y.,
Liang H., 1998, ApJ submitted.
Birkinshaw M., 1997, Physics Reports, in
Dall’Oglio et al., 1992, Exp. Astron. 2, 256.
Holzapfel, W.L., Ade, P.A.R., Church, S.E.,
Mauskopf, P.D., Rephaeli, Y., Wilbanks,
T.M. & Lange, A.E. 1997, ApJ 480, 449.
Pizzo L., Andreani P., Dall’Oglio G., Lemke
R., Otàrola A. and Whyborn N., 1995, Exp.
Astron. 6, 249.
Sunyaev R.A. and Zeldovich Ya B., 1972,
Comm. Astrophy. Space Phys., 4, 173.
37-40 (PDF)
R. Chini, E. Krügel
Cold dust in galaxies.

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Chini, R.; Krügel, E.
AA(Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) AB(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany)
The activity of galaxies reaches from the enhanced star-formation rate to the outburst of quasars. These different aspects of converting cold gas into luminosity can be well described by the ratio of infrared luminosity versus gas mass. The process of star formation is characterised by LIR/Mgas values of 5 [Lsun/Msun] in normal spirals and 100 in active Mkn galaxies while quasars attain values above 500 due to additional non-thermal processes. Moreover, the coldest dust component in extragalactic objects also seems to be correlated with the stage of activity. New ISOPHOT data between 60 and 200 μm and SEST data at 1300 μm corroborate these results for active galaxies but indicate the presence of very cold dust (≍10 K) in normal spirals. The implications on the total gas content of galaxies are discussed.
Chini R., Krügel E.: 1993, A&A 279, 385.
Chini R., Krügel E., Lemke, R., Ward-Thompson,
D.: 1995, A&A 295, 317.
Chini R., Krügel E.: 1996, The Messenger 82,
25 (Paper I).
Chini R., Krügel E.: 1996 New Extragalactic
Perspectives in the New South Africa.
Proceedings of the International Conference
on “Cold Dust and Galaxy Morphology”,
held in Johannesburg, South Africa, January
22–26, 1996, p. 329, D.L. Block and
J.M. Greenberg (eds.), Kluwer Academic
Publishers (1996).
Krügel E., Siebenmorgen R., Zota V., Chini
R.: 1998, A&A 331, L1.
41-44 (PDF)
J. Lequeux
Carbon monoxide in the Magellanic Clouds.

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Lequeux, J.
AA(Observatoire de Paris, France)
Thanks to the good angular resolution of the SEST, much progress has been done on the properties of molecular gas in the Magellanic Clouds, and this is outlined in the paper. A substantial fraction of the Clouds has been mapped in the CO lines at a linear resolution of about 10 pc, sufficient to resolve the ordinary molecular clouds inside large gas complexes. Multi-line observations have allowed to explain why these clouds look different in CO than Galactic clouds.
Israel F.P., Johansson L.E.B., Lequeux J.,
Booth R.S., Nyman L.-Å., Crane P., Rubio
M., de Graauw Th., Kutner M.L., Gredel R.,
Boulanger F., Garay G., Westerlund B.,
1993, A&A 276, 25 (Paper I).
Johansson L.E.B., Greve A., Booth R.S.,
Boulanger F., Garay G., de Graauw Th., Israel
F.P., Kutner M.L., Lequeux J., Murphy
D.C., Nyman L.-Å., Rubio M., 1998, A&A,
in press (Paper VII).
Kutner M.L., Rubio M., Booth R.S., Boulanger
F., de Graauw Th., Garay G., Israel F.P.,
Johansson L.E.B., Lequeux J., Nyman
L.-Å., 1997, A&AS 122, 255 (Paper VI).
Lequeux J., Le Bourlot J., Pineau des Forêts
G., Roueff E., Boulanger F., Rubio M.,
1994, A&A 292, 371 (Paper IV).
Rubio M., Lequeux J., Boulanger F., Booth
R.S., Garay G., de Graauw Th., Israel F.P.,
Johansson L.E.B., Kutner M.L., Nyman
L.-Å., 1993a, A&A 271, 1 (Paper II).
Rubio M., Lequeux J., Boulanger F., 1993b,
A&A 271, 9 (Paper III).
Rubio M., Lequeux J., Boulanger F., Booth
R.S., Garay G., de Graauw Th., Israel F.P.,
Johansson L.E.B., Kutner M.L., Nyman
L.-Å., 1996, A&AS 118, 263 (Paper V).
45-48 (PDF)
C. Henkel, Y.-N. Chin et al.
Cool gas in southern galaxies.

