Messenger No. 92 (June 1998)
1-1 (PDF)
First Light
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First light of the VLT Unit Telescope 1.
ADS BibCode:
Giacconi, R.
AA(Director General of ESO)
The VLT represents a major new step forward for world astronomy. The new concept of active control of a thin monolithic large mirror, embodied in the design, yields, even at this early stage, an angular resolution among the finest ever achieved in optical and infrared wavelengths from the ground. The full realisation of the VLT array (which will include four 8.2-metre and three 1.8-metre telescopes) will result in a combination of area and angular resolution which will permit us to achieve sensitivity comparable or superior to any on Earth. When the array is used in the interferometric mode, it will result in angular resolution superior to that yet achieved in space.
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The Final Steps Before “First Light”
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VLT First Light and the Public
ADS BibCode:
West, R.M.
On the unique occasion of the “First Light” of VLT Unit Telescope 1 (UT1), ESO went to great lengths to satisfy the desire by the media and the public to learn more about Europe’s new giant telescope. Already three months earlier, preparations were made to have related photos, texts and videos available before the event and to involve the astronomical communities in the member countries in the presentation of the First Light results.
Observing with the VLT
5-8 (PDF)
Science verification of the VLT Unit Telescope 1.
ADS BibCode:
Observing with the VLT
Leibundgut, B.; de Marchi, G.; Renzini, A.
The VLT first Unit Telescope (UT1) is now being commissioned, and ESO is committed to deliver to its community a fully tested and understood telescope by April 1, 1999. To this end, brief periods of Science Verification (SV) are now planned for the telescope and each of its instruments. Feedback from early users is expected to be an integral part of SV, with the understanding that the system is subject to the best possible check when one tries to squeeze as much science as possible out of it. It is expected that this feedback will help to improve and tune the systems before telescope and instruments are offered to the community.
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Scientific Evaluation of VLT-UT1 Proposals
ADS BibCode:
Observing with the VLT
9-10 (PDF)
First VLT Call for Proposals
ADS BibCode:
Observing with the VLT
Quinn, P.; Breysacher, J.; Silva, D.
On 1 August 1998, ESO will release the Period 63 call for proposals for all ESO telescopes. For the first time this will include the 8.2-m Unit Telescope 1 of the VLT. The deadline for proposals will be 1 October 1998 for all telescopes which represents an increase of one month in the preparation period from previous rounds. The OPC will meet in the first week of December 1998 for both UT1 and La Silla telescopes (see the box “Scientific Evaluation of VLT-UT1 Proposals” in this issue). Period 63 operations will commence on 1 April 1999. Proposals for Period 64 will be called for on 1 February 1999 and close 1 April 1999.
Telescopes and Instrumentation
11-14 (PDF)
AMBER, the near-infrared/red VLTI focal instrument.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Petrov, R. G.; Malbet, F.; Richichi, A.; Hofmann, K.-H.
AA(Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis, and Département Fresnel, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, France (OCA)) AB(Laboratoire d’Astrophysique, Observatoire de Grenoble, France (LAOG)) AC(Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy (OAA)) AD(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Germany (MPlfR))
The near-infrared/red focal instrument of the VLTI, called AMBER, will operate between 1 and 2.5 μm in a first phase (2001 - 2003) with two UTs. This instrument has been designed for three beams to be able to perform images through phase closure techniques. The wavelength coverage will be extended in a second phase down to 0.6 μm at the time the ATs become operational. The magnitude limit of AMBER is expected to reach K = 20 when a bright reference star is available and K = 14 otherwise. The main scientific objectives are the investigation at very high angular resolution of disks and jets around young stellar objects and AGN dust tori with a spectral resolution up to 10,000.
[1] Coudé du Foresto V., Ridgway S. 1991,
FLUOR: a Stellar Interferometer Using
Single-Mode Infrared Fibers. In: Beckers J.,
Merkle F. (eds.) Proc. ESO Conf., Highresolution
imaging by interferometry II.
ESO, Garching, 731.
[2] Coudé du Foresto V., Perrin G., Mariotti
J.-M., Lacasse M., Traub W. 1996, The
FLUOR/IOTA Fiber Stellar Interferometer.
In: Kern P., Malbet F. (eds) Proc.
AstroFib’96, Integrated Optics for Astronomical
Interferometry. Bastianelli-Guirimand,
Grenoble, p. 115.
[3] Coudé du Foresto V. 1996, Fringe Benefits:
the Spatial Filtering Advantages of Single-
Proc. AstroFib’96, Integrated Optics for
Astronomical Interferometry. Bastianelli-
Guirimand, Grenoble, p. 27.
