The IR night sky - Night sky emission lines

ISAAC R=10,000 night sky atlas

An atlas of night sky emssion lines at R=10000. The data are not flux calibrated. Also available in compressed postscript (gz) (434 kB) and from A & A, Volume 354, Issue 3, pp 1134-1150.

CRIRES R=100,000 night sky atlas (coming soon)

SINFONI flux calibrated spectra of the night sky

Raw and flux calibrated SINFONI (R=2000-4000) spectra of the night sky for the J, H and K atmospheric windows are available in the following table as FITS files. Note that diurnal and annual variations in the brightness of the night sky are significant. In partiuclar, the OH lines are strongest at the beginning of the night and reach a minimum a few hours before the end of the night. Other important considerations are the lunar fraction and the distance of the field from the moon, the external temperature (only important for the K band), the amount of precipitable water and the airmass.

For the raw data, the units are electrons/second/sq. arc second. For comparison, predictions from the SINFONI ETC are also available.

For the flux calibrated data, the units are ergs/second/Angstrom/cm^2/sq. arc second. The flux calibration is accurate to 20%.

You are free to use these data as you wish.


Atmospheric Window UT Time Raw counts /Flux calibrated Airmass Time after sunset Lunar Fraction and distance Transparency
J   ETC prediction 1.000      
J 2005-10-31T00:33 Raw / Calibrated 1.27 01:30 Down Photometric
J 2006-03-13T06:04 Raw / Calibrated 1.07 06:56 0.97 and 40 degrees Clear
H   ETC Prediction 1.000      
H 2005-04-02T23:59 Raw / Calibrated 1.29 01:13 Down Photometric
H 2005-04-03T06:31 Raw / Calibrated 1.03 07:45 0.36 and 80 degrees Photometric
K   ETC Prediction 1.000      
K 2005-08-11T00:53 Raw / Calibrated 1.15 02:23 0.30 and 80 degrees Clear
K 2006-04-04T07:13 Raw / Calibrated 1.09 08:17 0.36 and 80 degrees Photometric
K 2005-04-03T10:04 Raw / Cailbrated 1.19 28 min. into morning twilight 0.36 and 50 degrees Photometric