ADS BibCode:
SEST Upgrades and Reports from SEST Observers
Henkel, C.; Chin, Y.-N.; Wielebinski, R.; Mauersberger, R.
AA(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany) AB(Radioastronomisches Institut der Universität Bonn, Germany) AC(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany) AD(Steward Observatory, Tucson, USA)
The Magellanic Clouds provide an extremely interesting environment to study astrophysical processes. With respect to the molecular interstellar medium, there are three outstanding properties which motivate ongoing research: (1) Metallicities are smaller than in the Milky Way, (2) UV radiation fields are stronger than in the solar neighbourhood, and (3) a large number of targets is found at a well-known (relatively small) distance. The first two properties have far-reaching consequences for the astrophysical and astrochemical state of the interstellar medium.
Baan W.A., Bragg A.E., Henkel C., Wilson
T.L., 1997, ApJ 491, 134.
Bergman P., Aalto, S., Black J.H., Rydbeck
G., 1992, A&A 265, 403.
Chin Y.-N., Henkel C., Millar T.M., Whiteoak
J.B., Marx-Zimmer M., 1998, A&A 330,
Chin Y.-N., Henkel C., Millar T.M., Whiteoak
J.B., Mauersberger R., 1996, A&A 309,
Heikkilä A., Johansson L.E.B., Olofsson H.,
1998, A&A, in press.
Henkel C., Whiteoak J.B., Mauersberger R.,
1994, A&A 284, 17.
Houghton S., Whiteoak J.B., Koribalski B.,
Booth R., Wiklind T., Wielebinski R., 1997,
A&A 325, 923.
Lequeux J., Le Bourlot J., Pineau de Forêts
G., Roueff E., Boulanger F., Rubio M.,
1994, A&A 292, 371.
Mauersberger R., Henkel C., Whiteoak J.B.,
Chin Y.-N., Tieftrunk A.R., 1996a, A&A 309,
Mauersberger R., Henkel C., Wielebinski R.,
Wiklind T., Reuter H.-P., 1996b, A&A 305,

Science with the VLT/VLTI

49-54 (PDF)
L. Da Costa, E. Bertin et al.
The ESO Imaging Survey: status report and preliminary results.

ADS BibCode:
Science with the VLT/VLTI
Da Costa, L.; Bertin, E.; Deul, E.; Erben, T.; Freudling, W.; Guarnieri, M. D.; Hook, I.; Hook, R.; Mendez, R.; Nonino, M.; Olsen, L.; Prandoni, I.; Renzini, A.; Savaglio, S.; Scodeggio, M.; Silva, D.; Slijkhuis, R.; Wicenec, A.; Wichmann, R.; Benoist, C.
AA(European Southern Observatory) AB(European Southern Observatory & Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands & Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France) AC(European Southern Observatory & Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands) AD(European Southern Observatory & Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching b. München, Germany) AE(Space Telescope – European Co-ordinating Facility, Garching b. München, Germany) AF(European Southern Observatory & Osservatorio Astronomico di Pino Torinese, Torino, Italy) AG(European Southern Observatory) AH(Space Telescope – European Co-ordinating Facility, Garching b. München, Germany) AI(European Southern Observatory & Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile) AJ(European Southern Observatory & Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy) AK(European Southern Observatory & Astronomisk Observatorium, Copenhagen, Denmark) AL(European Southern Observatory & Istituto di Radioastronomia del CNR, Bologna, Italy) AM(European Southern Observatory) AN(European Southern Observatory) AO(European Southern Observatory) AP(European Southern Observatory) AQ(European Southern Observatory & Leiden Observatory, Leiden, The Netherlands) AR(European Southern Observatory) AS(European Southern Observatory & Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl, Heidelberg, Germany) AT(European Southern Observatory & DAEC, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France)
The ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) is a concerted effort by ESO and the Member State community to provide targets for the first year of operation of the VLT.
1. Bertin, E. & Arnouts, S., 1996, A&A Supplement,
117, 393.
2. da Costa, L., 1997, The Messenger, 88, 34.
3. Epchtein, N. et al., 1997, The Messenger,
87, 27.
4. Fruchter, A.S. & Hook, R.N., 1997, to appear
in Applications of Digital Image
Processing XX, ed. A. Tescher, Proc.
S.P.I.E. vol. 3164, in press.
5. Hook, R.N. & Fruchter, A.S., in ASP Conference
Series, Vol. 125, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems VI,
ed. G. Hunt and H.E. Payne (San Francisco:
ASP), 147.
6. Postman, M., Lubin, L.M., Gunn. J.E., Oke,
J.B., Hoessel, J.G., Schneider, D.P. &
Christensen, J.A., 1996, AJ, 111, 615.
7. Renzini, A. & da Costa, L., 1997, The Messenger,
87, 23.
54-57 (PDF)
A. Rensin
Après EIS