[4] Malbet F., Coudé du Foresto V., Mékarnia
D., Petrov R., Reynaud F., Tallon M. 1997a,
Étude préliminaire de l’instrument procheinfrarouge
/ rouge du VLTI et de GI2T,
available on the AMBER Web (AMBREP-
[5] Malbet F., Perrin G., Petrov R., Richichi A.,
Schöller M. 1997b, AMBER Report 2 – The
imaging and spectroscopic VLTl focal instrument,
available on the AMBER Web
[6] Mourard D., Tallon-Bosc I., Blazit A.,
Bonneau D., Merlin G., Morand F., Vakili
F., Labeyrie A. 1994, A&AS 283, 705.
[7] Petrov R., Malbet F., Antonelli P., Feautrier
Ph., Gennari S., Kern P., Lisi F., Monin J.-L.,
Mouillet D., Puget P., Richichi A., Rousset
G. 1998, AMBER, The near infrared / red
VLTI focal instrument, Report for the Steering
Committee meeting, 30 January 1998.
Available on the AMBER Web (AMBREP-
[8] Rabbia Y., Ménardi S., Reynaud F., Delage
L. 1996, The ESO-VLTI Fringe Sensor. In:
Kern P., Malbet F. (eds) Proc. AstroFib’96,
Integrated Optics for Astronomical Interferometry.
Bastianelli-Guirimand, Grenoble, p.
14-15 (PDF)
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Mathys, G.
The NTT Upgrade Project has come to an end at the end of March. Over the past 4 years, the readers of this column have been able to follow the progress of this project through its three distinct phases: the stabilisation of the operations of the NTT, the installation at the NTT of the VLT control system, and the use of this refurbished facility for scientific observations within the framework of the VLT operational model (see The Messenger Nos. 75 to 91). The upgrade project has fulfilled its objectives of strengthening the NTT as a world leading 4-metre-class telescope and of using it as a testbench for the technical and operational concepts and solutions adopted for the VLT, prior to the entry of its first unit telescope into operations. With consideration for the latter objective, the NTT Upgrade Project has been conducted under the overall responsibility of the ESO VLT Division (but with important resources of other divisions, in particular the La Silla Division). Now that the project is completed, quite naturally, NTT operation has come back since the beginning of Period 61 under the responsibility of the La Silla Division, like all the other ESO telescopes on La Silla.
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Tuning of the NTT alignment.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Gitton, P.; Noethe, L.
Since the end of the NTT upgrade project it has been known that the alignment of the secondary mirror (M2) was only marginally within specification. When the atmospheric seeing was greater than one arcsecond, the misalignment had no noticeable effect on the image quality. But, under better seeing conditions, it was a limiting factor for the image quality. Therefore, it was decided to tune the position of the M2 unit. The NTT wave front sensors are used, which are part of the Active Optics system, in a novel way to measure the required realignment of M2.
[1] Collimation of Fast Wide-Field Telescopes,
McLeod, B.A., 1996, PASP 108, 217–219.
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The La Silla News Page
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Gredel, R.; Lidman, C.
The La Silla News Page
18-18 (PDF)
CES Very Long Camera Installed
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Kürster, M.
AA(ESO, Chile)
After a general overhaul of the Coudé Echelle Spectrometer (CES), its new Very Long Camera was successfully installed between April 9 and 20. It consists of a new f/12.5 camera mirror that was mounted in the frame of the old scanner mirror and an x-y table on new pillars which hold a new 45° folding mirror and the CCD mount. The new Very Long Camera was jointly built by Uppsala Astronomical Observatory (optics) and the University of Liège (mechanics). It replaces the previous Long Camera (f/4.7) which was decommissioned.
18-19 (PDF)
Improving image quality at the Danish 1.54-m telescope.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Brewer, J.; Andersen, J.
AA(ESO, La Silla) AB(Copenhagen University Observatory, Denmark)
The image quality achieved at a telescope depends on many factors, not the least of which is the thermal environment of the dome, telescope, and mirror. During the daytime, the dome, telescope and mirror heat up; at night this heat is released, causing air turbulence which degrades the seeing by causing the starlight to be diffracted along different paths. As part of the seeing improvement campaign at the major La Silla telescopes, it has been decided to address these problems also at the Danish 1.54-m telescope, which was once known for its excellent images (e.g. The Messenger No. 17, p. 14, 1979).
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The NTT service observing programme: period 60. Summary and lessons learned.
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Silva, D.
