ESO Proposal Anonymisation

Published: 25 Feb 2021
Call for Proposals

Period 108 marks the full deployment of the Dual-Anonymous Peer Review (DAPR) in the evaluation of proposals for observations at ESO telescopes. Applicants must formulate the scientific rationales of their proposals following the anonymisation rules and examples described in this link, which also gives a detailed description of the DAPR paradigm. While Period 106 was used as a dry run, both to make the community aware of the upcoming implementation of DAPR and to test its practical, procedural and policy aspects, from Period 108 proposal anonymisation is mandatory. Failure to abide by the DAPR rules may lead to disqualification of the proposal.

The fields Background and Expertise and Data Product Delivery Plan (in the case of Large Programmes) are the only fields of the proposal in which information on the proposing team can be disclosed. These fields – as well as the fields Investigators, Previous Usage and Applicants’ Publications – will not be included in the material distributed to the referees during the proposal review phase, and will only be accessible to them after the ranking phase is completed.