ADS BibCode:
Science with the VLT/VLTI
Rensin, A.
AA(VLT Programme Scientist, ESO)
1999 will be the first year of the VLT scientific operations, yet this will not be the only novelty brought by the new year. In 1999 the flow of scientific data from the old La Silla Observatory will be several times higher than in 1998. Indeed, with the full dedication of the ESO/MPIA 2.2-m telescope to wide-field imaging, the ESO community will have for the first time an efficient survey instrument: the 8k ´ 8k camera covering a 0.54° ´ 0.54° field of view. In the meantime, the construction is about to start of a new 2.5-m telescope to be placed on Paranal by 2001, which will have a four times bigger field of view (and data flow rate). This sudden expansion of ESO widefield imaging and survey capabilities requires a major effort by both ESO and its community, in order to take full advantage of these new facilities that are primarily designed to support and foster the science to be done with the VLT.


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ESO Studentship Programme

ADS BibCode:
The European Southern Observatory research student programme aims at providing the opportunities and the facilities to enhance the post-graduate programmes of ESO member-state universities by bringing young scientists into close contact with the instruments, activities, and people at one of the world’s foremost observatories.
58-58 (PDF)
Second Announcement - ESO/ST-ECF Workshop on NICMOS and the VLT: A New Era of High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy - May 26–27, 1998 - Hotel Baia di Nora, Pula, Sardinia, Italy

ADS BibCode:
ST-ECF and ESO are organising in collaboration with the NICMOS IDT and STScI a workshop on near infrared imaging from space and ground. The purpose of the workshop is to review what has been achieved with the Near Infrared and Multi Object Spectrograph (NICMOS) on board of HST, what can be achieved in the remaining lifetime of the instrument, and how NICMOS observations can be optimised taking into account the availability of IR imaging and spectroscopy on ESO’s Very large Telescope (VLT) in the near future. The meeting will be held in May 1998, about one year after science observations started with NICMOS, and about half a year before the Infrared Spectrometer and Array Camera (ISAAC) starts to operate on the VLT. Currently, it is expected that NICMOS will operate until the end of 1998.
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List of ESO Scientific Preprints (December 1997 – February 1998)

ADS BibCode:
1255. F. Comerón, J. Torra. A.E. Gómez: Kinematic Signatures of Violent Formation of Galactic OB Associations from Hipparkos Measurements. A&A.
59-59 (PDF)
The 34th Liège International Astrophysics Colloquium - The Next-Generation Space Telescope – Science Drivers and Technological Challenges Liège, Belgium, 15–18 June 1998

ADS BibCode:
Following the recommendation of the “HST and beyond” Report, NASA is investing a considerable effort in the definition of a large aperture (8 meter class) near IR space telescope (known as the Next Generation Space Telescope) to study the Universe at high redshift (5 < z < 30) and in particular the formation and evolution of galaxies at that early epoch. ESA has recently decided to join NASA in these preliminary studies in view of a possible future collaboration in the construction and operation of such an important astronomical facility. ESO is also supporting a European participation in NGST because of the scientific complementarity between VLT and NGST observing programmes.
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Personnel Movements

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