AA((, Data Management and Operations Division)
This is the second in a regular series of articles about VLT Data Flow Operations (DFO). In this article, the NTT service observing programme, a VLT DFO prototype, is discussed.
D’Odorico, S. 1997, The Messenger, 90, 1.
Lennon, D.J., Mao, S., Reetz, J., Gehren, T.,
Yan, L., and Renzini, A. 1997, The Messenger,
90, 30.
Quinn, P. 1997, The Messenger, 84, 30.
Silva, D. and Quinn, P. 1997, The Messenger,
90, 12.
25-25 (PDF)
SOFI Infrared Images of the ‘NTT Deep Field’
ADS BibCode:
Telescopes and Instrumentation
Moorwood, A.
SOFI Infrared Images of the ‘NTT Deep Field’
Observations with the Upgraded NTT
26-27 (PDF)
Upgraded NTT provides insights into the cosmic big bang.
ADS BibCode:
Observations with the Upgraded NTT
Bonifacio, P.; Molaro, P.
AA(Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy) AB(Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy)
The EMMI spectrograph with the upgraded NTT has been used to detect for the first time the Li I subordinate doublet at λλ6104Å in the prototype population II star HD 140283. The Li abundance from this line is consistent with that previously obtained from the widely used resonance line, thus giving confidence in the use of Li in the framework of standard nucleosynthesis.
Bonifacio P. & Molaro P., 1997, MNRAS, 285,
Bonifacio P. & Molaro P., 1998, ApJL, in press.
Burles S., & Tytler D., 1998, in Primordial Nuclei
and their Galactic Evolution. ISSI workshop,
Kluwer, Dordrecht, preprint astroph/
D’Odorico S. & Fontana A., 1994, The Messenger,
76, 16.
Hartigan P., Hartmann, L., Kenyon S., Hewett,
R. & Stauffer J., 1989 ApJS, 70, 899.
Izotov Y., I., Thuan T., X., Lipovetsky: 1997,
ApJS 108, 1.
Kurucz, R.L., 1995, ApJ, 452, 102.
Matteucci F., D’Antona F., and Timmes, F. X.
1995 A&A 303, 460.
Minniti D., Vandehei T., Cook K. H., Griest K.,
& Alcock C., 1997, submitted to ApJ,
Molaro P., 1997, in D. Valls-Gabaud, M.A.
Hendry, P. Molaro, and K. Chamcham, eds.,
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 126, 1997, p.
Molaro P., Bonifacio P., & Pasquini L., 1997,
MNRAS, 292, L1.
Pagel B.E.J., Simonson E. A., Terlevich R., J
& Edmunds M. G. 1992, MNRAS, 255, 325.
Pinsonneault M.H., Deliyannis C.P., & Demarque
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Spite, F. & Spite, M., 1982, A&A 115, 357.
Vauclair S., & Charbonnel C., 1995, A&A, 295,
Wagoner R.A., Fowler A., & Hoyle F., 1967,
ApJ, 148, 3.
Wallerstein G., & Sneden C., 1982, ApJ 255,
Webb J.K., Carswell R.F., Lanzetta K.M., Ferlet
R., Lemoine M., Vidal-Madjar A., & Bowen
D. V., 1997, Nat, 388, 250.
27-28 (PDF)
Ground-based detection of the isolated neutron star RXJ185635-3754 at V = 25.7 mag with the upgraded NTT.
ADS BibCode:
Observations with the Upgraded NTT
Neuhäuser, R.; Thomas, H.-C.; Walter, F. M.
AA(MPI Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, AB(MPI Astrophysik, Garching, Germany) AC(Department of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY, Stony Brook, USA)
The authors report the first ground-based detection of the isolated, non-pulsating neutron star RXJ185635-3754 at V = 25.7 mag, obtained with the upgraded NTT in August 1997. This object has been detected first as ROSAT source and was subsequently identified as neutron star with the HST. It is located foreground to a dark cloud, i.e. at a distance of less than 130 pc.
Neuhäuser R., Thomas H.-C., Danner R.,
Peschke S., Walter F.M., 1997, Astron. &
Astrophys., 318, L43–L46.
Walter F.M., Wolk S.J., Neuhäuser R., 1996,
Nature, 379, 233–235.
Walter F.M. & Matthews L.D., 1997, Nature,
389, 358.
29-32 (PDF)
RX J0911.4+0551: a complex quadruply imaged gravitationally lensed QSO
ADS BibCode:
Observations with the Upgraded NTT
Burud, I.; Courbin, F.; Lidman, C.; Meylan, G.; Magain, P.; Jaunsen, A. O.; Hjorth, J.; Østensen, R.; Andersen, M. I.; Clasen, J. W.; Stabell, R.; Refsdal, S.
