Messenger No. 70 (December 1992)
1-2 (PDF)
Jan Hendrik Oort (1900 - 1992) - looking ahead in wonder.
2-2 (PDF)
Announcement of "2nd Miniworkshop on Large CCDs"
3-5 (PDF)
The idea of the European Southern Observatory.
5-5 (PDF)
Developments in ESO/Chile
5-8 (PDF)
Relations with Chile
6-8 (PDF)
Paranal (October 1992)
8-8 (PDF)
Preparation of Paranal
8-9 (PDF)
ESO to Help Central and Eastern European Astronomers
9-9 (PDF)
Video from the ESO to Help Central and Eastern European Astronomers
9-9 (PDF)
The Editor: ESA Astronaut Claude Nicolier Visits ESO
10-13 (PDF)
ISAAC - infrared spectrometer and array camera for the VLT.
13-17 (PDF)
UVES, the UV-visual echelle spectrograph for the VLT.
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The choice of the telescope enclosures for the VLT.
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The VLT Enclosure from the User's Standpoint
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Something is going on in the ESO-libraries.
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Announcement of SEST Users Meeting
24-24 (PDF)
"Exploring the Universe" from the Desert Gate
25-25 (PDF)
Ic 1396.
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ESO in Milan
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Staff Movements
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Professor Lodewicjk Woltjer Elected to the French Academy of Sciences
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Two European Astronomy Encounters in 1993
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Distances to extragalactic RR Lyrae stars using IRAC2.
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The great annihilator in the central region of the Galaxy.
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Keeping an eye on the X-ray sky.
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New features of IRSPEC.
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TIMMI at the 3.6-m telescope.
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Barwig, H.; Mantel, K. H.
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Fire at the 1-m Telescope
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Astronomical data handling: windows of opportunity and of challenge.
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76-80 (PDF)
ESO computer networking.
80-80 (PDF)
Report on ALD-II, Astronomy from Large Databases II
ADS BibCode:
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Adaptive Optics on the 3.6-m Telescope: News
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Where is MIDAS available?
87-88 (PDF)
The End of the Earth?
88-88 (PDF)