AA(Institut d’Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium) AB(Institut d’Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium und URA 173 CNRS-DAEC, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France) AC(European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile;) AD(European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany) AE(Institut d’Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium and Maître de Recherches au Fonds National Belge de la Recherche Scientifique) AF(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway and Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, Norway ;) AG(Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, Norway ; NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark) AH(Institut d’Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Belgium;Department of Physics, University of Tromsø, Norway) AI(Nordic Optical Telescope, St. Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) AJ(Nordic Optical Telescope, St. Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) AK(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway ; Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, Norway ;) AL(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway; Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, Norway;)
The authors present their first observations of RX J0911.4+0551 at the 2.2-m ESO/MPI IRAC 2b in K-band which made them suspect that the QSO might be quadruple. This was confirmed on the optical data from the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope, and on the NTT/SOFI data of the object. Careful deconvolution of the data allows to clearly resolve the object into four QSO components and a lensing galaxy.
Aragón-Salamanca, A., Baugh, C.M.,
Kauffmann, G., 1998, preprint astro-ph/
Bade, N., Fink, H.H., Engels, D., etal., 1995,
A&AS, 110, 469.
Bade, N., Siebert, J., Lopez, S., etal., 1997,
A&A, 317, L13.
Bertin, E., Arnouts, S., 1996, A&AS, 117, 393.
Courbin, F., Lidman, C., Magain, P., 1998a,
A&A, 330, 57.
Courbin, F., Lidman, C., Frye, B., 1998b, ApJL,
in press (astro-ph/9802156).
Hagen, H.-J., Groote, D., Engels, D., Reimers,
D., 1995, A&AS, 111, 195.
Kodama, T., Arimoto, N., Barger, A.J., et al.,
1998, preprint astro-ph/9802245.
Koo, D.C., Vogt, N.P., Phillips, A.C., et al.,
1996, ApJ, 469, 535.
Magain, P., Courbin, F., Sohy, S., 1998, ApJ,
494, 452.
Magain, P., Courbin, F., Sohy, S., 1997, The
Messenger, 88, 28.
Moorwood, A., Cuby, J.G., Lidman, C., 1998,
The Messenger, 91, 9.
Moustakas, L.A., Davis, M., Graham, J.R., et
al., 1997, ApJ, 475, 445.
Remy, M., Claeskens, J.F., Surdej, S., et al.,
1998, New Astronomy, in press.
Other Reports from Observers
33-37 (PDF)
Astrometry of Comet 46P/Wirtanen at ESO: Preparation for ESA's ROSETTA Mission
ADS BibCode:
Other Reports from Observers
Sanner, J.; Geffert, M.; Boehnhardt, H.; Fiedler, A.
AA(Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn), AB(Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn), AC(ESO, Santiago de Chile), AD(Universitaetssternwarte Muenchen)
Comets play an important role in the studies of the solar system and its origin, because they are believed to contain matter in a primordial form. After the success of the GIOTTO flyby at comet 1P/Halley in 1986, ESA plans to send a second spacecraft named “ROSETTA” to another comet, 46P/Wirtanen, for a more thorough investigation of a cometary nucleus and its physico-chemical nature. After its launch in 2003 and two asteroid flybys during the cruise phase to the prime target, ROSETTA will rendez-vous with 46P/Wirtanen in 2011 and will orbit the comet in a distance of 10 to 50 km until at least its subsequent perihelion passage in 2013. During this orbiting phase it will perform in situ experiments of the coma, remote sensing of the nucleus and, most important, it will also place a lander called “RoLand” with several scientific experiments on the nucleus of the comet. The main scientific objectives of the mission are (see also [16]): global characterisation of the nucleus and its dynamic properties, chemical composition, physical properties and interrelation of volatiles and refractories in the nucleus.
[1] Böhnhardt H., West R.M., Babion J.,
Rauer H., Mottola S., Nathues A., 1996,
IAUC 6392, 3.
[2] Böhnhardt H., Babion J., West R.M.,
1997, A&A 320, 642.
[3] Böhnhardt H., Fiedler A., Geffert M.,
Sanner J., 1997, The ROSETTA/ISO Target
Comets Imaging Campaign, Final Report
of an ESA Study Project.
[4] Geffert M., Reif K., Domgörgen H., Braun
J.M., 1994, AG Abstr. Ser. 10, 125.
[5] Lamy P., 1996, IAUC 6478.
[6] Lasker, B.M., Jenkner, H., Russell, J.L.,
1987, The guide star catalog, Space Telescope
Science Institute.
[7] Marsden B.G., 1996, The Minor Planet
Circulars 27080, eds. B. Marsden, G.V.
Williams, S. Nakano.
[8] Morley T., 1997, private communication.
[9] Postman M., 1996, Technical Report,
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore.
[10] Röser S., Bastian U., 1991, PPM Star
Catalogue North, Akademischer Verlag.
[11] Röser S., Bastian U., 1993, PPM Star
Catalogue South, Akademischer Verlag.
[12] Sanner J., Hainaut O.R., Böhnhardt H.,
Rauer H., West R.M., Jorda L., Schwehm
G., Thomas N., Schulz R., Tozzi G.-P.,
Cremonese G., Rembor K., 1997, The Minor
Planet Circulars 30125, eds. B.
Marsden, G.V. Williams, S. Nakano; also
available on-line at http://www.astro.unibonn.
[16] http:/
37-39 (PDF)
NTT archives: the Lyman α profile of the radio galaxy 1243+036 revisited.
ADS BibCode:
Other Reports from Observers
Binette, L.; Joguet, B.; Wang, J. C. L.; Magris C., G.
AA(Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, México, DF, México) AB(European Southern Observatory, Santiago, Chile) AC(Astronomy Department, University of Maryland, USA) AD(Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía, Mérida, Venezuela)
All observations of very high redshift radio galaxies attest to a highly complex interaction between large-scale astrophysical processes as violent and diverse as that of nuclear activity and of cosmogonic star formation. Lya is seen in emission over scales exceeding galactic sizes and its resonant nature leads by itself to a wide range of phenomena such as absorption lines due to intervening H I gas layers of very small columns, or enhanced dust extinction due to the manifold increase in path length traversed before escape. The resonant nature of Ly alpha can also manifest itself in emission through the process of Fermi acceleration across a shock discontinuity which leads to a large blueshift of the line photons. We propose that such a process is at work in the radio galaxy 1243+036 (z = 3.6) and can account for the three narrow emission peaks present on the blue side of the profile. The ultimate source of the photons present in those peaks likely consists of a jet-induced starburst of >= 5 10^7 M0 situated at the position of the radio jet bend. Our investigations illustrate one possible use of the user friendly archival database developed by ESO.
Binette, L., Joguet, B., Wang, J.C.L., 1998, ApJ
in press.
Bruzual A., G. and Charlot, S., 1996, in A Data
Base for Galaxy Evolution Modeling, eds.
C. Leitherer et al., PASP, 108, 996.
Neufeld, D.A., McKee, C.F., 1988, ApJ 331,
Rees, M.J., 1989, MNRAS 239, 1P.
van Ojik, R., Röttgering, H.J.A., Carilli, C.L.,
Miley, G.K., Bremer, M.N., Macchetto, F.,
1996, A&A 313, 25.
van Ojik, R., Röttgering, H.J.A., Miley, G.K.,
Hunstead, R. W., 1997, A&A 317, 358.
39-39 (PDF)
Photos from Science Writers’ Symposium
ADS BibCode:
Other Reports from Observers
40-40 (PDF)
Joint Committee Between ESO and the Government of Chile for the Development of Astronomy in Chile
ADS BibCode:
In accordance with Article Nine of the interpretative, supplementary and amending agreement to the “Convention between the Government of Chile and the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere for the Establishment of an Astronomical Observatory in Chile”, a Joint Committee has been constituted, on 13 March 1998, to co-operate directly in programmes for training young scientists, for engineers and technologists, and for equipment in general. The founding document was officially signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Mr. José Miguel Insulza S., and the ESO Director General, Prof. R. Giacconi.
40-41 (PDF)
ESO Imaging Survey: Update on EIS-deep and the Hubble Deep Field South
ADS BibCode:
da Costa,L.; Renzini,A.
The second part of EIS (deep), as originally recommended by the EIS Working Group, envisioned the observation of a 15 ´15 arcmin region centred on the HST Hubble Deep Field South (HDF-S), in six passbands (the EIS proposals for Periods 59, 60, and 61 can be found at http:/ / obs.html).
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ESO Fellowship Programme 1999
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First Announcement of an “ESO Conference on Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift”
ADS BibCode:
First Announcement of an “ESO Conference on Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift”
42-42 (PDF)
The Astronomical Almanac to Be Revised
42-43 (PDF)
List of Scientific Preprints
43-43 (PDF)
Preliminary Announcement of an “ESO Workshop on Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System”
43-44 (PDF)
Personnel Movements (1 April – 30 June 1998)
44-44 (PDF)